X-rays and how to read them MDDr. Julie Bartáková STK FNUSA LF MU Department of restorative dntistry OPG (orthopanthomogram)  X-ray of upper and lower jaw, sinuses, temporomandibular joint Right orientation of OPG Wrong orientation Wrong orientation Level of alveolar bone Level of alveolar bone Horizontal resorbtion of alveolar bone Vertical resorbtion of alveolar bone Gingiva level Oral hygiene ??? It is not possible to say according to X-ray – you are able to consider according to:  Number of teeth in oral cavity  Number and size of caries and secondary caries  Number of fillings  Type and size of fillings:class I.,II.,III.,IV.,V.,VI.  Number of teeth with and without endodontical treatment  Quality of endodontical treatment  Number of roots (radices)  Number and type of prosthodontic works  Dental stone Hygiene probably good Hygiene probably average Probably bad oral hygiene Localisation of teeth Teeth localisation ? Red – axis of tooth in current position, after moving into the gap after previous extracted tooth/teeth Green – probably original position of tooth, after straightening the axis of tooth to physiological position (it is only indicative position, sometimes it doens´t correspond with real position of tooth) Teeth localisation Red - current position of tooth Green- probably the real position of tooth and number of tooh Fillings Amalgam fillings Filling in foramen caecum Filling in foramen caecum Filling close to the pulp chamber Composite fillings X-ray contrasting Composite fillings not X-ray contrasting GIC fillings Extensive caries Small caries Caries - middle extension Caries – caries pulpae proxima Caries – caries pulpae proxima Caries – caries pulpae penetrans Caries – class V. Caries – class V. Caries – caries secundaria Tooth crown destruction caused by caries Dental stone Dental stone and ( guess what is between teeth 32 and 42?) Dental stone and (dental stone between 32 and 42) Radix Periapical lesion Periapical lesion Periapical lesion – resorption of the apex Teeth after endodontical treatment After endodontical treatment – number of root canals Be careful!! - First molar – at least 3 root canals Second molar – mostly at least 3 root canals ( variability in number of RC) Third molar – variability ( 1-3 RC) After Endo treatment – number of root canals and poor endodontical treatment Wrong : all root canals are not found, filling of root canals doens´t reach the apex, filling of root canals is not homogenous After Endo treat. – poor endo treatment Wrong: all root canals are not found, filling in root canals doesn´t reach the apex, periapical lesion, root inlay in tooth with poor endo treatment After endo tr. – number of root canals Be careful!!: mostly 1-2 root canals, !first upper premolars can have 3 root canals, 2 buccally and 1 palatally After endo treatment – root canal filling is not homogenous After endo treatment – root canal filling doesn´t reach the apex After Endo treatment – root canal filling is homogenous After Endo treatment – root canal filling is homogenous After endo treatment – root canal filling is over the apex After endo treatment – root canal filling is over the apex Crown Full – metal crown/ Faset crown On X-ray: metal replace the whole crown up to occlusion/incisal edge Metal – ceramic crown On X-ray everytime 2 parts: metal construction of crown ( white colour) and ceramic layer reaching the occlusion/ incisal edge (gray-white colour) Full – ceramic crown On X-ray: ceramic replace the whole crown (grey colour, on X-ray is the colour similar to the tooth colour) Resin crown On X-ray: almost invisible. If you see on X-ray root inlay or tooth after preparation for the crown and it seems to be without a crown EVERYTIME!!! check the X-ray , if resin crown is not