Spinal Fractures Classification System an AOSpine Knowledge Forum initiative Subaxial Spine Fractures Sacral Spine Fractures Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Spinal Fractures Classification System 2 AOSpine–the leading global academic community for innovative education and research in spine care, inspiring lifelong learning and improving patients’ lives. Spinal Fractures Classification System 3 CONTENT AOSpine Classification and Injury Severity System.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 for Traumatic Fractures of the Subaxial Spine AOSpine Classification and Injury Severity System.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 for Traumatic Fractures of the Thoracolumbar Spine AOSpine Classification and Injury Severity System.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 for Traumatic Fractures of the Sacral Spine Spinal Fractures Classification System an AOSpine Knowledge Forum initiative Project members (in alphabetic order) Disclaimer Aarabi B, Bellabarba C, Chapman J, Dvorak M, Fehlings M, Kandziora F, Kepler C, Oner C, Rajasekaran S, Reinhold M, Schnake K, Vialle L and Vaccaro A. 1. Vaccaro, A. R., J. D. Koerner, K. E. Radcliff, F. C. Oner, M. Reinhold, K. J. Schnake, F. Kandziora, M. G. Fehlings, M. F. Dvorak, B. Aarabi, S. Rajasekaran, G. D. Schroeder, C. K. Kepler and L. R. Vialle (2015). “AOSpine subaxial cervical spine injury classification system.” Eur Spine J. 2. International validation process to be completed in 2015. 3. Submitted to AOSpine International Board for endorsement as the official AOSpine TL Fractures Classification This is the present form of the classification the AOSpine Knowledge Forum (KF) SCI & Trauma is working on. It is the aim of the KF to develop a system, which can in the future be used as a tool for scientific research and a guide for treatment. This system is being subjected to a rigorous scientific assessment. AOSpine Classification and Injury Severity System for Traumatic Fractures of the Subaxial Spine AOSpine Knowledge Forum Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 5 Compression injuries Type AO A1 A2 A3 A4 Description No bony injury or minor injury such as an isolated lamina fracture or spinous process fracture. Minor, nonstructural fractures Compression fracture involving a single endplate without involvement of the posterior wall of the vertebral body. Wedge-compression Coronal split or pincer fracture involving both endplates without involvement of the posterior wall of the vertebral body. Split Burst fracture involving a single endplate with involvement of the posterior vertebral wall. Incomplete burst Burst fracture or sagittal split involving both endplates.Complete burst Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 6 Tension band injuries Type B1 B2 B3 Description Physical separation through fractured bony structures only. Posterior tension band injury (bony) Complete disruption of the posterior capsuloligamentous or bony capsuloligamentous structures together with a vertebral body, disk, and/or facet injury. Posterior tension band injury (bony capsuloligamentous, ligamentous) Physical disruption or separation of the anterior structures (bone/disk) with tethering of the posterior elements. Anterior tension band injury Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 7 Bilateral injuries Translation injuries Type Type C Translational injury in any axis-displacement or translation of one vertebral body relative to another in any direction BL Bilateral injury Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 8 Facet injuries Type F1 F3 F2 F4 Description Nondisplaced facet fracture With fragment <1cm in height, <40% of lateral mass. Floating lateral mass Facet fracture with potential for instability With fragment >1cm, > than 40% lateral mass, or displaced. Pathologic subluxation or perched/ dislocated facet Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 9 Neurological status modifier Type NO N3 N1 N4 N2 NX Description Neurologically intact Incomplete spinal cord injury Transient neurologic deficit, resolved Complete spinal cord injury Radiculopathy Cannot be examined Neurologic status at the moment of admission should be scored according to the following scheme: Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 10 Case-specific modifiers Type M1 M4 M2 M3 Description Posterior capsuloligamentous complex injury without complete disruption Vertebral artery abnormality Critical disk herniation Stiffening/metabolic bone disease (ie.: DISH, AS, OPLL, OLF) There are four modifiers, which can be used in addition to ad 1 and 2: Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 11 Injuries are first classified by their level and primary injury type, either C, B, or A. If there are multiple levels, the most severe level is classified first. The secondary injuries are parenthesized. For example, a C6-C7 translational injury (C) with a C7 compression fracture (A1) would be classified as: C6-C7:C (C7:A1) And a C5-C6 flexion distraction injury (B2) with a C6 compression fracture (A1) would be classified as: C5-C6:B2 (C6:A1) Classification