INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM ØSkin thin type thick type ØKeratinized adnexa hair nail ØNonkeratinized adnexa small sweat glands great sweat glands sebaceous glands mammary glands Skin (integumentum) Epidermis stratum corneum proprium (stratum lucidum) stratum granulosum stratum spinosum stratum basale Dermis (corium) pars papillaris pars reticularis Hypodermis) Kůže - 18 Epidermis dermis melanocytes melanocytes melanin Thin skin Thick skin Occurence: palma manus, planta pedis Skin glands small sweat (ecrine) large sweat(apocrine) sebaceous (holocrine) Gll. sebaceae General structure of glands: Øexcretory portion (ducts) Øsecretory portion - glandular cells - myoepithelial cells Gll. sudoriferae SWEAT GLANDS (gll. sudoriferae) small ecrine eccrine sweat gland SWEAT – H2O, NaCl2, NH3, urea, uric acid, proteins Merocrine secretion animation.gif SWEAT GLANDS (gll. sudoriferae) large apocrine apocrine sweat gland after pubery complet sweat –pheromones, fats, steroids; under hormonal influence Apocrine secretion animation.gif Preview Skin from axilla – great sweat glands (apocrine, aromatic) Kůže - 25 Preview Sebaceous glands (HES) Kůže - 27 Preview Sebaceous glands (HE) Preview Mamma non lactans (HE) Kůže - 29 Preview Mamma non lactans (HE) Kůže - 31 Preview Mamma lactans (HE) Preview Skin from axilla with hair (HE) Kůže - 37 Preview Hair (HEŠ) Kůže - 39 Preview Hair – bulbus pili with melanocytes (HE) RODENTS Kůže - 40 Preview Hair – bulbus pili with melanocytes, papilla pili (HES) Hair (eng) – Vlas (cs) – Pilus (lat) 2 1 3 dermal sheath (1) outer epithelial sheath(2) Henle Huxley cuticle of sheath cuticle of hair cortex medulla dermal papilla blood capillaries inner epithelial sheath (3) hair melanocyte Nail (eng) – Nehet (cs) – Unguis (lat) – Onyx (gr) Nail (eng) – Nehet (cs) –Unguis (lat) – Onyx (gr) Longitutudinal section Cross section vallum unguis nail plate vulcus unguis epidermal bed dermal bed bone INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Slides: 69. Skin from tip of finger 70. Skin from axilla 71. Skin with hair 72. Nail 73. Mamma non-lactans 74. Mamma lactans Preview Development of epidermis and corium ectoderm basal intermediate layer periderm layer mesenchyme primitive differentiated dermis dermis differentiated epidermis Development of sweat glands epidermis ectodermal bud ectodermal peg development of lumen in glandular ducts convolution of secretory portion Development of mammary line and gland B, C: primary and secondar ectodermal buds ingrowth mesenchyme Development of hair and sebaceous gland peg bud hair bulb hair follicle hair root sebaceous gl. papilla mesenchyme epidermis