CUTANEOUS MANIFESTATIONS OF INTERNAL DISEASES JURAJ HEGYI Cutaneus Manifestations ● Diabetes mellitus ● Thyroid disease ● Adrenal disease ● Renal disease ● Liver disease ● Rheumatologic disease ● Nutritional disease Diabetes Mellitus ● Approximately 30% of patients with DM develop skin lesions at some point ● Overall prevalence of cutaneous disorders does not differ between type I and type II diabetics Type I patients get more autoimmune type lesions Type II patients get more cutaneous infections Diabetes Mellitus ● ● Cutaneous lesions usually appear after the development of DM, but may be the first presenting sign Four major groups of skin findings: – Skin diseases associated with DM – Cutaneous infections – Cutaneous manifestions of diabetic complications – Skin reactions to diabetic treatment Necrobiosis Lipoidica (NL) ● ● ● NL is 3x more common in women. NL appears earlier (mean age 22) in Type I diabetics than Type II (mean age 49.) Begins as an oval, violaceous patch and expands slowly. ● Advancing border is red. ● Central area turns yellowish brown. ● ● Central area atrophies and telangiectasia become evident. 13% of cases progress to ulceration Necrobiosis Lipoidica (NL) ● ● ● Classically, NL occurs bilaterally on the pretibial or medial malleolar areas Not painful Spontaneous resolution occurs in 13-19% with residual scarring Necrobiosis Lipoidica (NL) Granuloma Annulare (GA) ● ● Ring of small, firm, flesh-colored or red papules Localized, most frequently found on lateral and dorsal surfaces of hands and feet ● Can spontaneously regress without scarring ● Scarification or cryotherapy as form of treatment Granuloma Annulare (GA) Diabetic Bullae (DB) ● Approximately 0.5% of diabetics ● Two types have been described ● ● ● – More frequent, non-scarring lesions with a histologic intraepidermal split without acantholysis – Less common, occasionally hemorrhagic bullae that heal with scarring, slight atrophy, and have a histologic subepidermal split Painless bullae on non-inflamed base that appear suddenly Most common on the dorsa and sides of lower legs and feet, sometimes with similar lesions on the hands and forearms Bullae contain clear, sterile fluid Diabetic Bullae (DB) ● Bullae tend to heal spontaneously in 2-5 weeks ● Diagnosis of exclusion ● ● DDx: bullous pemphigoid, epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, porphyria cutanea tarda, bullous impetigo, erythema multiforme May recur in the same or new locations Diabetic Bullae (DB) Acanthosis Nigricans (AN) ● ● ● ● ● Seen in situations of insulin resistance Carcinomas, especially of the stomach Secondary to drugs (nicotinic acid, estrogen, or corticosteroids) Pineal tumors Other endocrine syndromes (PCOS, acromegaly, Cushing's disease, hypothyroidism) Obesity Acanthosis Nigricans (AN) ● ● May be related to insulin binding insulin-like growth factor receptors on keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts, thus stimulating growth Hyperpigmented, velvety plaques in body folds, mostly axillae and neck ● Can also present on groin, umbilicus, areolae, submammary areas, and on the hands Acanthosis Nigricans (AN) Skin Infections in DM ● Occur in 20-50% of poorly controlled diabetics ● More common in Type II ● May be related to – Abnormal microcirculation – Hyperglycemia – Neuropathy – Decreased phagocytosis – Impaired leukocyte adherence Candidiasis Bacterial Infections Diabetic Dermopathy (DD) ● Pigmented pretibial papules ● Most common cutaneous manifestation of diabetes ● Benign asymptomatic red brown macules on shins ● Probably post microtraumatic ● No treatment needed Diabetic Dermopathy (DD) Cutaneus Manifestations of Diabetic Complications ● ● ● Peripheral neuropathy leads to unnoticed trauma Vascular complications may lead to ulcers and complicate ulcer healing Risk of amputation goes up 8x once these develop Cutaneus Reactions to Diabetic Treatment Allergy ● ● May be local or systemic and usually occurs within the first month of therapy Erythematous or urticarial pruritic nodules at the site of injection Lipoatrophy ● Circumscribed depressed areas of skin at the insulin injection site 6-24 months after starting insulin Lipohypertrophy ● ● Soft dermal nodules that resemble lipomas at sites of frequent injection May be a response to the lipogenic action of insulin Thyroid Diseases ● Hyperthyroidism ● Hypothyroidism Thyroid Hormones and the Skin ● ● ● Thyroid hormones play a pivotal role in the growth and formation of hair and sebum production Thyroid hormones stimulate epidermal oxygen consumption, protein synthesis, mitosis, and determination of epidermal thickness There is increased cutaneous blood flow and peripheral vasodilation Hyperthyroidism ● Skin is usually warm, moist, and smooth ● Facial redness (flushing) ● Palmar erythema ● Hyperpigmentation, esp. creases of palms and soles (not mucous membranes) ● Hair is fine and friable, hair loss may be excessive ● History of early graying ● Hyperhydrosis, particularly of palms and soles ● Plummer's nail: concave contour, distal onycholysis Scleromyxedema ● ● Numerous firm white, yellow, or pink papules on face, trunk, axillae, and extremities Lesions result from accumulation of hyaluronic acid in the dermis, accompanied by large fibrocytes Scleromyxedema Hypothyroidism ● ● ● ● ● Skin is cool, dry, and pale. Pallor results from cutaneous vasoconstriction and increased deposition of water and mucopolysaccharides in the dermis, which alter the refraction of light Carotenemia (from decreased hepatic conversion of beta carotene to Vit A) gives skin yellowish hue (palms, soles, nasolabial folds) Hair is dry, brittle, coarse with partial alopecia Loss of hair from lateral 1/3 of eyebrows (lateral superciliary madarosis) Sign of Herthoge ● Hair growth slows down, the proportion of telogen hair is increased ● Myxedema (mucopolysaccharide deposition) These changes normalise with normalization of thyroid hormone levels Adrenal Insufficiency ● ● ● Increased stimulation of melanocortin-2 receptor by ACTH itself Pigmentation is maximal over photoexposed areas, also mucuos membranes, palmar creases, areas subject to friction, genitalia, areola, axillae, perineum as well as in scars. Nails-longitudinal melanonychia Adrenal Insufficiency Hypercorticism ● Truncal obesity ● Buffalo hump ● Moon facies ● Slender limbs ● Cutaneous atrophy and telangiectasias ● Fragility with purpura ● Poor wound healing ● Acneform eruptions ● Hirsuitism ● ● Cigarette paper like wrinkling of skin on dorsum of hands(liddle‟s sign) Livid straie on abdomen, breasts, proximal part of limbs Renal Disease ● ● Uremia – Xerosis – Pruritus – Pigmentary alterations – Purpura – Bullous disease of dialysis – Calcinosis cutis Transplant patients – Malignancies – Infections Liver Disease ● Jaundice ● Spider angiomas ● Palmar erythema ● Pruritus ● Xanthoma ● Lichen planus Liver Disease Rheumatologic Disease ● Systemic scleroderma – Symmetrical thickening, tightening, induration of skin of digits and dorsal hands; may affect entire extremity and involve face and torso – Sclerodactyly: Madonna fingers – Digital pitted scars or loss of finger pad soft tissue – Bibasilar pulmonary fibrosis Rheumatologic Disease