Čeština pro cizince V
PhDr. Magdalena Pintarová
Čeština pro cizince V
autumn 2020
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 5/10/2020 to 11/10/2020.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 19/10/2020 to 25/10/2020.
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 2/11/2020 to 8/11/2020.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 9/11/2020 to 15/11/2020.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 16/11/2020 to 22/11/2020.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 23/11/2020 to 29/11/2020.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 30/11/2020 to 6/12/2020.
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 7/12/2020 to 13/12/2020.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 14/12/2020 to 20/12/2020.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 4/1/2021 to 10/1/2021.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 28/12/2020 to 3/1/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 4/1/2021 to 10/1/2021.

Týden 1: Revision.

Online sources (for the textbook)

  • Česky krok za krokem 1 audio: 
  • Česky krok za krokem 1 dictionaries: all book (link) × page by page (link)
  • Talking medicine audio: link CD1link CD2

Class activities

Domácí úkol

  • Study new vocabulary and useful phrases TM 19 (Family history), page 121-122. Listen to CD 1/45.  
  • Complete the exercises  TM 123/1, 2


Týden 2: Stěhujeme se (Czech Step by Step L 17). Medical Czech: FAMILY HISTORY I (TM 19). Grammar: Instrumental sg. Prepositions with acc and instrumental (L 17).

Class activities

Rodinná anamnéza (TM 19)

TM 124/6, 125/7, 125/8

čteme dialogy na straně 120 (Rodiče, sourozenci, děti)

Nová gramatika: Instrumentál singuláru

Domácí úkol

Complete the following handout and upload it to HW Vault: https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/med/podzim2020/aBFCJ0565/ode/106185326/

Read the dialogues 3 a 4 (TM 140)

TM 19: 125/9 

Complete the handout Family history: cvičení 2 a 3

Týden 3: Medical Czech: Family History II (U 19). Grammar: Declension of interrogative pronouns (L 17). Revision of FA, Injuries, Diseases.

Class activities: 

Homework Check: handout, TM U 19 dialogues - questions + exercises

TM U 19

1) Family History ex. p. 126/10

2) Family History Listening CD 1/46 +  ex. 4/p. 124

3) Family History Questions: p. 127/11

Class Book

Interrogative pronouns: p. 140 (table), p. 141 ex. 6, 7, 8.

Domácí úkol

1) complete a handout and upload to HW Vaults: https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/med/podzim2020/aBFCJ0565/ode/106185326/ 


3) Work book p. 60, ex. 28, 29 (check your answers in work book, p. 153)

About the instrumental:


Týden 4: Indefinite and negative pronouns. UNIT 18: Etapy života. Vztahy mezi lidmi. Grammar: verbs used with the preposition s/se. Medical Czech: Practising Family History.

Class activities

1) Homework Check

a) KDO/CO 

b) práce s textem


2) Indefinitive and negative pronouns: class book p. 141 table + ex. 9

3) Unit 18: Etapy života class book p. 145/1 + 2

Vztahy mezi lidmi class book p. 146: table with new verbs used with the preposition s/se + instrumental

class book: p. 146/ ex. 4 + p. 147/ex. 6 (position of SE in the sentence)

4) TM U 19 Listening Comprehension p. 120

4) TM U 19 practising family history - questions to take FA

Domácí úkol


work book p. 60/32, p. 61/33 (practise pronouns and check your answers on the p. 154)

Learn the verbs in class book, table p. 146 and practise them in work book p. 68/9, 10, 11 + 69/13 (check your answers on the p. 154)

revise: CVIČENÍ FYZIOTERAPIE (commands = imperatives)


1)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=oQhr-C65w0A

2)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfUo8_3Nv90

3)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slp-Kf006H8

4)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5Hrc0-Qo2A

5)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rULPpXHvMDA

6)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFDelgf3Gxw

Week 5: Progress Test 1 (see the structure in Study Materials)

Your teacher will call you through MS Teams, share a worksheet with you, you will have some time to think about each answer and then you will do the task (no writing, just speaking). There are 30 tasks, you will have 15 - 20 minutes for the whole test. 

