Airway management Lukáš Dadák ARK FNUSA Desaturation Benumof, J. L. et al. Critical Hemoglobin Desaturation Will Occur before Return to an Unparalyzed State following 1 mg/kg Intravenous Succinylcholine. Anesthesiology. 87(4):979-982, 1997. Apnoe and CO2 Gentz, B. A., et all. Carbon Dioxide Dynamics During Apneic Oxygenation:: The Effects of Preceding Hypocapnia. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 10, 189–194 (1998). Maintaining airway  Noninvasive •airway •laryngeal mask •combitube  invasive •OTI, NTI •coniotomy •tracheotomy vocal cords Routine Airway Management ● Mask 1 2 3 4 5 ● LM 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 4 5 ● OTI 3 3,5 4 4,5 … 7 7,5 8 8,5 9 ● FONA – Front of Neck Access – scalpel-bougie-tube Airway Management The Vortex Approach & related materials are copyright of Nicholas Chrimes & Peter Fritz. Used with permission. 3 + 1 ways how to keep / improve oxygenation O2 ventilation CO2 3 + 1 ways Diferent situations of Airway Management Goal: Green zone O2 CO2 Priorities of (D)AM Keep airway open haed tilt, chin lift Esmarch man. Face mask ventilation Positive pressure ventilation by bag-valve mask  correct volume = movement of chest  f 10/min  100% O2  1 hand hold:  inch + index f.  3 ff. - chin  2 hands Figure 42-4 Technique for holding the mask with one hand. An effort should be made to avoid excessive pressure on the soft tissues of the neck. Downloaded from: Miller's Anesthesia (on 12 March 2009 09:47 PM) © 2007 Elsevier Figure 42-6 Technique for holding the mask with two hands. Downloaded from: Miller's Anesthesia (on 12 March 2009 09:47 PM) © 2007 Elsevier 3rd year Airway management Do NOT 4 Hands Ventilation (Bag) Mask Ventilation Improved by ● OPA Guedel airway Oro-Pharyngeal Airway I: unconsciousness + airway obstruction with tongue Correct size OPA:  distance angle of mouth --- ear Risk in mild unconsciousness:  vomitus + aspiration Naso-Pharyngeal Airway (trumpet) Correct size of NPA:  distance nostril --- ear Risk:  bleeding from nasal cavity  Use of lubricant is essential Difficult Airway difficult mask ventilation Gastric Volume  Compliance  Gastric pressure  diafragma cranialy  intrathoracic volume  airway pressure  distribution of Vt lungs  abdomen Unexpected DAM in ORUnexpected DAM in OR InductionInduction Facemask ventilation ImpossibleImpossible Scenario 1Scenario 1 Ventilation/Oxygenation (V/0)Ventilation/Oxygenation (V/0) And NOW? InductionInduction Facemask ventilation ImpossibleImpossible Scenario 1Scenario 1 Ventilation/Oxygenation (V/0)Ventilation/Oxygenation (V/0) Step 1 Rescue V/ORescue V/O LMA Supreme, ProSeal ...LMA Supreme, ProSeal ... Call for HELP Unexpected DAM in ORUnexpected DAM in OR 3 + 1 ways Supraglotic devices: ● LM ● (( Combitube )) ● (Laryngeal tubus) ● I-gel LM Classic, ProSeal LMA Flexible LMA ProSeal LMA Classic LMA Fastrach Single-use LMA Flexible Single-use LMA Unique Single-use LMA Fastrach Components of LM LM placed against glottis (radix of tongue, recessus piriformis, esophageal superior sphincter) I: instead face mask, OTI, difficult airway CI: ● full stomach ● gastro-esophageal reflux, ● high inspiratory pressure ● longer operation LM ● LMA Classic = reusable 40 times ● LMA Unique Single use LMA before insertion ● Vizual control of integrity &pre use checks ● Preinflation (keep shape and pressure) ● Deflation ● Well lubricated – neutral gel Insertion of the LMA in Neutral Alignment LMA ProSeal deflate = flat, thin Sizes of supraglotic devices LMA Supreme™ Size of LMA Supreme Ideal weight Maximal Volume of Air Max. size of G tube 1 Newborn do 5kg 5 ml 6 Fr 1.5 Infant 5-10kg 8 ml 6 Fr 2 Infant 10-20kg 12 ml 10 Fr 2.5 Child 20-30kg 18 ml 10 Fr 3 Adutl/child 30-50kg 30 ml 14 Fr 4 Adult 50-70kg 45 ml 14 Fr 5 Adult 70-100kg 45 ml 14 Fr Corect placement Malposition I. Distální manžeta v oropharyngu - není těsnost s respiračním a GIT. Co hrozí: Aspirace, obstrukce - epiglottis v dutině LMA, inflace žaludku Distální část manžety v glottic inlet. Totální obstrukce dýchacích cest Malposition II. Distální část manžety v nasopharyngu: Zavádění reversní Guedelovou technikou nebo v poloze chin to chest (ignorace sniffing position). Může být slučitelná se zachováním průchodnosti dýchacích cest, extremní riziko aspirace - není ochrana před regurgitací distálním koncem manžety. Malposition III. Figure 42-11 Intubating