Senses Motor system Senses - motor system2 Olfactory and gustatory system Senses - motor system3 Senses - motor system4 Olfaction and sense of taste are closely interconnected „chemical senses“ Senses - motor system5 Olfaction and sense of taste are closely interconnected „chemical senses“ Olfaction Senses - motor system6 • Ability to sense chemical compounds dispersed in the air • Influenced evolution of neocortex • Place identification • Food identification • Humans are microolfactoric organisms – Loss of analytic capabilities led to a relative enhancement of psychological component Olfaction Senses - motor system7 • Ability to sense chemical compounds dispersed in the air • Influenced evolution of neocortex • Place identification • Food identification • Humans are microolfactoric organisms – Loss of analytic capabilities led to a relative enhancement of psychological component Olfaction Senses - motor system8 • Ability to sense chemical compounds dispersed in the air • Influenced evolution of neocortex • Place identification • Food identification • Humans are microolfactoric organisms – Loss of analytic capabilities led to a relative enhancement of psychological component Olfaction Senses - motor system9 • Humans can distinguish about 80 chemicals and 144-10000 odors • Better sensitivity to liposoluble molecules • Olfaction degenerates with age ✓ fragnant ✓ woody/resinous ✓ fruit (other than citrus) ✓ putrid ✓ chemical ✓ minty/peppermint ✓ sweet ✓ popcorn ✓ burning ✓ lemon Categorical dimensions of human odor descriptor space revealed by non-negative matrix factorization. Castro JB, Ramanathan A, Chennubhotla CS. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 18;8(9):e73289. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073289. eCollection 2013. PMID:24058466 10 basic categories of odors Senses - motor system10 Senses - motor system11 Categorical dimensions of human odor descriptor space revealed by non-negative matrix factorization. Castro JB, Ramanathan A, Chennubhotla CS. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 18;8(9):e73289. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073289. eCollection 2013. PMID:24058466 Olfaction Senses - motor system12 Olfaction Senses - motor system13 Olfaction Senses - motor system14 Sense of taste Senses - motor system15 • Ability to sense chemical compounds dissolved in saliva • Close connection with olfaction • Food identification • Connection to the reward system Sense of taste Senses - motor system16 • Ability to sense chemical compounds dissolved in saliva • Close connection with olfaction • Food identification • Connection to the reward system Gustatory system Senses - motor system17 Gustatory system Senses - motor system18 Auditory and vestibular system Senses - motor system19 Auditory system Senses - motor system20 • Transduction of sound waves to the receptor and the action potential • Transmission to CNS • Signal processing – Sound decoding – Interpretation Auditory system Senses - motor system21 • Produced by vibration of solid object in the air or water • Sound characteristics – Frequency – pitch – Amplitude – intensity – Timbre – given by representation of harmonic frequencies of the oscillation • Pure tone • Complex sound Sound Senses - motor system22 • Pure tone – Determined by frequency • Complex sound – Sum of pure tones ➢ Harmonic (musical) • periodic ➢ Disharmonic (noise) • aperiodic online/ch03/chapter-3-2.html Audible spectrum Senses - motor system23 The intensity and volume of sound Senses - motor system24 • Intensity of sound – Amplitude ➢ Whisper – 20 dB ➢ Speaking - 65 dB ➢ Jet engine – 100 dB ➢ Pain treshold – 120 dB • Volume – Subjectively perceived intensity External ear Senses - motor system25 ✓ Transmission of acoustic signal from environment to the tympanic membrane Middle ear Senses - motor system26 ✓ Transmission of acoustic signal from the tympanic membrane to the oval window and perilymph/basilar membrane Middle ear Senses - motor system27 • A significant difference in acoustic impedance between air and perilymph • Signal amplification – Tympanic membrane area/oval window area – Ossicles • Protective function – m.stapedius and tensor tympani – Eustachian tube Inner ear Senses - motor system28 ✓ Transduction of perilymph/basilar membrane vibrations to receptor and action potential Tonotopic arrangement Senses - motor system29 • Proximal part – high frequency • Distal part – low frequency Basilar membrane Senses - motor system30 • Basal part – Narrow and tight High frquencies • Apical part – Wide and loose Low frequencies Koo/16a2a6b5ffd1c963efd906cea109277bfbf0d7e3/figure/3 Organ of Corti Senses - motor system31 ➢Inner hair cells ➢ aprox. 