Case reports 1.Five cases – diagnose, differential diagnose? 2. Select a case of your choice Status localis? Questions important for anamnesis Further examination? Therapy? Prognosis? Patient 1 65 years old, male, otherwise healthy, comes for Melanoma screening. Suspicious leasion under left eye (approx 6 months). Obsah obrázku muž, interiér, osoba, hledání Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Patient 2 •40 y.o., male •Hypertension, heavy smoker •Allergies unknown •Drug treatment: Prestarium neo •Mother being treated for thyreopathy, father died to colorectal ca •10 months treated for stomatitis aftosa •Th: penicilin, after treatment weeping leasions occured within the thoracal area Patient 3 •65 y.o., female •Have been treated for over 15 yrs for rheumatic arthritis and fibromyaliga •osteoporosis •Th: predniosn 20mg/ die •Manifest leasions in progress on the lower libs for 2 years now. •Ulcus on the lower limbs after radiotherapy. Patient 4 •42 y.o., female •Treated for thyreopathy •Mother: rheumatic arthritis •Th: oral hormonal contraception •Comes for finding a painless pale spot on the side of the thoracal area. The spot appears to be firm in the center more than around the edges. A simmilar spot is found in the lower back area. Patient 5 •38 y.o., femalie •Treated for Chlamydia pneumoniae (1 year ago), very tired since then, unable to work. •Allergies: fish, milk, nuts •Th: cetirizin •Comes for itchy skin, since 6 months ago there are several painful nodules appearing on her back and in the scalp. The nodules tend to open up after few days and release unsually looking liquid with „very strange white chunks“. •There are more appearing, Th not succesful so far.