nomenclature Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 12 Included in parenthesis are the remaining subgroups in the order of: facet injuries, neurological status, and any modifiers. For bilateral facet injuries, the “BL” modifier is added after the facet injury if the injuries are the same. For example, a C6-C7 flexion distraction injury (B2) with bilateral facet dislocation (F4) would be classified as: C6-C7:B2 (F4 BL) When there are different facet injuries to the same level, the right side is listed first, then the left. For example, a C6-C7 flexion distraction injury (B2) with right sided facet dislocation (F4) and a left sided displaced facet fracture (F2) would be classified as: C6-C7:B2 (F4, F2) If there are multiple injuries to the same facet (For example: small fracture (F1) and dislocation (F4), only the highest level facet injury is classified (F4). If only facet injuries are identified (No A, B, or C injury), they are listed first after the level of injury. Classification–Facet Injuries Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 13 No bony injury or minor injury such as an isolated lamina fracture or spinous process fracture. A0. Minor, nonstructural fractures Type A: Compression injuries Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 14 Type A: Compression injuries A1. Wedge-compression Compression fracture involving a single endplate without involvement of the posterior wall of the vertebral body. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 15 Type A: Compression injuries A1. Wedge-compression Compression fracture involving a single endplate without involvement of the posterior wall of the vertebral body. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 16 Type A: Compression injuries A2.Split Coronal split or pincer fracture involving both endplates without involvement of the posterior wall of the vertebral body. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 17 Type A: Compression injuries A3.Incomplete burst Burst fracture involving a single endplate with involvement of the posterior vertebral wall. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 18 Type A: Compression injuries A3.Incomplete burst Burst fracture involving a single endplate with involvement of the posterior vertebral wall. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 19 Type A: Compression injuries A4.Complete burst Burst fracture or sagittal split involving both endplates. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 20 Type A: Compression injuries A4.Complete burst Burst fracture or sagittal split involving both endplates. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 21 Type A: Compression injuries A4.Complete burst Burst fracture or sagittal split involving both endplates. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 22 Type B: Tension band injuries B1. Posterior tension band injury (bony) Physical separation through fractured bony structures only. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 23 Type B: Tension band injuries B2.Posterior tension band injury (bony capsuloligamentous, ligamentous) Complete disruption of the posterior capsuloligamentous or bony capsuloligamentous structures together with a vertebral body, disk, and/or facet injury. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 24 Type B: Tension band injuries B3.Anterior tension band injury Physical disruption or separation of the anterior structures (bone/disk) with tethering of the posterior elements. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 25 Type C: Translation injuries C.Translational injury in any axis-displacement or translation of one vertebral body relative to another in any direction Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 26 Bilateral injuries BL. Bilateral injury Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 27 Facet injuries F1.Nondisplaced facet fracture With fragment <1cm in height, <40% of lateral mass. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 28 Facet injuries F2.Facet fracture with potential for instability With fragment >1cm, > than 40% lateral mass, or displaced. Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 29 Facet injuries F3. Floating lateral mass Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 30 Facet injuries F4. Pathologic subluxation or perched/dislocated facet Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 31 Facet injuries F4. Pathologic subluxation or perched/dislocated facet Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 32 Facet injuries F4. Pathologic subluxation or perched/dislocated facet Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 33 C7-T1: C (T1:A1; F4 BL; N4) (assume bilateral) Case Example 1. 25 year old male involved in high speed MVA, complete SCI Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 34 C7-T1: C (T1:A1; F4 BL; N4) Translational injury (C), with compression fracture at T1 (A1), bilateral facet dislocations (F4 BL), complete SCI (N4) (assume bilateral) Case Example 1. 25 year old male involved in high speed MVA, complete SCI Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 35 C5: F2, C6: F2 (N2; M1) Case Example 2. 