there. (on X-ray it is a thin gray transparent line making the crown outline ) Dnes pendens Root canal inlay – short, unsatisfactory Root canal inlay - suitable Root canal inlay 1:1 What´s on the picture?? Partial removable denture Implant Erupted third molar Erupted third molar Partially impacted third molar Impacted third mollar Dystopically stored molar Dystopically stored tooth Dystopically stored tooth Tooth fracture Cases Instructions  1. Diagnosis of the patient  2. OPG  3. Describe the OPG and write down a treatment plan if the patient is healthy ( oral hygiene determine from OPG , description at the beginning of presentation)  4. Describe the changes in treatment plan, if the patient has a diagnose written at the beginning of the case and on what you shoud pay attention during the treatment  (5. At the end of ppt are treatment plans to the cases to compare with your treatment plans) Description of the treatment plan  1.Hygiene  2. Extractions  3. Endo/ re-endo treatment  4. Fillings  5. Prosthetic treatment : Partial/ Total removable dentures/ crowns/bridges/ prosthetic work(s) carried by implants Case n.1 Diabetes mellitus II.type - compensated DM II.type - compensated Treatment plan:  1.Hygiene  2. Extraction: 26, 37,34  3. Endo treatment:15,13  4. Re-endo treatment: 23-25  5. Fillings: 13-22, 33  6A. Partial rem.denture LJ:replacing 36-37,34,43-47  6B. Implants: (v UJ (26)) v LJ ( v area 36/37, in the area.43, 45 a 46/47)  7. Crown and root inlay : 15, 24,25  8. Crown: 23, Implant and crown :26  9. Metal – ceramic bridge on implants 43-47  10A. Metal – ceramic bridge 33-35 and crown on implant in the area.36/37  10B. Metal – ceramic bridge 33-37 Diabetes mellitus  Clinical symptoms: Polyuria  Anorexia  Parodontitis  Hyposalivation  Red coloured tongue  Glossitis  Atrophy of papillas, atrophy of mucosa ( predisposition to inflamations and ulcers)  Candidosis  Higher amount of car.pulp.prox., pulpitis a periodontitis  Stomatodynia, glosodynia  Taste disorder  Bilateral, not painful enlargement of gl.parotis,caused by sialosis  Acetodynia ( uncompensated DM)  Rizika: 1. Hypoglycemia, 2. Stress ( Flooding of adrenalin and corticoids – antagonists of inzulin), 3.Slower healing, 4. More often periodontopathys, 5. Hyposalivation and lower fluidity of saliva (dekubitus), 6. Candidosis under PRD/TRD Diabetes mellitus  Ordination: 1. Uncompensated DM( Compensate !!!)  2. Never on an empty stomach!!!  3. After aplication of PAD/insulin  4. Urgent operation on uncompensated person need to be consulted with the diabetolog  5. By injuries in orofacial area/ operation in the OFA never prohibit the food  6. LA without adrenaline /max 1:200000 6 ML  7. Surgery in ATB preparation (PNC ATB 2 G 1 H before surgery, after every 8 H. Klindamycin 300 mg 1H before, after every 6H, for 5-7 days)  8.Orofacial inflamation: everytime ATB!! and send the patient to spicialised hospital  9. Treatment of periodontopathies and HYGIENE!!  10. Treatment of all teeth, prevention of pulpitis, peridontitis, longer irrigation ( edndo treatment)  11. Reconstruction by partial/total removable dentures, prevention of decubits, addition of tooth in denture after extraction  12. If patient is compensated, it is possible to do implants Case n.2 Operation in ECC( Extra corporal circulation) such as valve transplantation, bypass, .. Operation in ECC( valve,bypass,..) Treatment plan: Version 1. Short time before operation: 1. Exraction: 18-14,24-27 – (teeth with poor or no endo treatment), the rest of treatment after operation 2A. 21,22 – fillings 2B. 21 – end.treatm.,root inlay, metal-ceramic crown 22 – root inlay and metal-ceramic crown 3A. Partial removable denture : 17-14, 24-26 3B. Implants: 16,14,24,26 and metal-ceramic bridges 16-14, 