Myopia Definition Optical condition of the myopic eye Classification Symptoms Signs of the myopic eye Risk factors for the development of myopia Prognosis Night myopia Correction Myopia ■ Definition: Parallel rays of light are focused in front of the retina (when the eye is at rest). Optical condition of the myopic eye • Distant objects cannot be seen clearly, only divergent rays will meet at the retina, parallel rays of light are focused in front of the retina. • The far point (punctum remotum) of the myopic eye - the farthest point, at which objects can be seen distinctly - it is in the finite distance in front of the eye at the optical axis (in the emmetropic eye it is at infinity) • The higher the myopia - the shorter the distance • The near point (punctum proximum) of myopic eye is greatly shifted to the eye Classification of the myopia Aetiology: • Axial myopia - the greatest majority of cases, it is due to an increase in the antero-posterior diameter of the eye • Curvature myopia - myopia refractiva - may be associated with an increase in the curvature of the cornea or one or both surfaces of the lens _ I • Myopia combinated Axial myopia • The greatest majority of cases • The normal optical power and an increase in the antero-posterior diameter of the eye • d > 24 mm, whereas cp = 58,64 D • The effect of the refraction: • the change of axial lenght 0,34 mm - ID Curvature myopia • Does not appear as much • The cause - increased refraction of the optical system at its normal length • I = 24 mm a (p > + 58,64 D • Classification of curvature myopia: - index myopia - radius myopia HOMEWORK Classification of the myopia ■ Classification according to the degree (according to diopter (optical power)) ■ Low myopia (myopia simplex, myopia levis) (< -3,0 D) ■ Medium myopia (myopia modica) (- 3,25 D to - 6,0 D) ■ High myopia (myopia gravis) (> -6,0 D) ■ Severe myopia (> -10,0 D) In the presence of pathological changes in high myopia - myopia gravis degenerativa (2-3% in general population) ■ These forms of myopia practically do not change with the termination of an individual's growth ■ The prognosis of myopia - it depends upon the age of the patient |The risk factors for the development of myopia • Genetic factors: • Human clinical data also support the genetic bases for myopia. Myopic parents tend to have myopic children in higher proportions than no-myopic parents • The prevalence of myopia in children with two myopic parents is 30-40 %, 20-25 % in children with only one myopic parent and to less than 10 % in children with no myopic parents. • Ethnicity (Chinese, Japanese) • Environmental factors • Association with near work • Computers, tablets • Night lighting Symptoms of the myopia • Blurred distance vision x good near vision • Half shutting of the eyes - greater clarity of stenopaeic vision Q | • Advantage: In middle life, when the accomodation fails, presbyopic problems come later (not require spectacles for reading) The night myopia A refractive change occurring in reduced illumination, which is very variable in degree, but rarely exceed - 0,5 D, but it can achieve - 4,0 D. Causes of night myopia: • Spherical aberration • Chromatic aberration • HOMEWORK • Error in accommodation occuring in dim light The prognosis of myopia In simple myopia - the prognosis is good. The error usually does not progress beyond 6-8D and stabilizes by the age of 20 years. In pathological myopia -the visual prognosis is always guarded. In all cases, the possibility of progressive visual loss due to degenerative changes and danger of complication. Myopia (Nearsightedness) Prescription: the lowest possible power of minus lens (concave lens) by which can be accorded VA 6/6 (1,0) Guidelines for correcting low degrees of myopia up to -6 D • Low degrees of myopia (up to - 6 D) - full correction Guidelines for correcting high myopia • High myopia - the full correction can rarely be tolerated Modes of prescribing concave lenses • Glasses • Contact lenses • Next possibilities of correction of the myopia • Surgery for myopia • Non-corneal interventions Negative Lens for Correction Parallel light rays from a distant object /