42 year old male involved in high speed MVA, radiculopathy Subaxial Spine Fractures Classification System 36 C5: F2, C6: F2 (N2; M1) C5 and C6 displaced facet fractures (F2), radiculopathy (N2), posterior capsuloligamentous complex injury without complete disruption (M1) Case Example 2. 42 year old male involved in high speed MVA, radiculopathy AOSpine Classification and Injury Severity System for Traumatic Fractures of the Thoracolumbar Spine AOSpine Knowledge Forum Project members (in alphabetic order) Disclaimer Aarabi B, Bellabarba C, Chapman J, Dvorak M, Fehlings M, Kandziora F, Kepler C, Oner C, Rajasekaran S, Reinhold M, Schnake K, Vialle L and Vaccaro A. 1. Vaccaro, A. R., C. Oner, C. K. Kepler, M. Dvorak, K. Schnake, C. Bellabarba, M. Reinhold, B. Aarabi, F. Kandziora, J. Chapman, R. Shanmuganathan, M. Fehlings, L. Vialle, A. O. S. C. Injury and F. Trauma Knowledge (2013). “AOSpine thoracolumbar spine injury classification system: fracture description, neurological status, and key modifiers.” Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 38(23): 2028-2037. 2. Kepler, C. K., A. R. Vaccaro, J. D. Koerner, M. Dvorak, F. Kandziora, S. Rajasekaran, L. Vialle, M. Fehlings, G. D. Schroeder, M. Reinhold, K. Schnake, C. Bellabarba and C. Oner (2015). “Reliability Analysis of the AOSpine thoracolumbar Spine Injury Classification System by a Worldwide Group of Naïve Spinal Surgeouns.” European Spine Journal. (in press) 3. Submitted to AOSpine International Board for endorsement as the official AOSpine TL Fractures Classification This is the present form of the classification and injury severity system the AOSpine Knowledge Forum (KF) SCI & Trauma is working on. It is the aim of the KF to develop a system, which can in the future be used as a tool for scientific research and a guide for treatment. This system is being subjected to a rigorous scientific assessment. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 38 Thoracolumbar Fractures–Overview This classification and injury severity system is based on the evaluation of three basic parameters: 1. Morphologic classification of the fracture 2. Neurologic injury 3. Clinical modifiers Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 39 1. Morphologic classification A. B. C. This is based on the Magerl classification modified by the AOSpine Classification Group. For this evaluation radiograms and CT scans with multiplanar reconstructions are essential. In some cases additional MR images might be necessary. Three basic types are identified on the basis of the mode of failure of the spinal column: Type A: Compression injuries. Failure of anterior structures under compression. Type B: Failure of the posterior or anterior tension band. Type C: Failure of all elements leading to dislocation or displacement. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 40 Type A Describe injury to the vertebral body without tension band (PLC) involvement. There are five subtypes and no further sub-classification. These subtypes are also used as description of vertebral body fracture in B and C Types. Type A0 A2 A1 A3 A4 Description Fractures, which do not compromise the structural integrity of the spinal column such as transverse process or spinous process fractures. Fracture of both endplates without involvement of the posterior wall of the vertebral body. Fracture of a single endplate without involvement of the posterior wall of the vertebral body. Fracture with any involvement of the posterior wall; only a single endplate fractured. Vertical fracture of the lamina is usually present and does not constitute a tension band failure. Fracture with any involvement of the posterior wall and both endplates. Vertical fracture of the lamina is usually present and does not constitute a tension band failure. Minor, nonstructural fractures Split Wedge-compression Incomplete burst Complete burst Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 41 Type B Describe the failure of posterior or anterior constraints (in case of TL this is the tension band or PLC / Posterior Ligamentary Complex or the anterior longitudinal ligament). Is to be combined with subtypes A when appropriate. There are three subtypes: Type B1 B3 B2 Description Monosegmental pure osseous failure of the posterior tension band. The classical Chance fracture. Injury through the disk or vertebral body leading to a hyperextended position of the spinal column. Commonly seen in ankylotic disorders. Anterior structures, especially the ALL are ruptured but there is a posterior hinge preventing further displacement. Bony and/or ligamentary failure of the posterior tension band together with a Type A fracture. Type A fracture should be classified separately. Transosseous tension band disruption / Chance fracture Hyperextension Posterior tension band disruption Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 42 Type C Describe displacement or dislocation. There are no subtypes as because of the dissociation between cranial and caudal segments various configurations are possible in different images. Is combined with subtypes of A if necessary. