Examples of the questions in the credit test: 1. Describe the sequence of the adhesive procedure using two steps adhesive system. 2. Name the components of the adhesive systém. 3. How do you recognize that you applied the adhesive systém corectly? 4. What is the purpose of using the flowables? 5. Which impression techniques is recommended for inlays? 6. Performe the management od postoperative sensitivity 7. Classify the glassionomer cements 8. What is moc up and when is it recommended? 9. Indication of preventive filling are: 10. What is tunnel preparation and which limits does it have? 11. Describe the sequence of operation by making the crvical filling of the ight curing composite 12. Describe the possible negative consequences of polymerization stress and shrinkage. 13. How do you recognize clinically the cracs in enamel and around the filling 14. Which factors can cause the postoperative sensitivity? 15. Explain the mechanism of the postoperative sensitivity and the treatment stratégy 16. How the inner surface of inlay can be treated before the adhesive cementation? 17. When can we cause the cuspal deflection 18. How do you find cracs in hard dental tissues? Are there any clinical symptoms? 19. Perform the management od dentin hypersensitivity. 20. Perform the management of dental erosion. 21. Describe the picture (radiogram), state the working diagnosis and suggest the therapy .