24-26 Version 2. Long time before operation: 1. Hygiene 2. Extraction: 18,27 3. Endo treatment: 17 4. Re-endo treatment: 16-14, 24-26 5. Fillings: 33,32,44 6. Root inlay: 17-14, 21,22, 24-26 7. Metal-ceramic bridge: 17-14, 13-23, 24-26 / MC bridge 17-26 Complication:  Infection and rejection of implant  Complicated healing  Transport of infection from oral cavity by blood circulation to another place  Exclusion of infection localised in oral cavity before operation  Extraction:All teeth with periapical lesion  Radices  Teeth with vertical, oblique fracture or horizontal fracture in middle part of root  Teeth with poor endo treatment  Teeth with caries pulpae penetrans  Teeth with a crown and root inlay without endo treatment  Partially impacted teeth, teeth with chronical pericoronitis  Be careful!!: Ulcers,decubits,periodontal trunks,inflamation of saliva glands, sialolithiasis, periodontitis, gingivitis,regional lymphadenitis, cysts (risk on infection) Case n.3 Epilepsy Grand mal/ Petit mal - compensated Epilepsy grand/petit mal compensated Treatment plan:  1. Hygiene  2. Extraction : 28  3. Endo treatment:16 a 24  4. Re-endo treatment: 14,35, 46,47  5. Fillings: 18,26,27, 48  6A. Root inlay a MC crown: 14, 35,46,47 and implant with MC crown: 36  6B. Root inlay and MC crown: 14,46,47 and 35 – root inlay and MC bridge: 37-35 Complication  Danger or new episode when using a light in the eyes  Danger of new episode when threatment in one visit is long (in hours)  Can´t be any partial/total removable dentures, danger of fracture during episode  All prosthetic works must be ONLY fixed  Can´t be any resin or full ceramic crowns and bridges, danger of fracture during episode and swallow or inhalation of small parts  Danger of new episode caused by pain Case n.4 Astma bronchiale Astma bronchiale Treatment plan  1. Hygiene  2. Extraction: 38,48  3. Re – endo treatment: 25,27, 46  4. Fillings: 16-14, 12, 24,26, 37-35, 45,47  5. Root inlay a MC crown : 25,27, 46  6. Implant and MC crown:17 Astma bronchiale  Klinical symptoms: shortness of breath, tachypnoe, stridor, difficulti talk,blue-grey coloured mucous membranes, tachycardia, unrest, perspiration, overfilled A.carotis,  Orofacial symptoms.: Allergic rhinitis, mounth breathing, cyanotic coloured mucouc membranes, pseudomembranous candidosis ( caused by inhalation cortisosteroidy), changed Ph of saliva (caused by sympathomimetics), stomatitis, caries, gastroesophageal reflux (caused by symphatomimetics), enamel erosion  Danger: 1. episode during treatment ( stress, allergen, toxicity of chemicals), 2. breathing problems ( rubberdam, bilateral anesthesia, long preparation, impressions), 3. inhalator ( risk of candida albigans)  Ordination: 1. minimalise stress, 2. don´t use barbiturates, k.ASA, nonteroid antiflogistics ( release of histaminu), 3. room with afresh air 4. before longer treatment use corticosteroids Case n.5 Before (re)operation of hip joint Before (re)operation of hip joint Treatment plan Version 1. Short time before operation: extraction: 15,14, 24-26, 46,47 Treatment after operation: 1. Endo treatment: 27,36, 45 2. Fillings: 13-22, 38,37, 44, 48 3. Implants: 15,14, 24,26, 46,47 4A.MC crown on implant : 15,14, 46,47 and MC bridge on implants: 24-26 4B.Partial removable denture: 15,14, 24-26 and partial removabe denture 46 a 47 ( if patient has no money) 4C. MC bridges: 17-13, 23-27 a 44-48 , but there is a big danger of fracture 23, because of big pressure Treatment plan Version 2. Long time before operation: 1. Hygiene 2. (Extraction: 46) 3. Endo treatment: 16,27 4. Re-endo treatment: 15,14,24-26,46,47 5. Fillings: 13-22, 38,37, 44,48 6. Root inlay and MC crown korunka: 15,14, 24-26, (46), 47 Before (re)operation of hip joint  Exclusion of infection