Klinika otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity Pekařská 664/53, 656 91 Brno, Česká republika Tel.: +420 543 181 141, Fax: +420 543 182 100, www.fnusa.cz Dear students To ensure maximum awareness of the practical teaching process, we would like to provide you with more detailed organizational information regarding your upcoming lessons in Otorhinolaryngology (aVLOT7Xl). Teaching is provided in the form of two-week study blocks, spread over 8 days: 5 days at the Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at St. Anne's University Hospital, Pekařská 53 3 days at the Children's ENT Clinic at the Children's Hospita,l Brno University Hospital, Černopolní 9 Information on the organization of an internship at the Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (COHNS) at St. Anne's University Hospital: location: ENT auditorium, building A4 (entrance on Pekařská Street), 4th floor lessons commence at 8.00 a.m. (note: we appeal to your punctuality, after a short changeover, you will be immediately divided into groups and involved in the practical clinical proceedings within the department Organization of the ENT lessons (8:00 a.m. -12:45 p.m.): 8.00-10.15 a.m. practical lessons - 10.30-12.45 theoretical lessons The practical teaching will be organized as follows: 1. Outpatient sessions (general ENT clinics and specialized consulting rooms 1, 2 and 4): assisting outpatient procedures 2. Wards sessions No 21, 75 and ICU (No 27): assisting the ward rounds plus patient interviews and patient summary (case reports) 3. Theatre sessions (OT1, OT2, endoscopic OT): seeing/assisting the operations as per everyday theatre list 4. Teaching room of the ENT clinic: instructional course and practice of the ENT examination To maximize the involvement of students in the clinical environment, you will be divided into four groups on the first day. Each group will regularly rotate in the manner mentioned hereunder in the table so that each student has the opportunity to see the outpatient procedures, inpatient care and theatre operations at the ENT clinic. As part of the rotation of study groups, one group of students will always be set aside for practising essential ENT examinations under supervision. The COHNS also offers optional arrangements for individual internships (information at the secretary's office) for those more interested in ENT. ENT undergraduate internship organization scheme in the COHNS 8.00-10.15 Practical lessons Students Group 1 Group2 Group 3 Group 4 Reserve Placement OPR1 OPR2 OPR4 OT1 OT2 E-OT W-21 W-75 ICU Examination technique Neurotology Audiology No of students (max 40) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Seminary (all students - auditorium), evaluation, credit points 10.30-12.45 Seminary (all students - auditorium) Bankovní spojení: ČNB, pobočka Brno, č.ú.: 71138621/0710, IČ:00159816, DIČ:CZ00159816 Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brně je státní příspěvková organizace zřízená rozhodnutím Ministerstva zdravotnictví ČR. Nemá zákonnou povinnost zápisu do obchodního rejstříku. Je zapsána v živnostenském rejstříku. FAKULTNÍ NEMOCNICE U SV. ANNY V BRNĚ EA® M U NI #^ m f n Klinika otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity Pekařská 664/53, 656 91 Brno, Česká republika Tel.: +420 543 181 141, Fax: +420 543 182 100, www.fnusa.cz FAKULTNÍ NEMOCNICE U SV. ANNY V BRNĚ á ® U l\l I ED Theoretical lessons Schedule of theoretical teaching: 10:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Place: Auditorium of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Comment on the content of the theoretical seminars: The seminars are led by assistant professors and are systematically structured by individual clinical units so that the student is introduced to most of the ENT curriculum. Presentations of case studies from clinical practice are part of the theoretical teaching Note: the consumption of drinks and food is strictly prohibited on the premises of the COHNS auditorium (it is possible to use the atrium of the auditorium for refreshments or to go to the hospital cafe during the break) Notes on the internship organization: Participation in the practical and theoretical part within aVLOT7Xl Otorhinolaryngology is mandatory; absences and their substitutions must be dealt with individually with the relevant Assistant Professor. As a student of the Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University, you represent the medical staff and the university when participating in practical classes. We will be happy to welcome you to our clinic to further contribute to your undergraduate education, and we will be glad to pass on our knowledge and experience to you. During your stay at COHNS, we appeal to you to observe the following principles guiding us in our work. Student's survival manual at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery 1. The primary priority is always the patient and the provision of health care. Always take care to preserve the dignity and intimacy of the patient and maintain confidentiality about the patient's clinical data. 2. The patient has the right to know who you are. When contacting the patient, always introduce yourself to him and ask for his consent to your actions (if it has not already been obtained by the lecturer). 3. Your identification is essential. Always wear the official student's co-tag of the LF MU student visibly. Without a visible ID, you are not allowed to move within the clinic's premises, and the staff may not provide you with any medical documentation. 4. Wear a clean and unwrinkled white coat. The clothes also show your interest in teaching, wear them together with appropriate footwear. If you have symptoms of an infectious disease, consider your participation in classes and always use sufficient protective equipment. 5. A greeting and a smile when entering the clinical workplace will make the things easier for you, greeting patients and nurses/other staff is a matter of course. 6. Respect the instructions and recommendations of the staff on how to behave in individual workplaces. It is not possible to bring food and drink into operating theatres, examination rooms and ambulances 7. Excessive noise, loud talk and inappropriate comments do not belong in the premises of a medical facility, patients are very sensitive to all our expressions and actions. 8. By playing on the phone or tablet in front of patients/during classes, you may be perceived as expressing lack of interest and disrespect for the patient and the work of the staff and teachers. 9. Do not be indifferent during internships and do not hesitate to help a sick person in situations where help is needed. Nurses are also happy to welcome helping hands in more physically demanding situations. 10. Treat patients, colleagues and all staff as you would like others to treat you as a patient and co-worker,... and not only when teaching at COHNS. Contacts for solving study issues Assoc. Prof. Pavel Smilek, MD, Ph.D., Deputy Head of Education pavel.smilek@fnusa.cz Ass. Prof. Tereza Hložková, MD tereza.hlozkova@fnusa.cz Secretary: Jitka Fridrichova sekr.kochhk@fnusa.cz Assoc.Prof. Břetislav Gál, MD, PhD. Head of the Department Pavla Urbánková, MD, Ph.D. Deputy Head of Healthcare Assoc. Prof. PavelSmilek,MD, Ph.D. Deputy Head of Education Tereza Hlozkovä, MD Assistant Professor Bankovní spojení: CNB, pobočka Brno, č.ú.: 71138621/0710, IČ:00159816, DIČ:CZ00159816 Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brně je státní příspěvková organizace zřízená rozhodnutím Ministerstva zdravotnictví ČR. Nemá zákonnou povinnost zápisu do obchodního rejstříku. Je zapsána v živnostenském rejstříku.