acitivity performance points 1.ability to use telephone operates telephone on own initiative; looks up and dials numbers, etc. dials a few well known numbers, answers telephone but does not dial does not use telephone at all 10 5 0 2. transport travels independently on public transportation or drives own car travels on public transportation when assisted or accompanied by another travel limited to taxi or automobile, with assistance of another or oes not travel at all 10 5 0 3. shopping zakes care of all shopping needs independently needs to be accompanied on any shopping trip not able to shop at all 10 5 0 4. food preparation plans, prepares and serves adequate meals independently heats and serves prepared meals, or prepares meals but does not maintain adequate diet needs to have meals prepared and served 10 5 0 5. housekeeping maintains house alone or with occasional assistance (e.g., heavy-work domestic help) performs light daily tasks such as dish-washing and bed-making, but cannot maintain acceptable level of cleanliness does not participate in any housekeeping tasks 10 5 0 6. loundry does personal laundry completely launders small items; rinses socks, stockings, etc. all laundry must be done by others 10 5 0 7. responsibility for own medication is responsible for taking medication in correct dosages at correct time takes responsibility if medication is prepared in advance in separate dosages is not capable of dispensing own medication 10 5 0 8. ability to handle finances manages financial matters independently (budgets, write checks, pays rent and bills, goes to Bank) collects and keeps track of income manages day-to-day purchases, but needs help with banking, major purchases, etc. incapable of handling moneyz 10 5 0 Evaluation of independence in instrumetal activities of daily living 0 – 40 dependent in IADL 45 – 75 partially dependent in IADL 80 independent in IADL total Test IADL – instrumental activities of daily living