Adobe Systems Definujte zápatí – název prezentace nebo pracoviště 1 Restorative dentistry I. 5th lecture Miniinvasive techniques in the treatment of dental caries Adobe Systems From extension for prevention to prevention of extension ! 1tridareal mod black1 [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Primum non nocere ! Minimal intervention = Approach Non invasive Minimally invasive [USEMAP] Adobe Systems ̶ bednarvych bednarsehoji Kopie bednarzhojen1 hrmkovavych hromkovanejlepsi ? vacha3 vacha2 [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Prevention od extension q Ethiology and patogenesis of dental caries q Biomechanical properties of the tooth q Diagnosis q Filling materials q Preparations techniques Changes in the treatment concepts, size and shape of cavities black1 [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Biomechanics korenovenastavby mod MOD - 63% Endodontics - 9% Dehydratation -14% Ferrari M, Scotti R. Fiber posts. Characteristics and clinical applications. Milano: Masson,2002.c [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Illumination, magnification Clean surfaces Dry field Ø Dry field lupovky kamera1 [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Miniinvasive treatment - techniques q Mechanical q Chemo – mechanical q Kinetic q Laser [USEMAP] Adobe Systems qMechanical preparation q ØRotary ØSonic , ultrasonic ØART Ø [USEMAP] Adobe Systems ØRotary (micro and miniinstruments) mikrodia mikrokomet [USEMAP] malakavitaokluze Minicavities Fissure opening oklplocha peceteni5 peceteni6 [USEMAP] okluze otviranifissur malicke kavity malickekavity na okluzi kdepreparovat [USEMAP] slotak Wardovaprep Sedelmayer slotbazant Sedelmayer J. Amalgám – zapomenuté řemeslo. Brno, 2000. Bažant V. Konservační zubní lékařství, SPN Praha,1962. slot1 Slot preparation with macroretention [USEMAP] slot1 slot2 Sedelmayer slot3 slot4 Adhesive slot [USEMAP] tunel1 tunel2 tunel3 Tunnel preparation [USEMAP] tunel1a tuneldetail1 [USEMAP] 1202161355_8 tunelpovyplni tunel logosov [USEMAP] tunel1 tunel2 1.Low caries risk 2.Compliance 3.Marginal ridge without infraction 4.D3 1. Magnification 2. Miniinstruments 3. Disinfection of cavities 4. GIC or composite 5. BW post op Success? [USEMAP] Adobe Systems ØSonic and ultrasonic preparation – oscillating instruments sonicminikonc soniczboku1 soniczboku2 sonickomp2 sonickomp3 [USEMAP] 7902 7907 [USEMAP] cislo1 cislo2 kavita Ultrasonic preparation üWalls are smoother in comparison to rotary preparation üTime of the preparation is significant longer üExkavation of carious dentin is nor sufficient üMarginal adaptation of composite filling is not significantgly better Roubalíková L. Ultrasonická preparace v ošetření zubního kazu , PDD 2004. [USEMAP] 7a 7a ØART [USEMAP] 7b ØART logosov [USEMAP] 7b ØART –atraumatic restorative technique 7c logosov [USEMAP] Adobe Systems ART üMiniinvasive üRemineralization üLarge lesions üChildren üDisabled patients ü art art3 [USEMAP] Ø Chemomechanical preparation 7a logosov 7c [USEMAP] Adobe Systems carisolvprehled carisolvnástroj carisolvzub2 pochemomech1 ØChemo – mechanical preparation [USEMAP] üNo anesthesia needed üSmell of chlor üNo noise üFor anxious and disabled patients üTime consuming • Rafique S, Banerjee A, Fiske J. Clinical trial of an air-abrasion/Carisolv gel regimen for restorative treatment for dentally anxious patients. Caries Res 2002; 186 (Suppl.3)36:39. [USEMAP] Adobe Systems ØKinetic preparation – sandblasting – air abrasion kineticka [USEMAP] Adobe Systems üGood accepted by patients üTime consuming üExcavation of dentine is not sufficient üRough borders üDust Pietrini DR. Air abrasion for 21st century. Dent Today 2000;19:106-108 [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Ø Laser princippreparace [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Er,Cr:YSGG Laser Er: YAG logosov [USEMAP] Adobe Systems ̶ fokusace laserilustr kavitalaser logosov [USEMAP] cahl1 cahl2 cahl3 cahlhotovo Roubalíková L, Wilhelm Z, Bilder J. : Use of Er:YAG laser in non carious cervical lesions. Clin Oral Invest, v tisku, 2004. logosov [USEMAP] vacha3 vacha1 vacha2 [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Adhesive preparation Sklovina lasernapis kyselina s napisem adhesesnapisem logosov [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Adhesive preparation Dentin Lenka Roubalikova, CZ snapisemlaseddentin dentinkyselina adhese s napisemdent [USEMAP] Adobe Systems üGood accepted üTime consuming üAntimicrobial effect üRisk of perforation of pulp chambre üPrice [USEMAP] 39 Obsah obrázku objekt v exteriéru, ohňostroje Popis byl vytvořen automaticky [USEMAP] Thank you !