Case report I Chest pain Monika Bratova A young man, 35-year old, a long-time smoker, with no heath problems in the past, working as a storeman, grown up in a children´s home Asthenic habitus, without neurological problems, a regular heart beat, without a heart murmur, alveolar breathing on the right side, , silent breathing above the left lung, abdomen without any resistance, down extremities without edema Symptoms: Admission due to acute left-sided chest pain. It started during a corporeal strain. He had no fever and cough. Saturation O2 98% Physiologic ECG Which basic examination should be done? Blood account Biochemistry Leucocytes 10,2 Urea 2,0 Erytrocytes 4,5 Kreatinine 78 Hemoglobin 140 Kalium 3,6 Trombocytes 250 CRP 30,5 A left-sided borderline pneumothorax in apex up to 2 cm, a cavity in the left upper lobe, pleural changes in the right upper lobe A secondary pneumothorax What is a possible cause of the X-ray finding? A lung cancer: PLUS – the X-ray finding, a history of smoking CONTRA – young age, a bilateral finding Vasculitis with lung demonstration: PLUS – the X-ray finding, CONTRA – the localization in the upper lobes, an absence of other symptoms (e.g. otolaryngological) Tuberculosis: PLUS – localization in the upper lobes, night sweatting, a social situation CONTRA – no contact with TB in a patient´s history Aspergilosis: PLUS – the X-ray finding of a cavity PROTI – no immunosupresive status Which further examination should be done? CT scan: Cavities in both upper lobes, calcifications, pachypleural changes, no lympadenopathy, a left-sided pneumothorax. A pozitive microscopy of sputum for M.tuberculosis Autoantibodies (ANA, ANCA, ENA) negative, glucane negative Conclusion •Diagnosis of tuberculosis •The antituberculose drug treament was started (RMP, PZA, INH, EMB), a hospital care for 6 months is needed •Contacts of patient were found and examined to exclude TB •Conservative treatment of the pneumothorax was indicated