Definujte zápatí – název prezentace nebo pracoviště1 Preclinical dentistry I. Class I. modifications Modifications of the class I. ̶ Composite ̶ Inlay 2 Preparation for composite The cavity is smaller – more narrow depending on the size of the carious lesion. The shape is a box with rounded edges. Undercuts are not prepared, the Walla are smooth. In the cas when the lesion is small the cavity could be limited on carious lesion only, fissures going to the lesion are opened and sealed. 4 Minikavity Otevírání fissur 5 Sequence of operation ̶ Preparation ̶ Acid etching (enamel 30 s, dentin 10 s) ̶ Washing (10s at least,better as long as the etching lasted in enamel) ̶ Removal of access of water ̶ Application of the primer ̶ Application of the bond ̶ Layering of the composite material ̶ Finishing and polishing 6 The filling is built cusp by cusp Preparation for inlay ̶ Inlay is a rigid filling ̶ Made out of cavity (dental laboratory) and luted into the tooth ̶ Preparation is dofferent: box with walls that are slightly divergent ̶ Preparation is slightly asymetric – orientation by application into the cavity is then easier Inlay ̶ Can be made of metal alloy ̶ or comopsit or ceramics Indication ̶ Large defects that can not be restored with plastic fillings Definujte zápatí – název prezentace nebo pracoviště11 Inlay - disadvantages 1. More hard dental tissues are lost 2. The fabrication is more difficult 1. Small and shallow cavities 2. High caries risk. 3. Frontal area Contraindication Classification Inlay Onlay Overlay Inlay Onlay Overlay Basic rules of the preparation ̶ Box ̶ No undercuts ̶ Slight divergency of walls Usnadňující forma Metal inlay - fabrication ̶ Direct method ̶ Indirect method Direct method ̶ Cenral cavities only ̶ Wax pattern is made directly in oral cavity Direct method 1. Phase in dental office Preparation ̶ Isolation ̶ Modellation ̶ Sprue pin with the reservoir ̶ Taking from the cavity Phase in ental lab ̶ Investment ̶ Casting - lost wax method ̶ Finishing, polishing) 2. Phase in dental office ̶ Trying ̶ Luting Indirect method 1. Phase in dental office Preparation Taking impression – elastomeric materiál, antagonal impression – alginate, registration of intermaxillary relationships - wax Phase in dental lab ̶ Investment ̶ Casting - lost wax method ̶ Finishing, polishing) 2. Phase in dental office ̶ Trying ̶ Luting Impression – elastomeric material Antagonal impression Registration of in termaxillary relationship - wax Wax pattern on the model Inlays made of metal alloy Cementation ➢Trying, checkig ➢Polishing of the borders using special instruments ➢Cementation Non metallic inlays Composite Ceramics Non metallic inlays ̶ Indirect method ̶ Special procedures ̶ Cemented using special composite materials – composite cements. These materials are usually dual curing. ̶ This cementation is adhesive cementation: hard dental tissues ase teched, primed and bonded. Restoration are teched (hydrofluoric acid or sandblasted, treated with silane)