3 500 ➢Outer hair cells ➢ aprox. 12 000 ➢Tectorial membrane Inner hair cells Senses - motor system32 ➢ Sensory function Outer hair cells Senses - motor system33 • Modulation of the signal ✓ Amplification of required frequencies • The number increases towards apex (low frequencies) Sound processing Senses - motor system34 • Nucleus spiralis cochleae • Nucleus cochlearis ventralis – Information about intensity – Time delay – the sound direction • Nucleus cochlearis dorsalis – Information about frequency • Olivary nuclei – Analysis of direction – Modulation (increase) of the outer hair cells sensitivity • Colliculi inferiores – Integration of information from the lower structures – Centre of acoustic reflexes • N. corporis geniculati medialis – Thalamus • Auditory cortex Auditory cortex Senses - motor system35 Vestibular system Senses - motor system36 • Associated with auditory system – Anatomic localization – Hair cells • Information about ➢ Position ➢ Acceleration ✓Linear ✓Angular Information about position and linear acceleration Senses - motor system37 • Macula – CaCO3 crystals • Utriculus – Horizontal macula • Sacculus – Vertical macula Mechanism of reception ➢Flexion towards stereocilia ̶ Mechanically activated K+ channels are opened –depolarization ➢Flexion away from stereocilia ̶ The channels are clsed - hyperpolariztion Senses - motor system38 Information about angular acceleration Senses - motor system39 • Ampulla • Semicircular canals – Upper – Horizontal – Posterior Vestibular nuclei Senses - motor system40 ✓ Integration of vestibular, visual and somatosensoric information ✓ Projections • Cerebellum • Oculomotoric nuclei • Nucleus of n. Accessorius – the muscles of the neck • Spinal nuclei • Thalamus - cortex Vision Senses - motor system41 Light Senses - motor system42 ✓ Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in range of 400 – 700 nm Color mixing Senses - motor system43 Photoreceptive organ Senses - motor system44 ✓Light detection ✓Image formation Light detection Senses - motor system45 • Circadian activity – Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes – Day/night cycle is the most influential and the most stable biorhythm – Oscillation with a period of aprox. 24 hours even without signals from environment – Environmental signals synchronize circadian activity • Seasonal activity Light detection Senses - motor system46 • Circadian activity – Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes – Day/night cycle is the most influential and the most stable biorhythm – Oscillation with a period of aprox. 24 hours even without signals from environment – Environmental signals synchronize circadian activity • Seasonal activity Circadian activity Senses - motor system47 Biological clock Senses - motor system48 • Cellular level – Group of proteins rhythmically expressed creating interconnected feedback loops (about 24hours) • Peripheral Clock protein expression • Tissue level – Peripheral oscillators – Adrenal gland, lung, liver, pancreas, skin – Influenced by neurohumoral factors and also by light • Central pacemaker – Hypothalamus (nucleus suprachiasmaticus) • Central clock protein expression • Information about illumination from retina (specialized ganglion cells) – synchronization of central pacemaker ➢ Pineal gland - melatonin ➢ Autonomnic nervous system – adreanl gland - cortisol Central pacemaker synchronization Senses - motor system49 Wahl S, Engelhardt M, Schaupp P, Lappe C, Ivanov IV. The inner clock-Blue light sets the human rhythm. J Biophotonics. 