Adobe Systems Definujte zápatí – název prezentace nebo pracoviště 1 Preclinical dentistry I. Class I. [USEMAP] Adobe Systems 2 Classification acc. to Black ̶ Class I. Pit and fissure caries kreplová [USEMAP] Adobe Systems 3 Classification acc. to Black ̶Class II. Proximal surfaces in premolars and molars vychozistav [USEMAP] Adobe Systems 4 Classification acc. to Black ̶Class III. ̶ Proximal surfaces of incisors and canines without lost any part if incisal edge daniel9 [USEMAP] Adobe Systems 5 Classification acc. to Black ̶Class IV. Proximal surfaces of incisors and canines with lost an incisal ridge Kopie vychstavmikulov [USEMAP] Adobe Systems 6 Classification acc. to Black ̶Class V. cervical lesions Kopie kaz [USEMAP] Adobe Systems 7 Preparation of cavities Access to the cavity Outlines – cavosurface margin (extention for prevention) Principles of retention Principles of resistance Excavation of carious dentin Preparation of borders – finishing Control [USEMAP] Adobe Systems 8 Protection of dentin wound ̶Dentin wound should be covered – protection of dental pulp against irritation Physical -thermal -osmotic Chemical Combination [USEMAP] Adobe Systems 9 Protection of dentin wound Isolation Filling (small cavities) Base (moderate – large cavities- depth 2mm and more approx.) Adhesive systems ( composite materials) [USEMAP] Adobe Systems 10 Filling ̶Filling replaces lost hard dental tissue anatomically and functionally ̶ ̶ ̶Always different properties in comparison to hard dental tissues. [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Preparation of the cavity class acc. to Black ̶Cavities in fissures and pits ̶(Occlusal surfaces of premolars and molars and in f. caeca) ̶ F. Caeca: buccal surfaces of lower molars, Palatal surfaces of lower molars, palatal surfaces of upper incisors (mostly lateral) [USEMAP] All pit and fissure restorations (fillings) They are assigned in to three groups. R. on occlusal surface of premolars and molars R. in foramina caeca – usually on occlusal two thirds of the facial and lingual surfaces of molars. R.on lingual surface of maxillary incisors. [USEMAP] fissurasplakem plak fissuradetail Morphology of fissures Biofilm [USEMAP] Adobe Systems ̶ kdepreparovat Caries [USEMAP] Materials: Amalgam, composite. Amalgam: Pertinent material qualities and propeties Strength Longevity Easy of use Clinically proven sucess [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Access to the cavity ̶From the occlusal surface using the fissure bur (or diamond burs, see below). nastroje [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Cavosurface margin ̶Ideal outline includes all occlusal pits and fissures. If transvers ridge (1st lower premolar) or oblique ridge (1st and 2nd upper molar) are not affected, it is strongly recommended not to prepare them. [USEMAP] kazprostupobrys [USEMAP] C:\Users\Elite\Documents\Manuál prekliniky\obrazky z uschovny\28\28a.jpg [USEMAP] Mandibulary 7 Mandibulary 6 vestibulary orally [USEMAP] First upper molar Oblique ridge [USEMAP] Third molars - variable [USEMAP] ½ distance between the botom of the fissure and the cusp [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Retention ̶ ̶ ̶ Box – undercut (1,5 – 2 mm deep). [USEMAP] Box [USEMAP] Undercut [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Resistance Depth 1,5 – 2 mm The enamel is always supported with dentin The cavosurface margin till ½ distance of the bottom of the fissure and the cusp No sharp edges • [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Resistance ̶ ̶Proximal ridges must not be undermined! ̶ Definujte zápatí – název prezentace nebo pracoviště 28 [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Excavation of carious dentin ̶ Round burs : 3000/min ̶Excavators ̶ vrtackykul [USEMAP] 1trpremolar Orientation of the pulpal wall [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Finishing Fine diamonds [USEMAP] Adobe Systems Final check Good illumination, dry field, magnification. Direct and /or indirect view Probe [USEMAP] Oblique ridge 6 7 8 6 7 8 Molars [USEMAP] 1tridaforamenrezaky Foramen caecum: Preparation is limited on carious lesion The bottom is located in dentin Undercuts Finishing of cavity borders [USEMAP] If the enamel is undermined occlusally – extention on occlusal surface [USEMAP] Obbr7 Preparation with preservation of the transverse ridge [USEMAP] Premolars Crista transversa (transvers ridge) Lower P1 [USEMAP] 1tridapodsekriviny 1tridarezistence [USEMAP] 40 Base is made usually of zinkoxidphosphate cement It is placed only on pulpal wall [USEMAP]