HYGIENEAND HEALTHCAREASSOCIATED INFECTIONS I INTRODUCTION MUDr. Bohdana Rezková, Ph.D. HAI Definition  Healthcare associated infection means diseases or pathologies related to the presence of infectious agents or its products in association with exposure to healthcare facilities or healthcare procedures or treatments. (definition for the purpose of Recommendations of the Council of the European Union, 2009) in hospital in outpatient medical facilities in long-term care facilities in day- care centres in assisted living facilities etc. Healthcare associated infections HAI WHAT EXACTLY are they? • Occur in a patient during the process of care in a hospital or other health care facility. • Are not present and incubating at the time of admission. • Can also appear after discharge. • Represent the most frequent adverse event during care delivery. HAI definition from: 1) EU law http://eur- lex.europa.eu 2) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) A nosocomial infection associated to the current hospital stay is defined as infection that matches one of the case definitions AND  the onset of symptoms was on Day 3 or later (day of admission = Day 1) of the current hospital admission OR  the patient underwent surgery on day 1 or day 2 and develops symptoms of a Surgical Site Infection before day 3 OR  an invasive device was placed on day 1 or day 2 resulting in an HAI before day 3. HAI Frequency  Frequency of HAIs from WHO data: - In developed countries in average at least 7% of hospitalized patients. - In developing countries in average 15.5% of hospitalized patients. • ECDC - Point prevalence survey of healthcare associated infections and antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals 2016–2017: - Prevalence of HAI in acute care hospitals in the PPS sample was 5.9% (country range: 2.9–10.0%). - HAI prevalence was highest in patients admitted to ICU, where 19.2% patients had at least one HAI. HAI Consequences  Prolonged hospital stay  Long-term disability  Unnecessary death  Increased additional cost for care  High cost for patient and his family  Increased antibiotic resistance of germ  Occupational hazards for healthcare workers Prevention of HAIs is worth of a great attention across the world! HAI Epidemiological distribution NON- SPECIFIC  Common communityacquired infections brought by patient or other person.  Primary pathogens  e.g. respiratory or gastrointestinal infection SPECIFIC  Infection associated with specific procedures in health care facilities.  Often caused by resistant microorganisms (superbugs) or opportunistic pathogens.  e.g. urinary tract infection, blood-stream infection, ventilator-associated pneumonia,… CHAINOF INFECTION SOURCE TRANSMISSION SUSCEPTIBLE PERSON HAI Source in healthcare Enviroment Other person Health-care professional Patient! PATIENT as a source  WHEN: - misdiagnosed - in incubation period - abortive or latent form of infection - carrier of resistant agent (MRSA), TBC,VHB,VHC,… EACH PATIENT CAN BE INFECTIOUS!!! You are certainly not healthy, because medicine is so advanced today that a healthy person basically does not exist! TRANSMISSION in healthcare facilities  The most frequent route is a contact, mostly indirect way of transmission.  Most transmissions of pathogens happen via healthcare workers hands! (WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care) PATIENT as a susceptible person IMMUNOCOMPROMISED INDIVIDUAL: • HIV patients,  oncology patients,  smokers,  diabetics,  alcoholics,  patients that have autoimmune or other chronic disorders. INFECTION PREVENTION PRECAUTIONS Safer care for patients. Protection for healthcare professionels. CDC (Centre of disease control and prevention) „Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings“ 2016 www.cdc.gov/oralhealth/infectioncontrol/guidelines/index.htm Possibilities of prevention Standard precautions the basic level of infection control precautions to be used, as a minimum, in the care of all patients. prevent transmision from both recognized and unrecognized sources Isolation precautions In specific situation mostly aimed on recognized pathogen differ from the way of transmission