Týden 5 Medical Czech: Personal History (TM U 20). Physiotherapy: Ergoterapie. Grammar: Time expressions

Progress Test 1

Domácí úkol:

1) TM U 20: Learn new vocabulary and phrases p. 129 - 131


2) https://is.muni.cz/auth/do/med/el/fyzioterapie/pages/07_fyzioterapie_6.html

3) Time expressions TM p. 133/6 + 134/7 + 134/8

Týden 6: Medical Czech: Ergoterapie practice. Personal History TM U 20. Grammar: Time expressions lekce 18.

Class activities

1) Homework Check (ergoterapie + time expressions TM U20)

2) Time expressions class book p. 149 (table) + work book p. 73/1 (practice)

3) TM U 20

a) reading D1 + D3 p. 28 (comprehension check)

b) practice p. 131/1 + 132/2 + 134/9

c) Listening p. 133/5 CD 1/51 + p. 135/10 CD 1/52

Domácí úkol:

TM p. 133/4 (Fill in a form) + 135/11 

WB p. 73/30: Time prepositions and expressions

+ handout (upload to Homework vaults)

Týden 7: Medical Czech: Social History TM U 21. Grammar: Locative sg Unit 18.

Self study:

1) Class book p. 150: Verbs with the preposition O and the locative (a grey table)

The Forms of locative:

2) Practice the locative: WB p. 74/35 (a, b, c)

+ handout

3) TM U 21 SA: vocabulary and phrases

exercises: p. 139/1 ; p. 141/6 + 7

Týden 8: Medical Czech: Social History TM U 21. Work History TM U 22. Grammar: Locative singular practice.

Class activities

1) Family and Personal History, presenting complaints - questions (revision)

2) Social History TM U 21:

  • reading p. 137
  • ex. 8/142
  • listening  p. 140/3 CD 1/55 + 141/5 CD 1/56

3) Work History - TM U 22 p. 144 Useful phrases + handout

4) Locative

Domácí úkol

TM U 22 

  • vocabulary and phrases
  • p. 145/1, 2 + 3

Týden 9: Medical Czech: Social and Work history. Grammar: ABY - clauses.

Class acitivities

1) Homework Check (handout)

2) TM U 22 Pracovní anamnéza

a) p. 143 čteme dialog 1

b) p. 146/4 CD 1/6 posloucháme

c) p. 146 + 147/cvičení 5 + 6 +7


3) class book ABY - clauses

p. 157 table + handout

practice class book p. 157/6


Týden 10: Test 2. Medical Czech: Úraz páteře.

Progress Test 2

Domácí úkol

Rehabilitace po úrazu páteře


Týden 11: Grammar: ABY clauses. Physiotherapy: Úraz páteře.

Class activities


a) class book p. 157 table Aby clauses

b) handout

c) practice class book p. 156/6, 7 + 8

2. Úraz páteře


Domácí úkol

ABY: work book p. 154/33


Info about the credit

In week 14 the 3rd test is scheduled and everyone will write it as usual. I will correct it immediately and students with poor score in this test and in some former ones will be asked some questions concerning the parts of the test (tests) where the most mistakes appear(ed). If they answer satisfactorily, they will no longer write a test or take an exam and receive credit. Other students, with high score in all tests,  will receive credit without further tests/exams.

ČTVRTEK 21. 1., 4 PM

The conditions for obtaining credit are different due to the difficult situation during the semester. 

Týden 12: Úraz páteře. The partitive Genitive with expressions denoting definite and indefinite quantities.

Class activities

1) Homework Check

2) The partitive Genitive

class book p. 163 - a table


a) class book p. 164/14

b) work book p. 91/15 + 92/19


1) work book p. 92/20 - genitive

2) prepare brief oral information (in Czech) about your bachelor thesis: the name, what should be in a theoretical and practical part, what you have already done.

Týden 13: Revision

Class activities

1) Homework check

2) Kazuistika

3) Opakování

Domácí úkol: Genitive

Genitive answers


Test 3 struktura

Test 3: Thursday, Jan 21, KOM S116, 4 pm

Týden 14: Test 3