localised in oral cavity before operation  Danger of transport of infection from oral cavity by blood circulation to another place  Extraction:All teeth with periapical lesion  Radices  Teeth with vertical, oblique fracture or horizontal fracture in middle part of root  Teeth with poor endo treatment  Teeth with caries pulpae penetrans  Teeth with a crown and root inlay without endo treatment  Partially impacted teeth, teeth with chronical pericoronitis  Be careful!!: Ulcers,decubits,periodontal trunks,inflamation of saliva glands, sialolithiasis, periodontitis, gingivitis,regional lymphadenitis, cysts (risk on infection) Case n.6 Before treatment by bisphosphonates Before treatment by bisphosphonates Treatment plan Version 1. Short time before treatment: extraction: 14,11,22, 26,27, 36 After treatment: 1.Hygiene 2. Fillings: 15,13, 21,24,25 3A. Partial removable denture in UJ: 16,14,11, 22, 26 and LJ: 36,46 3B. MC bridge in LJ: 44-47 and 35-37 and MC bridge in UJ: 17-25 Version 2. Long time before treatment: 1. Hygiene 2. Extraction: 11,22 3. Endo treatment: 27 4. Re-endo treatment: 14,26,46 5. Root inlay a MC crown: 26, 27, 46 6. MC bridge: 17-14( root inlay), 13-23, 35-37 Complication  Exclusion of infection localised in oral cavity before operation  Transport of infection from oral cavity by blood circulation to another place  Danger of bone necrosis after tooth extraction during treatment by bisphosphonates without ATB  Extraction:All teeth with periapical lesion  Radices  Teeth with vertical, oblique fracture or horizontal fracture in middle part of root  Teeth with poor endo treatment  Teeth with caries pulpae penetrans  Teeth with a crown and root inlay without endo treatment  Partially impacted teeth, teeth with chronical pericoronitis  Be careful!!: Ulcers,decubits,periodontal trunks,inflamation of saliva glands, sialolithiasis, periodontitis, gingivitis,regional lymphadenitis, cysts (risk on infection) Case n.7 Before transplantation of kidneys, livers, lungs, … Before transplantation of kidneys, livers, lungs, … Treatment plan Version 1. Short time before operation: extraction: 16,14,26, 36,46 After operation: 1.Hygiene 2. Endo treatment:15,25 3. Fillings: 17, 27, 38, 37, 35, 47 4A. MC bridges: 17-13, 25-27, 37-35, 45-47 4B. Implant and MC crown: 16,14,26,36,46 Version 2. Long time before operation: 1. Hygiene 2. Endo treatment: 15,25,26,36 3. Re-endo treatment: 16,14,46 4. Root inlay and MC crown: 16,14,26,36,46 Complication  Exclusion of infection localised in oral cavity before operation  Transport of infection from oral cavity by blood circulation to another place  Extraction:  All teeth with periapical lesion  Radices  Teeth with vertical, oblique fracture or horizontal fracture in middle part of root  Teeth with poor endo treatment  Teeth with caries pulpae penetrans  Teeth with a crown and root inlay without endo treatment  Partially impacted teeth, teeth with chronical pericoronitis  Be careful!!: Ulcers,decubits,periodontal trunks,inflamation of saliva glands, sialolithiasis, periodontitis, gingivitis,regional lymphadenitis, cysts (risk on infection) Case n.8 Onkological patient Onkological patient before therapy Treatment plan  Version 1. Short time before therapy: extraction: 16-14, 24-26, 36,35, 73, 47 After therapy: 1. Hygiene 2. Fillings: 17, 21-23, 37, 44 3A. Partial removable denture in UJ: 16-14, 24-26 and PRD in LJ: 36,35, 46, 47 3B. Implants and MC bridge: 16-14, 24-26 and implants and MC crowns: 36,35, 46, 47 Version 2. Long time before therapy: 1. Hygiene 2. Endo treatment: 15, 26, 37 3. Re-endo treatment: 16,14, 24, 25, 36,35 4A.MC bridge: 45-47 4B: Implant and MC crown: 46 Onkological patient complication  Exclusion of infection localised in oral cavity before operation  