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 43 Type A A0.Minor, nonstructural fractures Fractures, which do not compromise the structural integrity of the spinal column such as transverse process or spinous process fractures. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 44 Type A A1. Wedge-compression Fracture of a single endplate without involvement of the posterior wall of the vertebral body. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 45 Type A A2.Split Fracture of both endplates without involvement of the posterior wall of the vertebral body. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 46 Type A A3.Incomplete burst Fracture with any involvement of the posterior wall; only a single endplate fractured. Vertical fracture of the lamina is usually present and does not constitute a tension band failure. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 47 Type A A4.Complete burst Fracture with any involvement of the posterior wall and both endplates. Vertical fracture of the lamina is usually present and does not constitute a tension band failure. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 48 Type B B1. Transosseous tension band disruption/Chance fracture Monosegmental pure osseous failure of the posterior tension band. The classical Chance fracture. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 49 Example: This should be classified as: T12-L1Type B2 with T12 A4 according to the combination rules. Type B B2.Posterior tension band disruption Bony and/or ligamentary failure of the posterior tension band together with a Type A fracture. Type A fracture should be classified separately. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 50 Type B B3.Hyperextension Injury through the disk or vertebral body leading to a hyperextended position of the spinal column. Commonly seen in ankylotic disorders. Anterior structures, especially the ALL are ruptured but there is a posterior hinge preventing further displacement. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 51 Type C C.Displacement or dislocation There are no subtypes as because of the dissociation between cranial and caudal segments various configurations are possible in different images. Is combined with subtypes of A if necessary. Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 52 Algorithm for morphologic classification START Yes Yes No No No No No No injury No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Translation Insignificant injury Complete burst Hyperextension Split/Pincer Pure transosseous disruption Wedge/Impaction Incomplete burst Osseoligamentous disruption C A0 A4 B3 A2 B1 A1 A3 B2 Displacement/Dislocation Vertebral process fracture Vertebral body fracture Tension band injury Both endplates involved Mono-segmental osseous disruption Posterior wall involvement Posterior Anterior Yes Yes Yes Both endplates involved Osseoligamentous disruption Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 53 2. Neurologic injury Neurologic status at the moment of admission should be scored according to the following scheme: Type N0 N2 N1 N3 N4 NX Description Neurologically intact Radicular symptoms Transient neurologic deficit, which is no longer present Incomplete spinal cord injury or any degree of cauda equina injury Complete spinal cord injury Neurologic status is unknown due to sedation or head injury Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures Classification System 54 3. Modifiers There are two modifiers, which can be used in addition to ad 1 and 2: Type M1 M2 Description This modifier is used to designate fractures with an indeterminate injury to the tension band based on spinal imaging with or without MRI. This modifier is important for designating those injuries with stable injuries from a bony standpoint for which ligamentous insufficiency may help determine whether operative stabilization is a consideration. Is used to designate a patient-specific comorbidity, which might argue either for or against surgery for patients with relative surgical indications. Examples of an M2 modifier include ankylosing spondylitis or burns affecting the skin overlying the injured spine. AOSpine Classification and Injury Severity System for Traumatic Fractures of the Sacral Spine AOSpine Knowledge Forum Project members (in alphabetic order) Disclaimer Xxxxx 1. Xxxxx Xxxxx Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 56 Sacral Fractures: Overview Sacral Fractures Lumbosacral Dislocation (Isler) Pelvic Ring Fractures (Tile, Letournel, AO) Sacral Fractures (Denis, Roy-Camille) Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 57 Implications on Prognosis & Treatment Degree of instability • Broadly correlated with: – Energy of injury – Amount of displacement Type of instability • Location of fracture: – Lower sacrum (no pelvic or spino-pelvic involvement) – Posterior pelvic – Spino-pelvic – Both posterior pelvic & spino-pelvic Neurological injury • Broadly correlated with: – Energy of injury – Amount of displacement Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 58 Sacral Fractures–Overview Hierarchical system progressing