Significance of Na+, K+ and Cl- investigation MUDr. Miroslava Hlaváčová, PhD. Department of biochemistry Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Sodium cation Sodium balance and distribution Na+ concentration in plasma 135 - 145 mmol/L Na+ concentration in cell 3 - 10 mmol/L Na+ intake 140 - 260 mmol/day (8 - 15 g NaCl) Na+ renal excretion 120 - 240 mmol/day Na+ excretion via GIT 10 mmol/day Na+ excretion via sweat 10 - 80 mmol/day Na+ total excretion 140 - 260 mmol/day The concentration gradient between ECF and ICF is maintained principally by the Na+/K+ pump. Assessment of plasma concentration •anamnesis, clinical symptoms •S-osmolality: 2x[Na +] + [glucose] + [urea] (ca. 285 mmol/kg) •Tonicity : 2x[Na+] + [glucose] •Evaluation of extracellular volume (dehydration, euvolemia, edema) •S – albumin •U - Na + ØADH: water reabsorption (distal convoluted tubule) Øaldosterone: reabsorption of Na+ (+ H₂O) and excretion of K +,H + Øatrial natriuretic peptide: excretion of Na+ (and water) Definitions of plasma sodium imbalance •hyponatremia – the Na+ concentration in the serum is below the physiological range –mild 130 - 135mmol/L –moderate 120 - 130 mmol/L –severe < 120 mmol/L •acute – last less than 48 hours or the increase in plasma concentration is higher than 0.5 mmol/L/h •chronic - last more than 48 hours or the increase in plasma concentration is lower than 0.5 mmol/L/h –TIME DIVISION IS NECESSARY FOR THE SPEED OF THERAPY! – •hypernatremia – the Na+ concentration in the serum is above the physiological range, severe above the 155 mmol/L •one of the most common electrolyte imbalance •symptoms depend on the severity of hyponatremia and the speed of development •symptomatic hyponatremia – 33% mortality or permanent brain damage, in chronic form 25% Hyponatremia Symptoms of hyponatremia •brain edema, increased intracranial pressure, myelinolysis, nausea or vomiting, lung edema with hypoxia •no signs if the development of hyponatremia is slow •beware kids and older people – weaker symptoms even in severe hyponatremia •risk factors: hypoxemia (vicious circle), female sex (estrogens), alcoholism, hepatopathy , et al. Hyponatremic encefalopathy •hyponatremia in ECF •↓ •movement of water into cells including brain cells •↓ •brain edema •↓ •compensational mechanisms decrease the osmolality of ICF (24 – 48 hours) •↓ •reduction of brain edema beware of quick therapy!! Hyponatremic encefalopathy II. •quick increase of plasma concentration (e.g., rapid correction of hyponatremia) •↓ •plasma becomes relatively more osmotic compared to ICF •↓ •movement of water from ICF back to ECF •↓ •dehydration of brain cells •↓ •syndrome of central pontine and extrapontine myelinolysis (osmotic demyelination syndrome) Isoosmolar / Isotonic Hyperosmolar / Hypertonic Hypoosmolar / Hypotonic Osmolality = 2[Na +] + [glucose] + [urea] pseudohyponatremia (interference of lipids and proteins using some types measurement) Hyperglycemia Mannitol Ethylene glycol low ECF volume (hypovolemic) increased ECF volume (hypervolemic) normal ECF volume (euvolemic / isovolemic) 90% Types of hyponatremia Hyperosmolar hyponatremia •every increase in plasma glucose concentration by 5 mmol/L above the physiological range decreases the plasma sodium concentration by approx. 1.5 mmol/L • §correction formula: –PNax = PNa+ / (1- PGlc * f) – –f = 0,002 –PNax corrected plasma sodium concentration –PNa+ measured plasma sodium concentration –PGlc measured plasma glucose concentration Hypoosmolar hyponatremia [Na +] hypovolemic hypervolemic euvolemic •relative imbalance between the volume of ECF and the amount of sodium cations included Hypovolemic hypoosmolar hyponatremia •Na+ loss is higher than loss of free water (volume of ECF is reduced) •Extrarenal loss diarrhea, vomiting, burns third spacing of fluid (ileus, peritonitis, fistulas, burns, etc.) •Renal loss diuretics aldosterone deficiency •Signs Dehydration, risk of kidney failure and blood circulation •Therapy isotonic saline ICF ECF Hypervolemic hypoosmolar hyponatremia •retention of water of hypoosmotic fluid •Nonrenal causes cirrhosis, heart failure, nephrotic syndrome with the development of edema (hypoalbuminemia) •Renal causes acute renal failure •Signs edemas, gain of weight •Therapy fluid restriction, water restriction, diuretics ICF ECF Isovolemic