Transport of infection from oral cavity by blood circulation to another place  Extraction:  All teeth with periapical lesion  Radices  Teeth with vertical, oblique fracture or horizontal fracture in middle part of root  Teeth with poor endo treatment  Teeth with caries pulpae penetrans  Teeth with a crown and root inlay without endo treatment  Partially impacted teeth, teeth with chronical pericoronitis  Be careful!!: Ulcers,decubits,periodontal trunks,inflamation of saliva glands, sialolithiasis, periodontitis, gingivitis,regional lymphadenitis, cysts (risk on infection) Case n.9 Pregnant patient Pregnant patient Treatment plan  Version 1. : Better to wait after gravidity and then:  1. Hygiene  2. Extraction: 18,28,38,48  3. Endo treatment: 37  4. Fillings: 16-14, 24-26, 36,35, 45,46  Version 2. Acute problem during gravidity:  Treatment of acute problem and the rest after gravidity Coplication  Since 2nd trimester must patient sit or half sit -half lay during the visit  Complete treatment before gravidity  Anestezsia without adrenaline/ max. 1:200 000  Extraction/Endo treatment in 3rd trimester  NO XRAYS!!! Case n.10 Patient for exlusion of danger of infectious endocarditis Exclusion of danger of IE Treatment plan  1. Hygiene  2. Endo treatment: 13,23,37,47  3. Re-endo treatment: 15,12,24,25,27  4. Fillings: 18,28,36, 38  5. MC bridge: 17-15, 13-23  6. MC crown and root inlay: 24,25, 27  7.Extraction: 18,28 Infectious endocarditis  Anamnesis: IE in the past , after heart operation, heart defect and disease, medication: antikoagulants, antiagregants  Klinical symptoms: 1. Valve defects ( murmur, heart failure), 2. Embolism 3. Symptoms of infective disease ( sick, fever, shivering, tiredness, pain of joints,..)  Orofacial symptoms: petechie and bleeding from mucose membranes in oral cavity  Danger: 1. bakteriemia after intervention in oral cavity 2. bakteriemia after removing of dental stone 3. ATB according to the level of danger of development of IE  Ordinaction 1. ATB before invasive intervetion in OC  2. invasive intervetion until 1 h after regular use of ATB  3. (it´s possible to use ATB 2 h after intervention) Infectious endocarditis  Extraction:  All teeth with periapical lesion  Radices  Teeth with vertical, oblique fracture or horizontal fracture in middle part of root  Teeth with poor endo treatment  Teeth with caries pulpae penetrans  Teeth with a crown and root inlay without endo treatment  Partially impacted teeth, teeth with chronical pericoronitis  Be careful!!: Ulcers,decubits,periodontal trunks,inflamation of saliva glands, sialolithiasis, periodontitis, gingivitis,regional lymphadenitis, cysts (risk on infection) Case n.11 Hypotension Hypotension Treatment plan  1. Hygiene  2. Endo treatment: 27,37  3. Re-endo treatment 16-14,24-26, 36,46,47  4. Fillings: 17,22  5. Root inlay and MC crown: 16-14, 24-26, 36,46,47 Hypotension  Clinical symptoms: 1.Orthosthatic sickness (sickness,weakness, black spots in fron of one´s eyes, vertigo when quickly stand ing from sitting), 2.Depression, tiredness  Orofacial symptoms: none  Danger: 1.vazovagal faint, 2.orthosthatic colaps, 3. paradox reaction after adrenaline – deeper hypotension  Ordination: 1. patient is lying/ half lying-half sitting, 2.careful with prescription of benzodiazepins (deeper hypotension),3. slowly changing the possition into sitting after treatment Case n.12 Infarction of myocardium Infarction of myocardium Treatment plan  1.Hygiene  2. Extraction: 13,28, 38  (3: Endo treatment: 27)  4. Re-endo treatment: 11,47  5. Fillings: 17,15,21, 26,37,36  6. Implant and MC crown: 13 Infarction of myocardium  Acute: angina pectoris which doen´t stop after nitrates, retrosternal pain radiating to upper extremities/ neck/ belly,.., úzkostanxiety, sickness, vomiting, dyspnoe, uneasines, sweaty skin, tachycardia  St.after.IM: none  Orofacial symptoms: not typical, after medication: dry mucous membranesm change of taste, stomatitis  Danger: 1. flood out of adrenaline after painful and stresful treatment causing IM, 2. new episode of IM, 3. higher bleeding (anticoagulants/ antiagregants)  Ordination: 1. No surgical and big interventions 6 months after IM, 2. shorter time of treatment Case n.13 Patient with ICD Patient with ICD Treatment plan  1.Hygiene  2. Extraction: all teeth in upper jaw, 34  3. Total removable denture in upper jaw:17-27  4. Partial removable denture in lower jaw: 37,36,34, 44-47 Patient with ICD  Klinical symptoms: none  Orofacial symptoms: none  Danger: development of electromagnetic interference ( mobile phone, ultrasound for removinf dental stone,electrocauter) failure/ change of development of electroimpulses  Precautions: 1. never turn on repeatedly the elecric machines close to the patient, min.distance is 30 cm, 2. never use high frequency bipolar electrocauters, 3. cardiostimulator ( Adrenalin v LA), 4. ICD ( small amounts of LA, 1:200000, only bigger interventions) Case n.14 Chronical bronchitis/CHOPI Chronical bronchitis/CHOPI Treatment plan  1. Hygiene  2. Endo treatment:13,22,27  3. Re-endo treatment: 15,11,21, 35,44  4. Fillings: 16, 12, 37, 34  5. Root inlay and MC crown: 15, 11,21,22, 27  (6. MC crown – 12)  7A. MC bridge: 35-37, 44-47  7B. Implant and MC crown: 36, in the area 45/46 and root inlay and MC crown: 35, 44 Chronical bronchitis/CHOPI  Klinical symptoms: caugh, shortness of breath, mucus-pus sputum  Orofacial symptoms: cyanosis of face, halitosis  Danger: 1. long term using corticosteroids ( decreased immunity), 2. problems with breathing during preparation and impressions  Ordination:1. DON´T USE: hypnotics, sedatives barbiturates, benzodiazepines: danger of depression of breauthing ,dry mucous membranes, adhesion of mucus, 2.breathing problems when using bilateral MA/ treatment with rubberdam, 3. patient is siiting during the visit, 4. never use bilateral anesthesia, 5. (treatment without rubberdam) feeling of suffocation Case n.15 Gastroesophageal reflux Gastroesophageal reflux Treatment plan  1. Hygiene  2. Extraction: 18,38,48, konzultation with surgeon, if tooth between 11 and 21 need to be extracted  3. Re – endo treatment: 17,15, 45,47  4. Fillings: 24  5. Root inlay and MC crown: 17,15, 36  6A. MC bridge: 45-47  6B. Implant and MC crown: 46, root inlay and MC crown: 45,47 Gastroesophageal reflux  Clinical symptoms: stomatitis, change of taste, burning in oral cavity, erythema of soft palate and uvula, erosions on frontal teeth palataly and on premolars  Ordination: fluoridation, hygiene, treatment of erosions, soft toothbrush, toothpaste without abrasive particals, elevation of the bite by fillings, perfect prosthetic treatment Case n.16 Crohn disease Crohn disease Treatment plan  1. Hygiene  2. Endo treatment: 17,26, 35  3. Re-endo treatment: 16,36, 45-47  4. Fillings: 15,27,34  5. Root inlay and MC crown: 17,16, 36,35, 45-47  6A. Implant and MC crown: 25 and root inlay and MC crown: 26  6B. MC bridge: 24-26 Crohn disease  Clinical symptoms: erosions/ ulcers in oral cavity, irregular fattering of soft palate, diffusive oedema of lips, angular stomatitis, atrophic glossitis, orofacial lesion is in 20 percents of cases first symptom  Danger: 1. suppression of inflamation in oral cavity by medication and after that spreading to other tissues, 2. H.Simplex induce by medication  Ordination: 1. perfect restorative and prosthetic treatment, 2. stomato-surgical procedures during ATB use, 3. ATB medication during less serious orofacial inflamation, 4. if we suspect undiscovered Crohn disease, send the