2019; e201900102. (1% of ganglion cells) Image formation Senses - motor system50 ➢ Shape ➢ Color ➢ Localization ➢ Movement ➢ Image interpretation - CNS Image formation Senses - motor system51 Senses - motor system52 Photopigment of rods Senses - motor system53 Rhodopsin • Opsin – G – protein • Retinal – Retinol aldehyde (vit. A) Photopigments of cones Senses - motor system 54 • 3 types of cones - 3 types of photopigment – Blue(420nm) – Green (530nm) – Red (560nm) • Color is interpreted by ratio of cone stimulation – Orange (580nm) • Blue: 0% • Green: 42% • Red:99% Rod Phototransduction Senses - motor system 55 • Photoreceptors continuously release neurotransmitter (glutamate) in darkness • In response to the light, the membrane hyperpolarizes and release less neurotransmitter Adaptation to the light/darkness Senses - motor system 56 • Optic adaptation – Constriction of pupils • Photoreceptor adaptation – Ca2+ inhibits guanylate cyclase – cGMP gated Na+ channels... – Darkness • Higher Ca2+ levels → cGMP decreased → membrane more hyperpolarized → „higher sensitivity to light“ – Light • Lower Ca2+ levels → cGMP increased → membrane more depolraized → „lower senzitivity to light“ Retina Senses - motor system57 • Photoreceptors • Interneurons – Horizontal cells • Horizontal interconnection – Bipolar cells • Vertical interconnection – Amacrine cells • Both horizontal and vertical interconnection • Ganglion cells – AP generation – Transmission of AP to the brain Retina Senses - motor system58 • Fovea – Low convergence • Small receptive field • High resolution – Lower sensitivity to light • Periphery of retina – High degree of convergence • Large receptive field • Low resolution – High sensitivity to light Receptive field Senses - motor system59 Receptive field Senses - motor system60 Receptive field Senses - motor system61 Receptive field Senses - motor system62 Receptive field Senses - motor system63 • Magnocellular system – Large receptive field – Rods and cones – M ganglion cells (10%) – High speed of velocity – Brightness/low contrast sensitivity – Minimal sensitivity to color • Parvocellular system – Small receptive field – Cones and rods – P ganglion cells (80%) – Low speed of velocity – Low sensitivity in low contrast – Good sensitivity to color Receptive field Senses - motor system64 • Magnocellular system – Large receptive field – Rods and cones – M ganglion cells (10%) – High speed of velocity – Brightness/low contrast sensitivity – Minimal sensitivity to color • Parvocellular system – Small receptive field – Cones and rods – P ganglion cells (80%) – Low speed of velocity – Low sensitivity in low contrast – Good sensitivity to color Receptive field Senses - motor system65 • Magnocellular system – Large receptive field – Rods and cones – M ganglion cells (10%) – High speed of velocity – Brightness/low contrast sensitivity – Minimal sensitivity to color • Parvocellular system – Small receptive field – Cones and rods – P ganglion cells (80%) – Low speed of velocity – Low sensitivity in low contrast – Good sensitivity to color Optic nerve and optic tract Senses - motor system66 • Optic nerve – Signal from one eye – Signal from „whole“ visual field • Optic tract – Signal from both eyes – Signal from half of visual field Visual pathways Senses - motor system67 • Nucleus corporis geniculati lateralis – Thalamus – Majority of projections – Via optic radiation to neocortex • Hypothalamus – Regulation circadian activity • Pretectum – Pupillary reflex • Colliculi superiores – Reflex movement of eyes and head Primary visual cortex Senses - motor system68 Retinotopic organization Nystagmus Senses - motor system69 • Involuntary rhythmic eye movement • Physiological – Postrotatinal – Optokinetic • Pathologic ✓ Peripheral • Vestibular system pathologies ✓ Central • CNS damage (cerebellum, midbrain…) Saccadic eye movements Senses - motor system70 Saccadic eye movements Reflexive exploration Intentional exploration Assistance in controlling saccades during movement Senses - motor system71 Senses - motor system72 Pupillary reflex 73 Senses - motor system Motor system Senses - motor system74 Introduction Senses - motor system75 • Skeletal muscle contraction is initiated by lower motor neuron • Lower motor neuron is a part of local reflex circuits • The information from several sources is integrated in the lower motor neuron – Higher levels of CNS ➢Upper motor neuron, tectum, n. ruber, brain stem – Proprioception Introduction Senses - motor system76 • Skeletal muscle contraction is initiated by lower motor neuron • Lower motor neuron is a part of local reflex circuits • The information from several