hypoosmolar hyponatremia •retention of pure water with later redistribution into intracellular space •Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) brain trauma, pneumonia, lung cancer drugs – carbamazepine, barbiturates, hydrochlorothiazide •Therapy water intake restriction, antagonists of ADH receptors ICF ECF Basic notes to therapy •it is important to: – judge the severity of hyponatremia, time course of sodium levels and cause of hyponatremia –assess the ECF volume and osmolality •treat the cause of hyponatremia if possible •consider the correction (max. 8 – 12 mmol/L/ 24h in symptomatic patients, in asymptomatic even slower) •monitor the level of plasma sodium concentration hourly Calculation of sodium deficit •deficit Na+ = m (in kg) * F * (140 – measured plasma Na+ concentration) •(F = 0.6 for men a 0.55 for women) • •target value of plasma sodium concentration: half of the distance between measured value of plasma sodium concentration and value 140 mmol/L • •deficit Na+ target = m (in kg) * F * (target value of plasma sodium concentration - measured plasma Na+) •most common cause of increased osmolality •very often caused by water deficit rather than sodium cation excess •hyperosmolality cause the movement of water from ICF to ECF with dehydration of (brain) cells •compensational mechanism is the increase of solute particles in brain cells •rapid therapy cause brain edema Hypernatremia Signs of hypernatremia •mostly neurological – because of the water movement in brain cells §thirst §irritability, spasticity, aggressivity, insomnia, hyperventilation, coma → death §intracranial bleeding (volume changes of brain tissue) • category example decreased body sodium (loss of water > Na+) extrarenal: sweating, diarrhea renal: osmotic diuresis (diabetes mellitus) normal body sodium (loss of pure water) extrarenal: fever renal: diabetes insipidus increased body sodium (retention of Na+ > water) steroid treatment, Cushing‘s syndrome, increase intake of sodium (iatrogenic application of hyperosmolar saline, provoking of vomiting by salt solution, castaways adrift at sea) Causes of hypernatremia Therapy of hypernatremia •the same rules as in therapy of hyponatremia (cause, severity, time course) •typical treatment is rehydration, oral or intravenous (combination of 5% glucose and saline according to estimated loss of water and sodium) or diuretics (in case of retention of water and Na+) Potassium cation Potassium balance and distribution K+ is the main intracellular cation – at least 95% of the body's potassium is found inside the cells K+ concentration in plasma 3.8 – 5.2 mmol/l K+ concentration in cell 100 - 160 mmol/l K+ concentration in urine 30 - 80 mmol/l intracellular reserve 3200 mmol extracelullular reserve 60 mmol K+ intake 50 - 100 mmol/24 h. K+ excretion 50 - 100 mmol/24 h. Plasma potassium concentration and pH •they are dependent (decrease of pH by 0.1 increase plasma potassium concentration by approx. 0.6 mmol/L) •more accurate is Kazda's formula : • •Plasma potassium concentration = 33,05 – 3,87*plasma pH • •pH = 7 matches the plasma potassium concentration 6 mmol/L and pH = 7.7 matches the plasma potassium concentration 3.3 mmol/L • •AND IF THE VALUES DO NOT MATCH EACH OTHER? • Definitions of plasma potassium imbalance •hypokalemia – the plasma K+ concentration is below the physiological range –mild 3.0 – 3.5 mmol/L –moderate 2.5 – 3.0 mmol/L –severe < 2.5 mmol/L – •hyperkalemia – the K+ concentration in the serum is above the physiological range –mild 5.5 – 6.5 mmol/L –moderate 6.5 – 7.5 mmol/L –severe > 7.5 mmol/L • Altered internal distribution Altered external balance Other deficient intake of K+ excessive losses of K+ artefact (collection of blood from a vein near to site of IV infusion) Types of hypokalemia Hypokalemia must not be equated with depletion of body K+. Although most patients with K+ depletion have hypokalemia, acute changes in the distribution of K+ in the body can offset any effects of depletion or excess. Hypokalemia due to altered internal distribution of K+ •altered internal distribution = shift of K+ into cells • Øalkalosis Ø Øinsulin (beware of hypokalemia after starting the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis) Ø Øadrenaline (e.g. after MI) Ø Øcellular incorporation of K+ (parenteral re-feeding, rapidly