Čeština pro cizince V

Týden 3: Medical Czech: Family History II (U 19). Grammar: Declension of interrogative pronouns (L 17). Revision of FA, Injuries, Diseases.

Class activities: 

Homework Check: handout, TM U 19 dialogues - questions + exercises

TM U 19

1) Family History ex. p. 126/10

2) Family History Listening CD 1/46 +  ex. 4/p. 124

3) Family History Questions: p. 127/11

Class Book

Interrogative pronouns: p. 140 (table), p. 141 ex. 6, 7, 8.

Domácí úkol

1) complete a handout and upload to HW Vaults: https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/med/podzim2020/aBFCJ0565/ode/106185326/ 


3) Work book p. 60, ex. 28, 29 (check your answers in work book, p. 153)

About the instrumental:
