Mgr. Dagmar Janů - heart diseases - CHRI (cronical renal insufficiency) - COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) - Parkinson morbus/syndrom - oncological diseases - DM - defect of musculosceletal system - cardial decompensation - ↓fraction of heart (≥25% ) - pulmonia, fluidothorax - fall/s - infection of respiratory and urinary tract - iontdiscrepancy, dehydratation - oncological diagnosis - worsen condition of nutrition - trombosis of deep vein - DM decompensation - patient´s condition after fracture colli femoris, colli humeri (after a fall) - patient´s condition after fracture vertebrae (JEWET), costae - condition of patient after brain stroke - a bit of temperature up to fever - the whole weakness - decreasing of intake of food and liquid - infection of respiratory and urinary tracts - infection disease - clostridy ₋ defect of senses – getting worse hearing, eye-sight ₋ ↓ of physical condition ₋ ↓ muscles, muscles coordination, gentle motoric, defect of walking, the total decondition ₋ ↓ congnitive and gnotick functions ₋ ↑ forgetting,↓of concetration ₋ ↓ of fatic functions ₋ ↓of speech, ↓ability to name something, ↓ability to understand ₋ ↓ or Ø interest of patient about moving (specialy in patients ₋ after brain stroke) ₋ ↓ ability of space ₋ ↓ of recognition ₋ sensing, attention, memory, image, thinking ₋ advanced stage of demention, morbus Alzheimer - to keep or to get better mobility (specialy walking ->this is the most important for relatives->it is most requirement for homecoming) - to keep or increasing selfcare - to keep to get increasing cognitive function - to enable return home physical and mental ability > mobility of movement ability for ADL ₋ to keep (renew, gaining) enough of moving patterns (PNF, Brunkow, Bobath) ₋ equal normalisation (compensation) of potentional defect (aweaken or shorten of soft tissue) ₋ mental thinking about a thing ->worsening of functions (preliminary of moving apparatus) all activition organism (↑of muscles strong, ↑coordination, dynamics, permanency) ₋ ↑of motoric activity, practising of walking and improving certainty (using accessories) ₋ improving of physical condition indicators (breating content, heart output, normalisation of preassure, decreasing of clinical symptoms ICHS ischemic heart disease and so on) ₋ improving of possibility to control level of sugar in blood (possibility to ↓medication) ₋ decreasing of bone matter (mainly in women after menopasuse) ₋ decreasing of fall (fractures) ₋ improving of mobility and all joint functions (decreasing of pain) ₋ improving of quality of sleeping, ability of studying, short-time memory ₋ alleviation of symtomps in development of blood vessels ending (arthery defect, decrease of vein inflammation, pulmonary decrease, pneumonia etc.) ₋ increasing of metabolic, keeping of optimal weight ₋ antidepressive influence ₋ decreasing of exhaustion ₋ to start breathing exercising – dynamic (eventually local) ₋ to continue in exercising from acers (at first HKK then DKK) ₋ to choose excercise from easy one up to more difficult ₋ no hurry ₋ it is necessary to count with sense defects (eye-sight, hearing) ₋ to choose easy language to undestand (to excersise together with patients) ₋ to keep good mood ₋ important to understand the excercise with patients (to choose their close moving activites) ₋ be aware of over loading (to adjust intensity and extention of excercising up to date) ₋ Include excercising into regular daily programme ₋ not to excercise over pain ₋ be aware of isometric excercising (namely in hypertention) ₋ be aware of optimal temperature in the room ₋ to excercise one hour after food earliest (DM) ₋ conditional excercising in lying, sitting, standing position (to keep/to improve extention of joint movement and to keep/improve of muscle strenght) ₋ possible to use accessories (theraband, overball, weight sacks, dumbbells1-2 kg, polles) ₋ practising of gentle motoric ₋ LTV kinesiotherapy on the base of neurophysiology (elements of PNF,Brunkow, Bobath,sensomotoric) ₋ practising of verticalisation (spinal ortesis-JEWET) ₋ into seat – with/without help, with/without support on limbs ₋ training of seating stability ₋ into standing position – with/without help, with/without protetic accessories (hight/low walking device, armpit crutches,crutches, walking stick) ₋ training of standing stability ₋ into walking position – with/without help, with/without protetic accessories (hight/low walking device, armpit crutches, crutches,walking tick) ₋ training of modification steps and walking, co-movement of upperlimbs