from least to most unstable Type A. Lower Sacrococcygeal Injuries • NO IMPACT ON POSTERIOR PELVIC OR SPINO-PELVIC INSTABILITY • Eg. Compression/avulsion fractures/injuries below sacroiliac joints • *Higher grade subtypes may be associated with neuro injury Type B. Posterior Pelvic Injuries • PRIMARY IMPACT IS ON POSTERIOR PELVIC STABILITY • Unilateral longitudinal (vertical) sacral fractures • No impact on spino-pelvic stability • Framework is a variation of Denis Zones I through III injuries Type C. Spino-Pelvic Injuries • SPINO-PELVIC INSTABILITY • +/– posterior pelvic instability • L5-S1 facet involvement, Sacral U variants, bilat longitudinal injuries • Subtype severity based on instability & likelihood of neuro injury Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 59 Type A–Sacrococcygeal Injuries Definition: • Injuries below the S-I joint (usually S2) • No impact on posterior pelvic or spino-pelvic instability • *May* have impact on neurology Type A1 • Coccygeal or compression vs ligamentous avulsion fractures Type A2 • Non-displaced transverse fractures below the S-I joint Type A3 • Displaced transverse fractures below the S-I joint Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 60 Type A A1. Coccygeal or compression vs ligamentous avulsion fractures Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 61 Type A A2.Non-displaced transverse fractures below the S-I joint No implications on stability Low likelihood of cauda equina injury Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 62 Type A A3.Displaced transverse fractures below the S-I joint Higher likelihood of neuro injury than A1 or A2 (displacement) May possibly benefit from reduction & stabilization Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 63 Type B–Posterior Pelvic Injuries Definition: • Unilateral longitudinal sacral fractures • Primary impact is on posterior pelvic stability • Mimimal to no impact on spino-pelvic stability • Framework is variation of Denis Zones I through III injuries • Usually treated with sacroiliac screw fixation Type B1 • Central fracture: Involves spinal canal, but with primarily longitudinal fracture pattern Type B2 • Transalar fracture: Does not involve foramina or spinal canal Type B3 • Transforaminal fracture: Involves foramina but not spinal canal Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 64 Type B B1. Central fracture Longitudinal injuries only–rare type of Denis Zone III injuries Low likelihood of neurological injury Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 65 Type B B2.Transalar fracture (may extend into the SI joint) Unilateral Denis Zone I injury Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 66 Type B B3.Transforaminal fracture Denis Zone II injury Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 67 Type C–Spino-Pelvic Injuries Definition: • Injuries resulting in spino-pelvic instability Type C0 • Nondisplaced sacral U-type variant Type C1 • Alternative–Sacral U-type variant without posterior pelvic instability Type C2 • Bilateral complete Type B injuries without transverse fracture Type C3 • Displaced U-type sacral fracture Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 68 Type C C0.Nondisplaced sacral U-type variant Commonly seen low-energy insufficiency fracture Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 69 Type C C1.Alternative–Sacral U-type variant without posterior pelvic instability Any unilateral B-subtype where ipsilateral superior S1 facet is discontinuous with medial part of sacrum May impact spino-pelvic stability (Isler) Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 70 Type C C2.Bilateral complete Type B injuries without transverse fracture More unstable and higher likelihood of neuro injury than C1 Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 71 Type C C3.Displaced U-type sacral fracture Worst combination of instability and likelihood of neuro injury Displaced transverse sacral fracture = canal compromise Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 72 Neurology Type Nx N2 NO N3 N1 N4 Neurological Cannot be examined Nerve root injury No neurological deficits Cauda Equina Syndrome/Incomplete SCI Transient neurological injury Complete SCI Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 73 Modifiers Type M1 M4 M2 M3 Description Soft tissue injury Sacroiliac joint injury Metabolic bone disease Anterior pelvic ring injury Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 74 Classification nomenclature Transforaminal fracture (B3) high energy injury associated with anterior pelvic ring (M1) and soft tissue injury (M3) Primary injury B3; M1, M3 Neurologic status and modifiers Sacral Spine Fractures Classification System 75 Summary Morphological basis for new AOSpine sacral fracture classification Neurological Exam Modifiers for situations that impact treatment or prognosis Further information: www.aospine.org/classification Advancing spine care worldwide AOSpine Latin America Avenida Silva Jardim, 2042 Cj 1505 80250-200 Curitiba, Brasil T +55 (41) 3016 4491 F +55 (41) 3016 4491 aosla@aospine.org www.aospine.org AOSpine Latin America @AOSpine_Latam