Instructions for the exam online 1. Students must be able to connect to ms teams and use camera and microphon. 2. The exam could be recorded if the student wants. 3. The appointment is settled for certain time scheduled on is.muni. 4. Student must be in the room alone a show it on camera also show that on the table there is only a pencil and piece of paper. 5. There is no time for preparation – the exam is a discussion. 6. The question will be generated by random number generator – shared on the screen 7. The exam has two parts: - Discussion on the selected topic (question) - Description of radiogram or a picture, discusion about the problém, sugestion of the therapy. - Denotation of teeth (student write it on the paper a show on the camera) – eg. Central upper icisor left. Student writes: 11. +1, 1 8. There is appr. 30 minutes for the student. 9. The exam could be recorded if the student wants.