proliferating leukemic cells) Hypokalemia due tu altered external balance •deficient intake of K+ Øchronic and severe malnutrition, anorexia nervosa Ø •excessive losses of K+ from the renal tract – Øhyperaldosteronism, diuretic therapy, renal tubular acidosis, Bartter‘s syndrome Ø •excessive losses of K+ from the GI tract Øvomiting, diarrhea or laxative abuse, fistula • Ø Ø Signs of hypokalemia •muscle weakness, spasms •disturbances of cardiac conduction •constipation or paralytic ileus •disturbed concentration of urine and polyuria • Principles of therapy •measure the plasma magnesium concentration – it is necessary for activity of Na+/K+ ATPase •calculate the deficit of potassium • K deficit (in mmol)=(K normal lower limit - K measured) x body weight (kg) x 0.4 • •correction depends strongly on the kidney function •IV administration is recommended in severe hypokalemia or if the plasma potassium level is not responding to oral administration •maximal dose is 10 - 20 mmol/L/h •7.5% KCl contents 1mmol/L of K+ in 1 ml •check the plasma potassium concentration hourly Altered internal distribution Altered external balance Other increased intake of K+ decreased losses of K+ pseudohyperkalemia Types of hyperkalemia Causes of hyperkalemia •altered internal distribution –acidosis, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (lack of insulin), cellular necrosis •increased intake –rare, only in combination with renal insufficiency •decreased excretion –renal diseases, mineralocorticoid deficiency Pseudohyperkalemia •increased amount of potassium in plasma that occurs due to excessive leakage of K+ from cells during or after blood is drawn –excessive use of tourniquet –lack in processing the blood after the collection –hemolysis –leukocytosis (> 50 · 109/l) –trombocytosis (> 750-1000 · 109/l) • Principles of therapy •increase of shift of K+ into cells (glucose + insulin, alkalization, correction of hyponatremia) •diuretics in nonrenal causes •calcium gluconate (counter the neuromuscular effect of hyperkalemia) •renal dialysis in severe hyperkalemia Practical notes to therapy •plasma potassium concentration must be judged together with clinical condition of patients (ECG!), acid – base balance, renal functions and possible K+ depletion •hypokalemia with acidosis and hyperkalemia with alkalosis are potentially critical •hypokalemia with increased potassium in urine is usually caused by renal disorder, hypokalemia with decreased excretion fraction of potassium has usually extrarenal cause. Conversely in hyperkalemia. •therapy of hyperkalemia must be quick with monitoring of electrolyte balance every half an hour. Chloride anion Chloride balance and distribution Cl- concentration in plasma 98-107 mmol/L Cl- concentration in cell 3 mmol/L Cl- intake 140-260 mmol /24h (8-15 g NaCl) Cl- renally excretion 120-240 mmol / 24h Cl- excretion via intestines 10 mmol / 24h Cl- excretion via sweat 10-80 mmol / 24h Cl- total excretion 140-260 mmol / 24h Chlorides and acid-base balance •chlorides are necessary for the calculation of anion gap and unmeasured anions • •corrected chlorides – reflect the influence of hydration on plasma chloride concentration (how would be the plasma chloride concentration if the plasma sodium concentration is 140 mmol/l) • • Corrected chlorides = [Cl-] ×(140 ÷[Na+]) Hypochloremia Øis an electrolyte disturbance in which there is an abnormally low level of the chloride ion in the blood (< 98 mmol/l) Øaccompanied by hypochloremic alkalosis, hypokalemia, and usually hyponatremia Causes: ØNonrenal: Ø loss of GI fluids – vomiting, fistula in proximal part of GIT ØRenal: Øincreased renal excretion of Cl- – polyuric stage of renal failure, a massive treatment with diuretics Ø ØTreatment: correction of the underlying cause, saline, 7.5% KCl if the hypokalemia is also present Hyperchloremia Øis an electrolyte disturbance in which there is an abnormally elevated level of the chloride ion in the blood (> 107 mmol/l) Ø Øoften combined with metabolic acidosis and hypernatremia Ø ØCauses: infusion therapy, diarrhea, kidney diseases (e.g. renal tubular acidosis), overactivity of the parathyroid glands etc. Ø ØTreatment: correcting the underlying cause, restriction of intake, diuretics (rarely) Thank you for your attention. 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