sources is integrated in the lower motor neuron – Higher levels of CNS ➢Upper motor neuron, tectum, n. ruber, brain stem – Proprioception Introduction Senses - motor system77 • Skeletal muscle contraction is initiated by lower motor neuron • Lower motor neuron is a part of local reflex circuits • The information from several sources is integrated in the lower motor neuron – Higher levels of CNS ➢Upper motor neuron, tectum, n. ruber, brain stem – Proprioception Lower motor neuron Senses - motor system78 • α motoneuron – Innervation of contractile elements – Extrafusal fibers – Muscle contraction • γ motoneuron – Innervation of muscle spindles – Intrafusal fibers – Alignment of muscle spindles – Gamma loop • β motoneuron – Both extrafusal and intrafusal fiberrs Lower motor neuron Senses - motor system79 Topography Motor unit Senses - motor system80 • A typical muscle is innervated by about 100 motoneurons which are localized in motor nucleus • Each motoneuron innervate from 100 to 1000 muscle fibers and one muscle fiber is innervated by a single motoneuron • The ensemble of muscle fibers innervated by a single neuron and corresponding motoneuron constitutes the motor unit Motor unit Senses - motor system81 • A typical muscle is innervated by about 100 motoneurons which are localized in motor nucleus • Each motoneuron innervate from 100 to 1000 muscle fibers and one muscle fiber is innervated by a single motoneuron • The ensemble of muscle fibers innervated by a single neuron and corresponding motoneuron constitutes the motor unit Types of muscle fibers Senses - motor system82 Fast fibers ➢ Performance ➢ Fast fatigue-resistant – normal performance ➢ Fast fatigable – high performance Slow fibers ➢ Endurance ➢ Fatigue resistant Types of muscle fibers Senses - motor system83 Fast fibers ➢ Performance ➢ Fast fatigue-resistant – normal performance ➢ Fast fatigable – high performance Slow fibers ➢ Endurance ➢ Fatigue resistant The recruitment of motor neurons Senses - motor system84 m. gastrocnemius in a cat Neuromuscular junction Senses - motor system85 Neuromuscular junction Senses - motor system86 Muscle fibers Senses - motor system87 Types of muscle contraction Senses - motor system88 • Isotonic contraction ➢ Constant tension ➢ Concentric x excentric contraction • Isometric contraction ➢ Constant length Proprioception Senses - motor system89 • Information about the position of body parts in relation to each other (The sum of information about lengths of particular muscles) • Information about movement (The force and speed of muscle contraction) • Reflex regulation of muscle activity • Muscle spindles – Lie in parallel with extrafusal muscle fibers • Golgi tendon organ – Arranged in series with extrafusal muscles Reaction of muscle spindles and the Golgi tendon organs to muscle fiber stretch/contraction Senses - motor system90 Stretch (passive) Muscle spindles reaction Contraction (active) Golgi tendon organ reaction Hierarchic organization of motor system Senses - motor system91 Hierarchic organization of motor system Senses - motor system92 Reflex Senses - motor system93 • Reflex movement – Stereotype (predictable) – Involuntary • Proprioceptive • Exteroceptive • Monosynaptic • Polysynaptic • Monosegmental • Polysegmental Proprioceptive reflexes Senses - motor system94 • Myotatic reflex – Monosynaptic – Monosegmental – Muscle spindle ➢ Homonymous muscle - activation ➢ Antagonist muscle - inhibition ✓ Phasic response (Ia) – Protection against overstretch of extrafusal fibrers ✓ Tonic response (Ia a II) – Maintains muscle tone Senses - motor system95 Senses - motor system96 Proprioceptive reflexes Senses - motor system97 • Inverse myotatic reflex – Monosegmental – Disynaptic/polysynaptic – Golgi tendon organ ➢ Homonymous muscle – inhibition ➢ Antagonist muscle– activation ✓ Protection against muscle damage caused by extensive force Senses - motor system98 Exteroceptive reflexes Senses - motor system99 • Polysynaptic • Polysegmental Exteroceptive reflexes Senses - motor system100 • Polysynaptic • Polysegmental Hierarchic organization of motor system Senses - motor system101 Fixed action pattern and rhythmic movement Senses - motor system102 • Fixed action pattern (e.g. Swallowing) – Neuronal networks for complex motor activity • Central pattern