1. Sterilization with saturated hot water steam Principles of X-ray investigation, risks, prevention 2. Dry heat sterilization Local anaesthesia in oral surgery 3. Desinfection – principles and chemicals Indications of the x-ray examination in oral surgery. 4. Basic surgical instruments, principles of their use Cold sterilisation. Principles of asepsis 5. Preparation for a surgical treatment in dentistry, surgical hand washing, scrubbing, glovning 6. Nerve blocked anaesthesia – foramen mandibulae. Structures and anatomical figures in x-ray picture in lower jaw 7. Infiltration aneasthesia Structures and anatomical figures in x-ray picture in lower jaw 8. Elevators – description and use Intraoral x-ray pictures, principles of investigation (tecchniques – parallel technique, bissecting angle technique) 9. Suture - materials and instruments Basic x- ray techniques of the skull and jaws 10. Teeth extractions using forceps. Principles. Nerve blocked anaesthesia in maxilla 11. Terms of surgical operations. Extraxtion, apicectomy, hemiextraction, excochleation, sutura. Complications of extraction and local anaesthesia. 12. Principles od teeth extractions – work with the elevators Structures in the intraoral radiograms