Experimentally induced radiation syndrome in laboratory animal Aim of the practicals • Basics of radiobiology • Model of acute radiation syndrome - blood form • Presentation of experiment (data obtained during practice on a model of acute radiation syndrome) Ionizing radiation • The radiation emitted by radioactive nuclides • Electromagnetic or corpuscular radiation which, when penetrating mass, causes ionization (must have sufficiently high energy). • Energy is in the range of keV-MeV • At the same time, the atoms and molecules of the environment are excited Types of ionizing radiation • Corpuscular α, β, neutrons • electromagnetic γ The energy spectrum of radiation Ionization vs. excitation M M+ + eM Mexcit • Both types of interactions are very fast • Formed in a ratio of 1:2 •Radiation is not limited to radioactive nuclides, but also behaves the same way with X-rays, particles from accelerators and cosmic rays Units D = dE / dm (J.kg-1) - Gray (Gy) • MeV, a unit of energy • Roentgen, a unit of exposure [C / kg dry air] • Becquerel, activity [s-1] ≈ Curie • Gray, dose [J / kg] ≈ rad • Sievert, dose equivalent [J / kg] ≈ rem Units • Dose equivalent = dose * constant • γ, β, X = 1 • neutrons = 10 • α = 20 Units Sources of ionizing radiation? • Natural – space • exposure increases with altitude – solar – terrestrial sources • natural radioactive decay of radioisotopes (soil and rock) – Radon • gas, there is a decay of radium-226 (Uranium) • Artificial – medicine • diagnosis, therapy, sterilization – industrial • nuclear energy Sources of ionizing radiation Chemical effect of ionizing radiation Oxygen effect!! • Radiation-chemical reactions in liquids are best studied (less so in gases and solids) • If water contains dissolved oxygen, the following reaction takes place: O2 + H HO2 O2 + e- O2 -. Biological effects of ionizing radiation • Direct ionizing = direct destruction of biomacromolecules • Indirectly (nondirect) effects = production of free radicals (radiolysis of water) DNA damage • Very serious process • DNA damage is reflected in the synthesis of damaged proteins • DNA repair mechanisms • Reproductive ability of cells Mechanisms of DNA damage Repair mechanisms • Direct repair • Excision repair • Mismatch repair • SSB repair • (DSB repair) Effects of ionizing radiation on the human body • Deterministic effects • Stochastic effects Deterministic effects • There are those that will take effect after total body irradiation, or a tissue once • The dependence of the probability of occurrence of damage to an equivalent dose have the sigmoid character Deterministic effects • Acute radiation syndrome (radiation syndrome) • Local acute skin damage • Damage to the fetus • Infertility • Lens damage Stochastic effects • They result from damage to a small number of cells • They can occur after a single exposure of sub-threshold dose or chronic radiation tissue or whole body Character of biological effects • Deterministic – severity dependent (“determined”) on the dose – manifestation is specific – effect only when exposure exceeded threshold – damage of large amount of cells – onset rather close to the exposure (short latency) – types: acute radiation syndrome chronic post-radiation syndrome cataract, radiation dermatitis, damage of the foetus in utero sterility • Stochastic – probability increases with the dose (not the severity!) – manifestation non-specific – gradual increase of the risk without “safe” threshold – damage of the single cell enough to cause effect – manifestation delayed (typically years) – types: somatic mutation - cancer leukemias, thyroid, lung, breast, bones germinative mutation (oocyte, sperm cell) Acute radiation syndrome • affecting the hematopoietic, gastrointestinal system and cerebrovascular – timing, extent and severity graded according to the dose - deterministic effect!! • from several hours to several months after exposure Acute radiation syndrome • Haematopoetic syndrome (> 1GY) • GI syndrome (> 10Gy) – early (hours) - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea – late (days) - loss of intestinal integrity • malabsorption, dehydration, toxemia / sepsis, ileus, bleeding • Cerebrovascular syndrome (tens of Gy) – headache, cognitive impairment, disorientation, ataxia, convulsions, fatigue and hypotension • Cutaneous – erythema, burns, edema, impaired wound healing Hematopoetic syndrome • bone marrow irradiation (> 1Gy) leads to an exponential cell death - haematological crisis – marrow hypoplasia to aplasia + peripheral pancytopenia (infection, bleeding) • subpopulation of stem bb is selectively more radioresistant, (probably due to predominance bb. stage in Go) – necessary for regeneration • anemia is the result of late (erythrocytes ~ 120 days)! • massive stress response (glucocorticoids) contribute to lymphopenia (cytolytic effect) and paradoxically delay the onset of granulocytopenia (release stocks. granulocytes from the spleen) Therapeutic effects of ionizing radiation • Teleterapy (60Co) • Contact therapy (32P, 90Sr) • Brachytherapy (60Co, 137Cs) • Endotherapy (Na131I) • Radioimunotherapy • to demonstrate the deterministic effects of ionizing radiation on hematological parameters • to observe the dynamics of peripheral blood count changes resulting from the changes in the blood marrow • acute radiation syndrome is a model situation, helping us to understand the hematopoiesis AIMS of experiment Practicals I - design Praktikum I – operační postup Praktikum I - hodnocení 0,2 mm 0,05 mm Výška = 0,1 mm • The stained smear will first be viewed at a low magnification and an area where white cells are not overlaid by red cells will be selected. • Using an immersion objective, a total of 100 WBC will be registered and identified as to their individual type. • The viewing field will be moved in order to count the prescribed number of leucocytes. Viewing of smear Hemopoesis Erythropoiesis http://www.noblesmedart.com/morph.mov Erythropoiesis • Erythropoiesis is the development of mature red blood cells (erythrocytes). • Like all blood cells, erythroid cells begin as pluripotential stem cells. • The first cell that is recognizable as specifically leading down the red cell pathway is the proerythroblast . • As development progresses, the nucleus becomes somewhat smaller and the cytoplasm becomes more basophilic, due to the presence of ribosomes. In this stage the cell is called a basophilic erythroblast . • The cell will continue to become smaller throughout development. As the cell begins to produce hemoglobin, the cytoplasm attracts both basic and eosin stains, and is called a polychromatophilic erythroblast . • The cytoplasm eventually becomes more eosinophilic, and the cell is called an orthochromatic erythroblast . • This orthochromatic erythroblast will then extrude its nucleus and enter the circulation as a b . Reticulocytes are so named because these cells contain reticular networks of polyribosomes. As reticulocytes loose their polyribosomes they become mature red blood cells. Reticulocyte Reticulocytes • Reticulocytes are immature red blood cells, typically composing about 1% of the red cells in the human body. • Reticulocytes develop and mature in the red bone marrow and then circulate for about a day in the blood stream before developing into mature red blood cells. • Like mature red blood cells, reticulocytes do not have a cell nucleus. • They are called reticulocytes because of a reticular (mesh-like) network of ribosomal RNA that becomes visible under a microscope with certain stains such as new methylene blue. Classification of reticulocyte counts • Counting with imersion, magnification 100 • Out of 1000 RBC in the moving viewing field, the number of RET will be counted • Normal counts RAT: app. 20 %o RET • Normal counts MAN: app 0.5-1.5% (5-15%o) RET  number: increasing bloodforming (regeneration)  number: inhibition of erythropoiesis Differential leucocyte counts • Changes in WBC number (%) – Indication of infection, poisoning, leukemia, chemotherapy, alergic reaction • Normal WBC counts in man: – neutrophils 60-70% (incr. in bacterial infection) – lymphocytes 20-25% (incr. in viral infection) – monocytes 3-8 % (incr. in fungal/viral infection) – eozinophils 2-4 % (incr. in alergic reaction and parasital infect.) – bazophils <1% (incr. in alergic reaction) Normal counts of WBC in rat • Number of WBC............cca 12.5 tis.mm-3 - neutrophil granulocytes 18 - 36% - eozinophil granulocytes 1 - 4% - bazophil granulocytes 0 - 1% - lymphocytes 62 - 75% - monocytes 1 - 6% Blood smear • neutrophil „band“ • neutrophil „segment“ • monocyte • lymphocyte • eozinophil • bazophil • trombocyte