Adobe Systems Faculty of medicine, Dpt of restorative dentistry, L. Roubalikova 1 Restorative dentistry 3rd year Lecture 2 Indications of dental materials Adobe Systems Classification of dental caries Black ̶I. class – pit and fissure caries ̶II.class – caries on proximal surfaces of premolars and molars ̶III. – caries on proximal surfaces incisors and canines without lost of incisal edge ̶IV. - – caries on proximal surfaces incisors and canines with lost of incisal edge ̶V- cervical caries ̶( VI. Caries on incisal edges or cusps) ̶ Adobe Systems Classification of dental caries Mount and Hume ̶Location 1.Occlusal 2.Proximal 3.Cervical Size 1.Small 2.Medium 3.Large 4. Adobe Systems Classification acc. to Mount and Hume Occlusal caries ̶11 composit, amalgam ̶12 composit, amalgam - 13 metal or adhesive inlay/onlay or amalgam with cusp replacement [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Classification acc. Mount and Hume Proximal caries in posterior teeth ̶21 – composit, amalgam ̶22 – composit, amalgam, adhesive inlay, metal inlay ̶23 – amalgam, adhesive or metal inlay [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Classification acc. Mount and Hume Proximal caries in anterior teeth ̶21,22,23 – composit GIC – patients with worse cooperation (disabled, oral hygiene not optimal) 24 (loss of incisal edge), composit, veneer, crown [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Classification acc. Mount and Hume ̶Cervical caries 31 – 33: Depends on location Composit Glassionomer ̶ ̶ ̶Amalgam –posterior teeth, esp. In patients with worse level of oral hygiene [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Indications of dental materials Consideration ̶Caries -Size - Location ̶Regional circumstances ̶Level of oral hygiene ̶Intermaxillary relations Bite forces ̶Patient -General health -Cooperation Choice of the material [USEMAP]