Reconstruction of the intermaxillary relationships Rest position of the mandible • Then mandible is free between muscules • The distance between the dental arches is appr. 2 mm FRONTAL AREA • Bipupilary line and the occlusal plane are paralell • The occlusal plane goes through the incisal point (2mm below the upper lip) Rest position of the mandible • Then mandible is free between muscules • The distance between the dental arches is appr. 2 mm POSTERIOR AREA The occlusal plane is paralell to the nasoaural plane The occlusal plane goes through mesiobuccal cusps og the first upper molar The position of the patient – sitting – vertical position of the head and neck Vertical intermaxillary relationship • Two markers – subnasale, gnathion • The distance for physiological rest position – the piece of paper • Find this distance on the wax templates • Cut the wax template for 2 mm paper Bite templates • Wax wall and shellack or acrylic base • Palec into oral cavity • Cut with modellation knife upper template the wax wall lies – 2mm below upper lip, paralell to the bipupillary line in frontal area and to the nasoaural plane in posterior area • Cur the lower template – wax wall acc to the upper (ir must fit on it) untill the distance between two markers is in accordance to the physiological rest position. • Cut the lower wax wall for 2 mm – vertical intermaxillary relationship Horizontal intermaxillary relationship • The patients swallows, the head is in the position bend back After establishment of intermaxillary relationships • The bite templates are fixed in ths position using clasps or heated wax • Important markers are drawn on bite templates: - Line of symetry - Occlusal plane - Position of canines: on the axis of the angle between ala nasi and sulcus nasolabialis - Line of smile