Case report III A fever Monika Bratova Man, 55-year old, non-smoker, hypertension and GERD in patient´s history, working as a construction manager, living with his wife Hyperstenic habitus, without neurological problems, a regular heart beat, without a heart murmur, breathing - silent breathing above the base and crackles in the middle part of the left lung, abdomen without any resistance, tappotment negative, down extremities without edema Symptoms: Suffering from fevers around 38°C more then 4 days. He has a chest pain on the left side of thorax, dyspnea and purulent sputum. Without dysuria. He took penicilin antibiotics without any clinical effect. Which basic examination should be done? Physiologic ECG Saturation O2 98% Blood account Biochemistry Leucocytes 13,7 Urea 5,0 Erytrocytes 4,0 Kreatinine 81 Hemoglobin 125 Kalium 3,8 Trombocytes 300 CRP 140 The infiltration of the left lung, maily in the middle and down lobe, left-sided fluidothorax, no enlargement of the heart What is a possible cause of the X-ray finding? A pneumonia with a pleural effusion: PLUS – a fever, high inflammatory markers, the X-ray finding, the typical auscultation finding CONTRA – without effect of antibiotics A heart failure: PLUS – a presence of a fluidothorax, a dyspnoe CONTRA – without a heart failure in the patient´s history, an unilateral X-ray finding, without an enlargemnet of the heart or edema of down extremities, do not explain a fever Lung cancer: PLUS – the X-ray finding, persisting despite antibiotics CONTRA – non-smoker, acute symptoms, without a weigh lost A pyelonephritis: PLUS – a localization of the pain, a fever, high inflammatory markers CONTRA – do not explain the X-ray finding, no dysuria, a negative tapottment Which further examination should be done? An abdomen ultrasonography without pathology A sputum pozitive from Haemophillus influenzae in the concentration 10-7 CT scan: The infiltration of the left lung typical for pneumonia, a massive left-sided fluidothorax, without lymfadenopathy Biochemistry urine examination without evidence of the infection Conclusion •Diagnosis of pneumonia with a pleural effusion •A chest drainage with an evacuation of the empyema was managed, flushed by Betadine •The double combination of antibiotics were administered until 3 weeks •We observed a slow regression of the lung infiltration •