Visual acuity by patients with vision loss (VA lower than 6/60) • If the patient does not see the largest letter on the chart (the highest line) - shortening the reading distance (from 3 m read the higter letter - 3/60 - 0,05 decimal) • counting fingers - recognition the fingers on the dark target (notation: fingers/2m), only tentative tests • Hand motion - using a moving hand as the target, ask the patient if he can see the hand moving • Light projection - holding a penlight or transilluminator at the patient at a distance of 20 cm from the patient, position the light in different areas of the patient's visual field. Ask the patient to point at the light and note the areas of the field which the patient has vision • Light perception - direct a penlight or transilluminator at the patient and ask if he can see the light (result: light perception x no light perception) Classification of visual impairment according to WHO - 5 degrees * Medium low vision V < 0,3 (6/18) az > 0,1 (6/60) * Strong low vision V < 0,1 (6/60) az > 0,05 (3/60) * Heavily low vision a) V < 0,05 (3/60) az 0,02 (1/60) b) Concentric constriction of the visual field of both eyes below 20 degrees or in one functionally proficient eye under 45 degrees Classification of visual impairment according to WHO - 5 degrees • Practical blindness V < 1/60 (0,02) to the light perception or limitation of the visual field to 5 degrees around the central fixation although central acuity is not affected • Full blindness (amaurosis) • Vision loss including states from total loss of light perception to the presence of the light percention with light projection Near Visual Acuity Test • We use optotypes for near (Jaeger, Kadlicky in CR) • hand-held card similar to a vision chart on a wall • short parts of texts or sentences ( from the biggest to the smallist size) • It is important to determinate the right value of addition by presbyopic patients. The add is the difference between the distance correction and the near correction. • Examination of near visual acuity we test for standard distance of 30-40 cm (distance is also varies as per individual needs 30-50 cm) Near Visual Acuity Test Jaeger chart, ETDRS chart for reading Reading chart with pictures, notes chart for musicians Also includes illustrations for real-life assessment - a sample crossword puzzle, TV program, maps, timetable ... 5 methods are most commonly used to quatify near VA (Snellen, logMAR, Jaeger, M-units, N-units - it depends on the country ) Near Visual Acuity Test Lidské oko je orgán, kterým vnímáme 95% všech vjemů v okolním světě. Proto bychom si měli zrak chránil nejvysšf možnou měrou. K základni ochraně zraku patří prevence. Je dobré pravidelně navštěvovat Vašeho očního opilka či optometristu. Kontrola Vašeho zraku se doporučuje 1x ročně. je dúieiilá vzdálenost, na Merrw ctele Izn. Čtecí Morou pracujete izn pracovní vzdálenou motli nemusí byl vidy Near Visual Acuity Test Near Visual Acuity Test on the Internet '£ Vidět znamená víc. 10 63 59 27 38 Vidět znamená kvalitu života. 02 54 60 81 43 Očima získáváme víc vjemů než jakýmkoli jiným w smyslovým o á - e m. 36 75 82 94 19 Pomáhá nám v orientaci, komunikaci beza slov. umožňuje o|& vnímaní tvarů a barev. Vidět to j& synonymum kvality života. 23 78 1/ 91 W Kctám tty n DtKy z a :=1 ■~-a| r rrrtt id& prouarry s Md&ntn nafcrtzKE, h£ |e zsaa pfirnzsns. pn atsnr drams teir dtis -oa oů" b v ura:o j Dhvfii us aaie radoaan-^emB 7fL 51 ft] 49 o.r.:i Ssatfctros: =í3csrs^ic-í lrUa "T-£j*£h.rI £ -: ii cro -zcdrrj rI ■■ bj.i rI zjüis* Ut-:iTlJ-ii tícicis ClIraMrd -.Icůrl, ů rs ■.■Bteřri" -Tctfirül - ra. tfec i rt cii-i. - bez. ■"ssH.tTtífs L_'clro ^■rtiirii'i: i-i ; —= —i-k-.=1—--i^=.i -1 Q£3 " ' ----- " 10 ll.fí HwrKj =i-dií fit II-=l =Tj v aErK^\-ai_í g-k !ar' ■ 2ban|4U um | C1: Near Visual Acuity Test with light The advantage is the wider use of tests (reading tables, letters, numbers, Landolt rings, children's pictures, Duan's test, Amsler's test...) Near optotype ETDRS and with LEA symbols • Optotype with logarithmic gradation • Notation of VA is the same like notation of distance VA - logMAR I......... .KONANMEDICAL 6 XX 4.0 [ 1 60 3.2 0.9 48 2.5 0.8 38 2.0 30 1.6 0.6 24 1.2s 0.5 19 1.0 0.1 15 .80 0.3 12 .63 0.2 9.5 .50 0.1 7.5 .40 6.0 .32 -0.1 4.8 .25 -0.2 3.8 .20 3.0 20 Log XX MAR ZRKDCCOHZV D N C H V C D H N R -rvzos O S D V Z N O Z C D S Z N D C VKCNR kcrhn- ZKDVC H V O R K RHSON- K S V R H — ooooo —• o o o □ o --■ ooooo — ooooo --- —- ooooo -— tmm ••••• • ■ • - ••••» mmm r= :\:t:_v.r.v_m:.v = = n,D O □ O Or* 2 {OS) 40 cm 116 in HOD) 5nv Measuring of the eyes ■ Methods of optometric measuring of the eye: 1. Anamnesis (occular history) 2. Screening tests 3. Objective refraction 4. Measuring of visual acuity - natural, habitual, objective refraction 5. Subjective refraction Anamnesis Homework * ID of patient * Eye anamnesis * Personal anamnesis * Family anamnesis * Drugs anamnesis