patient to specialist Case n.17 Acute/Chronical leukemia Acute/Chronical leukemia Treatment plan Version 1. Short time before treatment: extraction: 17-14, 12-22, 38, 45 After treatment: 1. Hygiene 2. Fillings: 13,23, 25,26, 35,34, 44, 46 3. Partial removable denture in upper jaw: 16-14,12-22 and partial removable denture in lower jaw: 37-36, 45 Version 2. Long time before treatment 1. Hygiene 2. Extraction: 17-14, 12-22, 38, 45 3. Fillings: 13,23,25,26,35,34,44,46 4. Resin bridge: 13-23 5. Partial removable denture in upper jawí: 17-14 and lower jaw: 36,37 which keep the height of occlusion. After treatment of leukemia is possible to do implant: 36,37 and in upper jaw widening of partial removable denture after extraction of single tooth Acute/Chronical leukemia  Clinical symptoms: tiredness, loss af apetite, subfebrilia,loss of weight, anemia, bleeding of the gums, hyperplastic gingivitis/periodontitis which doesn´t improve after good oral hygiene, bleeding from the nose, hyperplastic gingiva, mucosal/ gingival ulceratons/necrosis, paresthesia of lower lip, enlargement or saliva glands,paleness of mucosa  Danger: infection,bleeding, all surgical and invasive procedures must be on specialised departments after consultation with hematologist!!  Ordination: treatment of all teeth before treatment of leukemia , if something is acute, every procedure in oral cavity must be consulted with hematologist!!!, hygiene, prevention!!!, on patients witch chronical leukemia is possible to do some procedures during using ATB Acute/Chronical leukemia  Extraction:  All teeth with periapical lesion  Radices  Teeth with vertical, oblique fracture or horizontal fracture in middle part of root  Teeth with poor endo treatment  Teeth with caries pulpae penetrans  Teeth with a crown and root inlay without endo treatment  Partially impacted teeth, teeth with chronical pericoronitis  Be careful!!: Ulcers,decubits,periodontal trunks,inflamation of saliva glands, sialolithiasis, periodontitis, gingivitis,regional lymphadenitis, cysts (risk on infection) Case n.18 Hepatitis A/B Hepatitis A/B Treatment plan  1. Hygiene  2. Extraction: 27  3. Endo treatment: 16,22,23,36  4. Re- endo treatment: 15,24,25  5. Fillings: 17,11,21,23, 26, 34,33,42-45  6. Root inlay and MC crown: 15,22,24,25, (36)  7A. Partial removable denture: 37,46,47  7B. Implant and MC crown: 46,47 and implant in the area and MC bridge: 34-37 Hepatitis A/B  Clinical symptoms: Yellow eyes, mucosa, skin  Only first aid treatment  As a last patient!!!  Special hygienical regulations  Clothes and instruments for one use  Preparation without cooling  Impressions for prosthetic work in special containers and desinfection  Extraoral X-rays are prefered  Lab technician has also special clothes Case n.19 HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Treatment plan  1.Hygiene  (2. Extraction: 28,48)  3. Endo treatment: 22-24,27,36,47  4. Re – endo treatment: 14,35, 44,45  5. Fillings: 12-22, 37,34,33, 46  6. Root inlay and MC crown: 36,35, 44,45  7A. MC bridge: 16-14, 23-27  7B. MC bridge: 16-14, implants: 25,26 and MC crowns: 23,24,25-26 HIV/AIDS  Clinical symptoms: Cervical lymphadenopathy , repeatedly H.Zoster, repeatedly infections caused by cytomegalovirus, hairy leukoplakia, HIV necrotising gingivitis and periodontitis, repeatedly candidosis, angular cheilitis, Kaposhi sarcom, non - Hodhgin LY, ulcerations  Ordination: Hygienical regulation same as Hepatitis  Only first aid treatment  As a last patient!!!  Special hygienical regulations  Clothes and instruments for one use  Preparation without cooling  Impressions for prosthetic work in special containers and desinfection  Extraoral X-rays are prefered  Lab technician has also special clothes Thank you for your attention