generator (e.g. Walking, breathing) – Neuronal networks generating rhythmic activity – „Spontaneously repeated fixed action patterns“ – No need of feedback • Localization – Walking – brain stem, lower thoracic and upper lumbar spinal cord – Breathing – brain stem – Swallowing - medulla oblongata/brain stem • Variously expressed voluntary control – Walking (full control) – Breathing (partial control) – Swallowing (limited control) Fixed action pattern and rhythmic movement Senses - motor system103 Fig. 1. Neural control of locomotion. A) Increments in the intensity of stimulation of the MLR in the high decerebrate cat increased the cadence (step cycles/sec) of locomotion. Adapted from Shik et al. 1966.[22] B) Schematic of the velocity command hypothesis: a command signal specifying increasing body velocity descends from deep brain nuclei via the MLR to the spinal cord and drives the timing element of the spinal locomotor CPG to generate cycles of increasing cadence. Extensor phase durations change more than flexor phase durations. The command signal also drives the pattern formation layer to generate cyclical activation of flexor and extensor motoneurons. Loading of the activated muscles (e.g. supporting the moving body mass) is resisted by the muscles' intrinsic spring-like properties. This is equivalent to displacement feedback. Force and displacement sensed bymuscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ afferents reflexly activate motoneurons. A key role of these afferents is to adjust the timing of phase transitions, presumably by influencing or overriding the CPG timer. Adapted from Prochazka & Ellaway 2012.[23] Fixed action pattern and rhythmic movement Senses - motor system104 Whelan PJ. Shining light into the black box of spinal locomotor networks. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 2010;365:2383–2395. Voluntary motor activity Senses - motor system105 Idea Association cortex Premotor + Motor cortex Basal Ganglia Lateral cerebellum Movement Intermediate Cerebellum ExecutionPlanning Voluntary motor activity Senses - motor system106 • Result of cooperation of upper and lower motor neuron • Basal ganglia – Motor gating – initiation of wanted and inhibition of unwanted movements • Cerebellum – Movement coordination Pyramidal tract Senses - motor system107 • Upper motor neuron – Primary motor cortex • Lower motor neuron – Anterior horn of spinal cord • Tractus corticospinalis lateralis – 90% of fibers • Tractus corticospinalis anterior – 10% of fibers – Cervical and upper thoracic segments • Tractus corticobulbaris Primary motor cortex Senses - motor system108 Motor cortex Senses - motor system109 • Primary motor cortex (area 4) – Somatotopic organization – Control of lower motor neuron • Premotor cortex (area 6 laterally) – Preparation of strategy of movement • Sensor motor transformation • Movement patterns selection • Supplementary motor cortex (area 6 medially) – Involved in planning of complex movements • Movement of both limbs • Complex motion sequences – Activated also by complex movement rehearsal Basal ganglia Senses - motor system110 • Corpus striatum – Nucleus caudatus – Putamen • Globus pallidus (Pallidum) – Externum – Internum • Nucleus subthalamicus • Substantia nigra – Pars compacta – Pars reticulata • Thalamic motor nuclei Direct and indirect pathway differences Senses - motor system111 • Direct pathway ➢ Motor cortex activation • Indirect pathway ➢ Motor cortex inhibition Dopaminergic projections Senses - motor system112 • Dopaminergic projections are crucial for the function of corpus striatum • S. nigra pars compacta • Direct pathway activation ➢ D1 receptors • Indirect pathway inhibition ➢ D2 receptors Basal ganglia Senses - motor system113 • Beside motor loop there are other loops associated with other thalamic nuclei • „Gating“ of the other sort of information • Association loop • Limbic loop • Basal ganglia play an important role in information processing in general and this is crucial for thinking process • Connections of corpus striatum are plastic what allows learning and this was very important during evolution Cerebellum Senses - motor system114 • Coordination • Cerebellum plays an important role not only in the coordination of movement, but also in the "coordination" of thoughts