I. Class and composite material  Small – moderate cavities good level of oral hygiene, cooperative patients. Preparation Fissures are open, cavity is like a box with (rounded). No undercuts are prepared.The cavosurface margin is smooth. Making filling  After preparation acid etching is performed (phosphoric acid) – 20 – 30 s in enamel, 10 s in dentin  Washing as long as acid etching  Access of water is removed  Primer and bond – disperse with air  Light curing  Application of the material – layers  Light curing  Finishing – diampond bur (yellow), polishing – rubber rotary instrument. lenka.roubalikova@tiscali. cz 4 Minikavity Otevírání fissur lenka.roubalikova@tiscali. cz 5 Preparace na inlay  Inlay je rigidní výplň  Zhotovuje se mimo kavitu a do kavity se upevní cementem  Preparace je kavita s rozbíhavými stěnami  Preparujeme lehce asymetricky INLAYS Inlay  A rigid filling that is made out of oral cavity amd is luted into cavity using a cement Material  metal alloy (goolden alloy)  Composite  Ceramics Indication  Big destruction of hard dental tissues - It is not possible to make direct filling of amalgam or composite Contraindication High risk of dental caries Smal and shallow cavities Současný pohled na problematiku  Lité výplně Inlay Onlay Overlay Inlay Onlay Overlay Classificationb Preparation  Box  No undercuts  Divergency of the walls occlusally (facilitating shape) Retention Surface friction Adhesive power of the cement Inlay made of the metal alloy  Direct method  Indirect method Direct method  In central cavities only  Indirect method in most cases Direct method 1. Preparation 2. Isolation 3. Modellation of wax 4. Sprue pin with reservoir 5. Placement on the wax cone 6. Transporz to dental lab 7. Making of the inlay - lost wax method 8. Cementation Indirect method 1. Preparation 2. Taking impressions 3. Transport to dental lab 4. Making of the inlay - model, isolation, modellation, lost wax method 5. Cementation non metalllic inlays Special procedures, cementation using composite cements. Composite Ceramics