Isolation of the operating field Dry field in oral environment? ØAccess Ø ØView Ø ØSetting of materials Ø tt What does complicate the treatment? ØSaliva Ø ØCooling water spray Ø ØBlood Dry field management n nRelative dry field n n n nAbsolute dry field Relatively dry field nCotton rollers n nCotton squares Cotton cups Relative dry operating field ØBelvedere matrix Ø ØWooden wedges Ø ØMinidam d nIx Wooden wedge Access to the cavity (retracts the gingiva) Dry field (stops bleeding) - - Matrix adaptation (presses the strip tightly) Absolutely dry oparating field nRubber dam (kofferdam) n nA membrane which isolates the operation field nfrom oral envionment. Components Punch forcep Frame Rubber Clamp Clamp forceps Sheet Benefits nProtection of patient against gulp or aspiration nProtection of dentist and assistant against infection nAseptic approach nAbsolute dry field nRetraction of soft tissues nProtection of soft tissues nBetter access to the operation field RISKS nLimitation of oral breathing nFear nLatex allergy nAspiration or gulp of the clamp nDamage of hard and soft tissues Contact allergy Rubber Roll Square (blank) Perforation Round aperture Ainsworth Ivory Perforation plate How big will the perforation be? According to: Size of the tooth Thickness and kind of the rubber dam Mode ofapplication Obsah obrázku kobereček Popis byl vytvořen automaticky arch wings Arch, wings, Clamps for retention Clamps for retraction Contact – areal 4 pointed Obsah obrázku nástroj, nůžky Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Rubber dam frame n Ligaturs Latex rollers - wedjets How many teeth should be isolated? Mode of application nRubber first nClamp first nClamp and rubber dam together nApplication in seconds Rubber first Clamp first n Rubber and clamp together n Rubber, clamp and frame together – application in seconds n Interdental adaptation Interdentál adaptation inversion Ligaturs Latex rollers - wedjets Thermoplastic impression material n Elongation of the clinical crown before application od the clamp n Lubrication Napkin 55 Modifications ØOptidam Ø ØOptradam Ø ØMinidam 56 Optidam n OptiDamAnteriorOutlined-200Width-Prod OptiDamPosteriorOutlined-200Width-Prod OptiDamFrameOutlined-200Width-Prod kreplova2 57 Optradam n DSC00187 58 optradam optradam1 Minidam suchepoleobr