I. DEPARTMENT OF DERMATOLOGY, MEDICAL FACULTY OF MASARYK UNIVERSITY, BRNO Head of the department: doc. MUDr. Hana Jedličková, Ph.D. GENERAL DERMATOLOGY 1. The structure of the skin 2. Skin appendages – structure, function 3. The functions of the skin – physiology, biochemistry 4. Protective mechanisms of the skin (skin barrier, skin immune systém, UV protection) 5. Topical therapy in dermatology - principles, examples 6. Systemic therapy in dermatology (i.e. antibiotics, antihistamines, retinoids, biologicals etc) 7. Corticosteroids – topical and systemic therapy, indications, contraindications, side effects 8. Terminology of the skin lesions 9. Distribution and patterns of skin lesions 10. Simple diagnostic tests and signs (Auspitz phenomenon, dermographism, Nikolski test, Darier´s sign, Köbner´s phenomenon, Tzanck´s test etc) 11. Diagnostic procedures in skin diseases, dermoscopy 12. Basic types of immunologic reactions (principles, examples); hypersensitivity reactions in the skin, anaphylactic shock, Hoigne sydrome 13. Physical therapy in dermatology (except phototherapy) 14. Histopatology of the skin – general principles, common terms, indications 15. Pigment cells, their function 16. Phototherapy – methods, indications, contraindications 17. Taking the medical history in dermatology 18. Molecular genetics and the skin (tumours, infections, hereditary disorders) 19. Skin biopsy – principles, techniques 20. Preventive measures in skin diseases SPECIAL DERMATOLOGY 1. Bullous diseases without autoimmune pathways 2. Pemphigus vulgaris and its subtypes 3. Pemphigoid and morbus Duhring 4. Erythema multiforme, Stevens Johnson syndrome, Lyell´s syndrome 5. Drug eruptions 6. Connective tissue diseases 7. Bacterial skin infections 8. Erysipelas 9. Mycobacterial skin infections 10. Venous diseases and arterial diseases, ulcus cruris 11. Urticaria (mechanisms, allergic, non-allergic etiology) 12. Alergic contact dermatitis 13. Toxic (irritant) contact dermatitis 14. Atopic eczema, atopy 15. Seborrhoeic eczema 16. Acne 17. Rosacea, dermatitis perioralis 18. Sweat gland disorders 19. Dermatophytoses 20. Candidiasis and deep fungal infections 21. Parasitic diseases in dermatology 22. Lyme disease 23. Herpetic skin diseases 24. HPV and pox virus infection in dermatology 25. Ichtyoses and non ichthyotic disorders of keratinisation 26. Parainfectious exanthemas 27. Psoriasis vulgaris 28. Lichen planus 29. Skin in systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, liver diseases, hematologic diseases, endocrinopathies etc) 30. Disorders of pigmentation 31. Disorders of hair 32. Disorders of nail 33. Cutaneous lymphomas 34. Benign skin tumours 35. Malignant epidermal tumours 36. Malignant melanoma 37. Paraneoplastic signs 38. Skin naevi 39. Skin reaction to light 40. Genodermatoses 41. Premalignant conditions VENEREOLOGY 1. Syphilis (stages, clinical course) 2. Syphilis, primary chancre 3. Syphilis congenita 4. Secondary syphilis 5. Diagnostic tests in syphilis 6. Tertiary syphilis 7. Treatment of syphilis, efficacy, side effects – Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction 8. AIDS symptoms on the skin and mucous membranes 9. STI´s non venereal 10. Gonococcal acute infection in the male 11. Gonococcal chronic infection in the male 12. Gonococcal infection in the female 13. Distant complications of the gonococcal infection 14. Gonococcal infection in children 15. Gonorrhoea – diagnostic tests 16. Factors relevant for prevalence of venereologic infections 17. Ulcus molle 18. Sexually transmitted infections – STI´s overview 19. Lymphogranuloma venereum and granuloma inguinale 20. Non venereal diseases of genital area – men, women