laryngeal mask airway (ILMA), illustrating the rigid curve and handle. Notice the different window compared with a standard LMA. (Courtesy of LMA North America, Inc., San Diego, CA.) Downloaded from: Miller's Anesthesia (on 12 March 2009 09:47 PM) © 2007 Elsevier Intubating laryngeal mask airway (ILMA) Supraglotic devices: ● LM ● Combitube ● Laryngeal tubus ● I-gel Combitube ● emergency situations instead OTI ● I: difficult airway ● CI: stenosing process in pharynx / trachea Figure 42-13 Insertion of the Combitube. A, The tongue and mandible are lifted with one hand, and the Combitube is inserted in the direction of the natural curvature of the pharynx with the other hand. The printed ring is aligned with the teeth. B, The pharyngeal cuff is inflated with 100 mL of air, and the distal cuff is inflated with 15 mL. C, Ventilation is begun through the longer no. 1 tube because placement is usually in the esophagus. D, If ventilation is absent and the stomach is being insufflated, begin ventilation through the no. 2 connecting tube. (Courtesy of Sheridan Catheter Corp., Argyle, NY.) Downloaded from: Miller's Anesthesia (on 12 March 2009 09:47 PM) © 2007 Elsevier Figure 42-13 Insertion of the Combitube. A, The tongue and mandible are lifted with one hand, and the Combitube is inserted in the direction of the natural curvature of the pharynx with the other hand. The printed ring is aligned with the teeth. B, The pharyngeal cuff is inflated with 100 mL of air, and the distal cuff is inflated with 15 mL. C, Ventilation is begun through the longer no. 1 tube because placement is usually in the esophagus. D, If ventilation is absent and the stomach is being insufflated, begin ventilation through the no. 2 connecting tube. (Courtesy of Sheridan Catheter Corp., Argyle, NY.) Downloaded from: Miller's Anesthesia (on 12 March 2009 09:47 PM) © 2007 Elsevier Figure 42-13 Insertion of the Combitube. A, The tongue and mandible are lifted with one hand, and the Combitube is inserted in the direction of the natural curvature of the pharynx with the other hand. The printed ring is aligned with the teeth. B, The pharyngeal cuff is inflated with 100 mL of air, and the distal cuff is inflated with 15 mL. C, Ventilation is begun through the longer no. 1 tube because placement is usually in the esophagus. D, If ventilation is absent and the stomach is being insufflated, begin ventilation through the no. 2 connecting tube. (Courtesy of Sheridan Catheter Corp., Argyle, NY.) Downloaded from: Miller's Anesthesia (on 12 March 2009 09:47 PM) © 2007 Elsevier Figure 42-13 Insertion of the Combitube. A, The tongue and mandible are lifted with one hand, and the Combitube is inserted in the direction of the natural curvature of the pharynx with the other hand. The printed ring is aligned with the teeth. B, The pharyngeal cuff is inflated with 100 mL of air, and the distal cuff is inflated with 15 mL. C, Ventilation is begun through the longer no. 1 tube because placement is usually in the esophagus. D, If ventilation is absent and the stomach is being insufflated, begin ventilation through the no. 2 connecting tube. (Courtesy of Sheridan Catheter Corp., Argyle, NY.) Downloaded from: Miller's Anesthesia (on 12 March 2009 09:47 PM) © 2007 Elsevier Video Laryngoscopy Tracheal intubation Def: Placing tube to trachea through mouth/nose and larynx. I: ● maintain open airway (GCS < 8) ● toilet (no cough) ● maintain ventilation (shock, hypoventilation) narrowest place in airway – vocal cords – subglotic space (<8years) OTI, NTI - aids: ● laryngoscope ● Magill tongs ● tracheal tubes ● syringe ● lead, bougie ● bronchoscope How to: ● prepare all aids, (ventilate) ● position of p. ● LA, GA, coma ● direct laryngoscopy ● placing tube ● inflate cuff ● ensure position Figure 42-3 Schematic diagram demonstrating the head position for endotracheal intubation. A, Successful direct laryngoscopy for exposure of the glottic opening requires alignment of the oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axes. B, Elevation of the head about 10 cm with pads below the occiput and with the shoulders remaining on the table aligns the laryngeal and pharyngeal axes. C, Subsequent head extension at the atlanto-occipital joint creates the shortest distance and most nearly straight line from the incisor teeth to glottic opening. Downloaded from: Miller's Anesthesia (on 12 March 2009 09:47 PM) © 2007 Elsevier Figure 42-3 Schematic diagram demonstrating the head position for endotracheal intubation. A, Successful direct laryngoscopy for exposure of the glottic opening requires alignment of the oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axes. B, Elevation of the head about 10 cm with pads below the occiput and with the shoulders remaining on the table aligns the laryngeal and pharyngeal axes. C, Subsequent head extension at the atlanto-occipital joint creates the shortest distance and most nearly straight line from the incisor teeth to glottic opening. Downloaded from: Miller's Anesthesia (on 12 March 2009 09:47 PM) © 2007 Elsevier Figure 42-3 Schematic diagram demonstrating the head position for endotracheal intubation. A, Successful direct laryngoscopy for exposure of the glottic opening requires alignment of the oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axes. B, Elevation of the head about 10 cm with pads below the occiput and with the shoulders remaining on the table aligns the laryngeal and pharyngeal axes. C, Subsequent head extension at the atlanto-occipital joint creates the shortest distance and most nearly straight line from the incisor teeth to glottic opening. Downloaded from: Miller's Anesthesia (on 12 March 2009 09:47 PM) © 2007 Elsevier Positioning of ob. Patient. Size of TT Age Premature 2,5 3,3 10 10 Term newborn 3 4.0-4.2 12 11 1-6 mo 3,5 4.7-4.8 14 11 6-12 mo 4 5.3-5.6 16 12 2 yr 4,5 6.0-6.3 18 13 4 yr 5 6.7-7.0 20 14 6 yr 5,5 7.3-7.6 22 15-16 8 yr 6 8.0-8.2 24 16-17 10 yr 6,5 8.7-9.3 26 17-18 12 yr 7,0 9.3.2010 28-30 18-22 ≥14 yr 7.0 (females) 9.3.2010 28-30 20-24 8.0 (males) 32-34 Internal Diameter (mm) External Diamete r (mm)* French Unit Distance Inserted from Lips for Tip Placement in the Midtrachea (cm)†   10.7- 11.3  crooked spoon - Macintosh  straight spoon - Miller Laryngoscope: Laryngoscopic view Laryngoscopic view: radix of tongue epiglottis vocal cords trachea interarytenoid notch Always easy? (Cormac & Lehane) Improvement of View ● pressure over larynx ● BURP – backward, upward, and rightward pressure on the larynx Verify placing of the tube  auscultation  End tidal CO2  fibroskopic view Complications of TI - early:  trauma of teeth, soft tissue  placed to esophagus / endobronchialy  aspiration  cardiovascular P, f, arrhythmia   ICP  laryngospasmus, bronchospasmus Complication of TI - later:  damage of vocal cords, trachea  sinusitis, otitis,  decubitus – lip, nose  obturation of tracheal tube by secret, blood How to do NTI: ● LA anemisation of nose ● tube through nose ● placing tube under visual control CAVE: deviation of septum nasi Check your neck ● Mallanpati ● 3-3-2 Bougie Intubation via Bougie RSI ● Rapid Sequence of Intubation ● Rapid Sequence of Induction RSI indication I: increased risk of aspiration ● full stomach – unknown time of starving – gastroparesis – analgetics – diabetes ● GE reflux RSI - sequence ● Preox + i.v. line, working suction ● induction = propofol, SchJ ● Sellick maneuver + OTI ● confirmation ● fixation by tape ● be ready for 2 l of gastric content ● Sellick maneuver continues until tube is in place and balloon is cuffed Difficult Airway ● Anticipated – awake intubation – bronchoscope – (TS) ● Unanticipated – spont. vent. / paralyzed Time of Airway Events Alternative Equipment Better view: → intubation ● VideoLaryngoscopy ● Fastrach LMA ● fibroscope What to do for survival? ● O2, ventilation ● call for help early + have a plan Cannot intubate, can ventilate ● call for help ● keep ventilation Can not ventilate, can not intubate ● Call for Help ● try 3 nonsurgical techniques ● awake as soon as possible (no more drugs .. awakening) ● perform surgical airway Coniotomy ● urgent access to airway ● lig. cricothyreoideum (lig. conicum) Coniotomy  First try OTI  find the ligament  DO it. Minitrach BACT Mind in a stressful event ● When you do the same thing twice, it usually leads to the same result Na 2. pokus něco změň Only 3+1 ways of A.M. Summary – Difficult Airway ● Preop exam – allways ● History ● ready to awake intubation = fibroscopic OTI ● Have a plan ● Surgical access takes max 90 s Extubation: ● contact [open eye, mouth...] ● clear oropharynx (secretions, stopped bleeding) ● Patient keeps head 5s above bed / hand grip ● good pain control ● minimal ET concentration of anaesthetic agents