Airway management L.Dadak ARK FNUSA Maintaining airway  Noninvasive •airway •laryngeal mask •combitube invasive •OTI, NTI •coniotomy •tracheotomy  vocal cords Routine Airway Management ● ● ● Mask LM OTI Keep airway open haed tilt, chin lift Esmarch man. Guedel airway Oro-Pharyngeal Airway I: unconsciousness + airway obstruction with tongue Correct size OPA:  distance angle of mouth --- ear Risk in mild unconsciousness:  vomitus + aspiration Naso-Pharyngeal Airway (trumpet) Correct size of NPA:  distance nostril --- ear Risk:  bleeding from nasal cavity  Use of lubricant is essential Face mask ventilation Positive pressure ventilation by bag-valve mask    correct volume = movement of chest f 10/min 100% O2 1 hand hold: − −   2 hands inch + index f. 3 ff. - chin (Bag) Mask Ventilation Improved by ● OPA LM Classic, ProSeal Components of LM LM placed against glottis (radix of tongue, recessus piriformis, esophageal superior sphincter) I: instead face mask, OTI, difficult airway CI: ● full stomach ● gastro-esophageal reflux, ● high inspiratory pressure ● longer operation Combitube ● ● ● emergency situations instead OTI I: difficult airway CI: stenosing process in pharynx / trachea Tracheal intubation Def: Placing tube to trachea through mouth/nose and larynx. I: ● maintain open airway (GCS < 8) ● toilet (no cough) ● maintain ventilation (shock, hypoventilation) narrowest place in airway – vocal cords – subglotic space (<8years) OTI, NTI - aids: ● ● ● ● ● laryngoscope Magill tongs tracheal tubes syringe lead How to: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● prepare all aids, (ventilate) position of p. LA, GA, coma direct laryngoscopy placing tube inflate cuff ensure position Head position Laryngoscope:   crooked spoon - Macintosh straight spoon - Miller Laryngoscopic view Laryngoscopic view: radix of tongue epiglottis vocal cords trachea Always easy? (Cormac & Lehane) Improvement of View ● pressure over larynx - right and down Verify placing of the tube    auscultation End tidal CO2 fibroskopic view Complications of TI - early:       trauma of teeth, soft tissue placed to esophagus / endobronchialy aspiration cardiovascular ↑ΒP, ↑f, arrhythmia ↑ ICP laryngospasmus, bronchospasmus Complication of TI - later:     damage of vocal cords, trachea sinusitis, otitis, decubitus – lip, nose obturation of tracheal tube by secret, blood How to do NTI: LA anemisation of nose ● tube through nose ● placing tube under visual control CAVE: deviation of septum nasi ● Check your neck ● Mallanpati ● 3-3-2 RSI ● ● Rapid Sequence of Intubation Rapid Sequence of Induction RSI indication ● ● ● ● ● full stomach unknown time of starving GE reflux gastroparesis analgetics RSI - sequence ● ● ● ● ● Preox + i.v. line, working suction induction = propofol, SchJ Sellick maneuver + OTI confirmation fixation by tape be ready for 2 l of gastric content ● Tracheotomy ● ● surgical access to trachea punction TS I: maintain AW long time – – ● artificial ventilation limitation of dead space Difficult Airway ● Anticipated – – awake intubation – bronchoscope (TS) ● Unanticipated – spont. vent. / paralyzed Alternative Equipment ● ● ● VideoLaryngoskop C-trach fibroscope Coniotomy ● ● urgent access to airway lig. cricothyreoideum (lig. conicum) Coniotomy    First try OTI find the ligament DO it. Time of Airway Events Cannot ventilate Cannot intubate, can ventilate ● ● keep ventilation call for help Can not ventilate, can not intubate Cannot ventilate, can not intubate + full stomach Summary ● ● ● ● Preop exam – allways History ready to awake intubation sooner fibroscopic OTI Have a plan Surgical access takes max 90 s ● ● Extubation: ● ● ● ● ● contact clear orofarynx (sekretions, stoped bleeding) keeps haed 5s above bed / hand grip good pain controle minimal ET concentration of inhal. anesthetics Fastrach C-trach