Čeština pro cizince V

Týden 4: Indefinite and negative pronouns. UNIT 18: Etapy života. Vztahy mezi lidmi. Grammar: verbs used with the preposition s/se. Medical Czech: Practising Family History.

Class activities

1) Homework Check

a) KDO/CO 

b) práce s textem


2) Indefinitive and negative pronouns: class book p. 141 table + ex. 9

3) Unit 18: Etapy života class book p. 145/1 + 2

Vztahy mezi lidmi class book p. 146: table with new verbs used with the preposition s/se + instrumental

class book: p. 146/ ex. 4 + p. 147/ex. 6 (position of SE in the sentence)

4) TM U 19 Listening Comprehension p. 120

4) TM U 19 practising family history - questions to take FA

Domácí úkol


work book p. 60/32, p. 61/33 (practise pronouns and check your answers on the p. 154)

Learn the verbs in class book, table p. 146 and practise them in work book p. 68/9, 10, 11 + 69/13 (check your answers on the p. 154)

revise: CVIČENÍ FYZIOTERAPIE (commands = imperatives)


1)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=oQhr-C65w0A

2)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfUo8_3Nv90

3)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slp-Kf006H8

4)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5Hrc0-Qo2A

5)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rULPpXHvMDA

6)      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFDelgf3Gxw

Week 5: Progress Test 1 (see the structure in Study Materials)

Your teacher will call you through MS Teams, share a worksheet with you, you will have some time to think about each answer and then you will do the task (no writing, just speaking). There are 30 tasks, you will have 15 - 20 minutes for the whole test.