Malignant Transformation / j.gumulec@med.muni.cz1 Malignant transformation Metabolism MUDr. Jaromír Gumulec, Ph.D. Dept. Of Pathological Physiology Faculty of Medicine – Masaryk University Malignant transformation • The process of tumor formation is a complex involving multiple alterations of cells and their physiologic control mechanisms. • The complexity of this process is reflected in the long time periods required for most human cancers to develop. • Multi-step tumor progression can be depicted as a form of Darwinian evolution occurring within tissues. • Some of the critical changes occurring during tumorigenesis are epigenetic and the rate of genetic diversification can occur very rapidly. Genetic alteration can appear – (1) due to internal errors during DNA replication and cell division – (2) as a consequence of exposure to the external factors (carcinogens) physical – e.g. UV and ionising light chemical – organic substances, toxins, heavy metals biologic – some RNA and DNA viruses Hallmarks of cancer Continual unregulated proliferation of cancer cells (sustaining proliferative signaling and evading growth suppressors) Replicative immortality Genome instability Resisting cell death and senescence Inducing angiogenesis Inflammation Avoiding immune destruction Altered metabolism Invasion and metastasis All these features do not have to be newly evolved, because they are part of physiological processes such as embryogenesis and wound healing. Cancer cells only use these processes in wrong intensity, time, and place. Cancer is a disease of regulation. Cancer cell Cancer cells divide excessively - they have too many “GO” signals or not enough “STOP” signals and can also ignore “DIE”, “ DIFFERENTIATE “, or “GROW OLD” signals. Altered metabolism The ability to acquire necessary nutrients from a nutrient-poor (low glucosis) and hostile (hypoxia, oxidative stress) environment and utilize these nutrients to maintain viability and build new biomass. Cancer-associated metabolic reprogramming have profound effects on gene expression, cellular differentiation, and the tumor microenvironment. These adaptations involve an ability to access normally inaccessible nutrient sources. Hallmarks of cancer metabolism (1) deregulated uptake of glucose and amino acids (2) use of opportunistic modes of nutrient acquisition (3) use of glycolysis/TCA cycle intermediates for biosynthesis and NADPH production (4) increased demand for nitrogen (5) alterations in metabolite-driven gene regulation – metabolites influence enzymes involved in deposition and removal of epigenetic marks. (6) metabolic interactions with the microenvironment. Altered metabolism Two principal nutrients that support survival and biosynthesis are glucose and glutamine. Glutamine provides the nitrogen required for the biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides and nonessential amino acids. Warburg effect - a markedly increased consumption of glucose by some tumors in comparison to the nonproliferating normal tissues. Positron emission tomography (PET)-based imaging of the uptake of a radioactive fluorinelabeled glucose analog, 18F˗fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) has been successfully used in the clinic for tumor diagnosis. Oncogenic signaling proteins - Ras upregulate GLUT1 mRNA expression and increase cellular glucose consumption. Define footer – presentation title / department8 Define footer – presentation title / department9 0 400 800 PC-3 PC-3 (Zn 50) ATPProductionRate (pmol/min/10000Cells) Bilions of ATP Our metastatic prostate cancer cells produce 3 bilions of molecules of ATP every second. The resistant ones produces roughly doble 6 bilions of ATP. Every second. Ras or c-Src oncogenes allow to recover free amino acids through the lysosomal degradation of extracellular proteins. Macropinocytosis. Macroautophagy (autophagy cannot supply cells with new biomass and thus cannot support proliferation in nutrient-poor conditions). Phagocytosis of apoptotic cellular corpses. Canibalism. Use of opportunistic modes of nutrient acquisition Metabolic interactions with the microenvironment Cancer cells alter the chemical composition of the extracellular milieu, which exerts pleiotropic effects on the phenotypes of normal cells that reside in the vicinity of the tumor. Reciprocally, the microenvironment affects the metabolism and signaling responses of cancer cells. The high metabolic demand of cancer cells leads to an accumulation of H+ ions in tumor microenvironment – acidosis. Metabolic symbiosis Catabolic fibroblasts are rich source of energy and biomass for the growth and survival of anabolic cancer cells. A linear path of clonal succession oversimplifies the reality of cancer; number of genetically distinct subclones of cells coexist within a single tumor mass: intra-tumor heterogenity - oxidative and glycolytic tumor cells in one tumor. | @jarogumulec |