Chronic otitis media Klára Perceová ̶ Ireversible changes of the middle ear ̶ Permanent or inetrmittent ear discharge ̶ usually eardrum perforation ̶ Conductive hearing loss ̶ Changes in temporal bone CT scans Definition ̶ Poor function of ET leads to chronic otitis media ̶ TRUE ̶ FALSE Permanent ET dysfunction leads to: Middle ear underpressure (tympanometry C), high risk of AOM mukocilliar transport malfunction structural changes of: eardrum (atrophy, calcification) -middle ear mucosa (mucosal gland formation) myringorupture, otorrhea Chronic otitis media mesotympanalis Fluid in the middle ear, Compact eardrum Chronic Otitis media with effusion (OME) Retraction pocket filled with epidermis Chronic Otitis media cum cholesteatomatae Retraction pocket, adhesion to ossicles or promontorium Chronic adheziv Otitis media (cum ostitide) ̶ Poor function of ET leads to chronic otitis media ̶ TRUE ̶ Clinic: ̶ Central myringorupture ̶ Reccurent otorrhea ̶ Conductive hearing loss ̶ Bacteriology: ̶ Escherichia colli ̶ Pseudomonas aeruginosa ̶ Proteus vulgaris…. ̶ Therapy: ̶ Middle ear lavage, ATB drops ̶ Surgical: myringoplasty Chronic OM mesotympanalis Otitis media with effusion is presented by perforation of eardrum, at least 3 month. TRUE False Chronic OM with effusion - definition ̶ Effusion (various fyzical characteristics) behind compact eardum at least 3 month. Chronic OME ̶ Clinic: ̶ Initially asymptomatic (liquid fluid) ̶ conductive hearing loss (viscous fluid) ̶ tinnitus ̶ reccurent AOM OME- diagnosis ̶ Otoscopy: ̶ Initially normal eardrum ̶ Usually pulled, yellowed or bluish eardrum without light reflex ̶ later atrophy or calcification of eardrum, retraction pocket ̶ Tympanometry: ̶ Type B ̶ Type C ̶ Pure tone audiometry: ̶ Initially normal hearing (liquid fluid) ̶ Conductive hearing loss (viscous fluid) OME - therapy ̶ watchfull waiting for 3 month ̶ Chewing-gum ̶ antihistaminics, local corticoids-only alergy ̶ Surgical: ̶ Improvement of nasal patency (adenoidectomy, nasal polyps, cave tumor of nasopharynx!!) ̶ Fluid aspiration or VT insertion. VT indications ̶ OME persisting 6 month or more ̶ OME with conductiv hearing loss upon 35 dB ̶ Retraction pocket ̶ Kraniofacial deformities (cleft palate) ̶ Reccurent AOM ̶ Tympanoplasty ̶ Hyperbaric chamber ̶ Serious visual defect Otitis media with effusion is presented by perforation of eardrum at least 3 month. False Otitis media with effusion is presented by effusion behind compact eardrum at least 3 month Chronic adhesiv OM ̶ Definition: adhesion between the eardrum, ossicles or promontorium, with ossicles destruction due to blood vessels lesions. ̶ Symptoms: conductive hearing loss ̶ Therapy: tympanoplasty Cholesteatoma can be local destructive, it can demages bone, affects N.VII, cochlea, spreads in to brain, and causes meningitis or abscess TRUE FALSE Chronic OM with cholesteatoma ̶ Definition: ̶ Epidermal epithelium presence in middle ear cavity Acquired (99%) Inborn (1%) ̶ Theory of acquired cholesteatoma: ̶ Retraction pocket of eardrum (middle ear cavity underpressure due to ET dysfunction) Inborn (intact eardrum) Acquired (retraction pocket) Sinus Flaccida Tensa Cholesteatoma – symptoms ̶ Bone destruction (ossicles, lateral semicircular canal, mastoid processus, base of the skull) ̶ Smelling otorrhea ̶ Hearing loss (conductive or mixed) ̶ Tinnitus ̶ Vestibular symptoms: (lateral semicircular canal fistula) ̶ Tympanometry – nonspecific ̶ HRCT: temporal bone destruction Cholesteatoma can be local destructive, it can demages bone, affects N.VII, cochlea, spreads in to brain, and causes meningitis or abscess TRUE It is possible choose between conservative and surgical treatment of choelsteatoma TRUE FALSE Attikotomy small cholesteatoma, retraction pocket – endaural approach Surgery ̶ Canal wall up mastoidectomy ̶ OMCH with intermittent discharge ̶ Thick impairment of antrum and attic ̶ Wealthy pneumatization ̶ Correct function of ET ̶ Could save eardrum and ossicles ̶ Canal wall down mastoidectomy ̶ Extensive impairment ̶ Poor pneumatization ̶ Inftratemporal or intracranial complications ̶ ET malfunction ̶ Fail of canal wall up mastoidectomy Middle ear reconstruction (tympanoplasty) ̶ Myringoplasty: usually implant made from tragus or posterior wall of pinna cartilage (eardrum) ̶ Tympanoplasty: ̶ plastic or metal implant (ossicles) ̶ implant made from tragus or posterior wall of pinna cartilage (eardrum) It is possible choose between conservative and surgical treatment of choelsteatoma FALSE Remeber -only surgery