Basics of hygiene in dentistry – exam questions A) Hygiene and preventive medicine 1. Main determinants of health 2. Hygiene, epidemiology, preventive medicine – the scope, priorities, aims. Types of preventions, strategies. 3. The main preventable risk factors of cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis), connections to dentistry, dental health. 4. The main preventable risk factors of cancer, connections to dentistry. Cancer prevention in dentistry. 5. Basics in nutrition. Basic nutrients, food groups. Energy. 6. Dietary guidelines (generally) 7. Diet and nutrition for dental health 8. Ergonomics: the scope, implications, examples 9. Occupational health risks (non-infectious) associated with work in dentistry, other than physical workload and mercury. 10. Physical workload as a occupational risk factor in dentistry, prevention, compensation exercises 11. Mercury, the risks associated with its using in dentistry. Exposure, health impacts, remedies 12. Smoking and health, health consequences (generally). Specific impact on oral and dental health. 13. The programme 4A in dentistry practice 14. The possibilities of pharmacological support in smoking quitting 15. The preventive programs for healthy teeth B) Epidemiology of infectious diseases 1. Chain of infection – epidemic process. The importance of environmental and social circumstances, intensity levels of the process of spreading. 2. Presence of a source of infection. The importance of various clinical forms of a disease, infectiousness at each stage of a disease, carriers of pathogenic microorganisms from the epidemiological point of view. 3. Possibility of the transmission of infection. Phases of transmission, effects of environmental factors, resistance in microorganisms, the portal of entry of an infection, special ways of transmission. 4. Susceptibility of the population to the infection. 5. The vaccination schedule in the Czech Republic. 6. The current epidemiological situation in the Czech Republic. Epidemiological surveillance. 7. Decontamination, theoretical principles of sterilization and disinfection. 8. Epidemiological characteristics of intestinal infections caused by bacteria and prevention of their spreading. 9. Epidemiological characteristics of intestinal infections caused by viruses and prevention of their spreading. 10. Epidemiological characteristics of bacterial airborne infections and prevention of their spreading. 11. Epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis and prevention of their spreading. 12. Epidemiological characteristics of viral airborne infections and prevention of their spreading. 13. Epidemiological characteristics of blood infections and prevention of their spreading. 14. Epidemiology and surveillance of nosocomial infections. 15. Infections of skin and superficial mucous membrane – epidemiological characteristics and preventing their transmission. 16. Infections as occupational diseases and their prevention. 17. Infections in travelling and their prevention. 18. Animals as sources of infection. 19. Work out the principles of safe manipulation with biological materials. Work out a schedule for prophylactic measures in case a health service worker has been wounded with a contaminated object. 20. Being the head of the intensive care unit, suggest how to check if the epidemiologic regulations are being followed. 21. Work out the principles of safe manipulation with the aids and instruments for operative intervention, a) for one-use material b) for material which can be used repeatedly. 22. Work out preventive and repressive precautions against the spreading of influenza.