Endocrine versus exocrine pancreas  cells - Glucagon - GLP-1  cells - Insulin - Amylin - TRH  cells - somatostatin PP cells - Pancreatic polypeptide Pancreatic islets represent 1 – 2 % of pancreas, but blood flow through them represents 10 – 15 %. Insulin Characteristics - Polypeptide - Secretory granules – free insulin and C-peptide - Two types of secretory granules: - Quickly secretable (5 %) - Reserve pool (95 %) - Half-time 3 – 8 min - Degradation - liver ( up to 50 %), kidneys, target tissues (insulin proteases) Insulin secretion Secretion of insulin is pulsatile and shows rhytmicity. Stimulation of insulin secretion by glucose is biphasic. Glucose exhibits incretin effect. Regulation of insulin secretion  cells = neuroendocrine integrator, response to: - Plasmatic concentrations of substrates (AA, Glu) - PC of hormones (insulin, GLP-1, somatostatin, adrenaline) - PC of neurotransmitters (noradrenaline, acetylcholine) Glucose is the main stimulus for insulin secretion. Glucose has a permissive effect on secretion of other insulin secretion modulators. Glu - Main mechanism! AA – Leu, Arg, Lys - Generation of ATP - Direct depolarization of plasmatic membrane Modification of mRNA translation - Glu – (+) mRNA Other: - GH, VIP, secretin, gastrin, glucocorticoids, prolactin, placental lactogene, sex hormones Insulin receptor Characteristics - 2  and 2  subunits - TK activity - Phosphorylation of IRS 1-4 (insulin receptor substrate) - Interaction with other cell substrates - PI3K (phosphatydylinositol-3-kinase) - MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase)  subunits = Ligand binding  subunits = TK activity Endocytosis of IR Endosome acidification Insulin dissociation Phosphoryl- ation Degradation of insulin Number of available IR is influenced by exercise, diet, insulin itself and by other hormones. Obesity and chronic hyperinsulinemia causes significant decrease in number of IR, exercise and starvation significant increase in number of IR. Physiologic effects of insulin insulin Immediate effects - Seconds - Modulation of K+ and Glu transport Early effects - Several minutes - Regulation of metabolic activity Medium-term effects - Minutes to hours - Regulation of metabolic activity Delayed effects - Hours to days - Cell growth - Cell differentation Effect of insulin on target tissue is anabolic and is mediated by insulin receptor. Immediate effects of insulin on target tissues Utilization of glucose is the main immediate effect of insulin. Utilization of glucose - Approx. 40 % of glucose in body - Approx. 80 – 90 % skeletal muscles - Adipose tissue - adipocytes - GLUT4 Transporter Expression Function GLUT1 - Ubiquitous - Ery, endothelial cells (CNS), placenta, kidneys, colon - Skeletal muscles and adipocytes - Basal uptake of Glu GLUT2 −  cells of pancreas - Liver, small intestine, kidneys - Glu sensor - Uptake of Glu during high concentrations of circulating Glu GLUT3 - Primarily neurons - Placenta, liver, epithelial cells of GIT - Basal uptake of Glu - Essential role in CNS GLUT4 - Skeletal muscles and adipocytes - Vesicles! - Insulin-stimulated uptake of Glu GLUT5 - Jejunum, sperms - Transport of Fru While GLUT1 is responsible for basal uptake of glucose by skeletal muscles and adipocytes, GLUT4 is stimulated by insulin and is responsible for insulin-stimulated uptake of glucose. Early and medium-term effects of insulin - Determined by phosphorylation of enzyme connected to metabolic pathways. - Skeletal muscles, adipose tissue, liver Production of ketone bodies (-) - Dephosphorylation of hormone-sensitive lipase = inhibition of triglyceride utilization - Activation of acetylcoenzyme A carboxylase (lipogenesis) - Antagonization of catecholamines effect on lipolysis Utilization of glucose - liver - Stimulation of expression of enzymes connected to Glu utilization (glucokinase, pyruvate kinase) and lipogenic enzymes - Inhibition of enzymes connected to Glu production (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, glucose-6-phosphatase) - Synthesis of glycogen - Inhibition of production of keto bodies Insulin and skeletal muscles - (+) uptake of glucose (GLUT4) - (+) glycogen synthesis - (+) transport of AA - (+) translation of mRNA - (-) degradation of proteins - (+) preference of fat reserves - mechanism – mTOR phosphorylation Insulin and liver Fed-state versus fasted-state Insulin Glucagonandadrenaline glycemiaglycemia Hypoglycemia - (-) insulin secretion - (+) glucagon and adrenaline secretion (liver) - (+) GH and cortisol (decreased utilization of Glu) Diabetes mellitus type 1 DM1 is associated with mobilization of substrates for gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis from muscle and adipose tissue, increased gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis in the liver, as well as disturbed substrate intake by peripheral tissues. Diabetes mellitus type 2 DM2 is multifactorial disease connected with resistence of peripheral tissues (muscles, adipose tissue) to insulin, disturbed insulin secretion (under glycemia influence) and increased glucose production in liver. Clinical relevance Insulin resistance - Mutation in IR gene Defects in insulin secretion - Mutation in insulin gene (proinsulin) - Mutation in mitochondrial genes - MODY (Maturity-onset diabetes of the young) - HNF-4α (MODY 1) - Glucokinase (MODY 2) - HNF-1α (MODY 3) - IPF1 (MODY 4) - HNF-1β (MODY 5) - NeuroD1/BETA2 (MODY 6) What are the consequences of DM? Proteins - Protein catabolism - Negative nitrogen balance Lipids - Lipid catabolism with production of ketone bodies - Decreased synthesis of FA and triglycerids - Increased concentration of free FA - FA catabolism, production of ketone bodies Hyperglycemia - Glycosuria, osmotic diuresis and polyuria - Increased plasma osmolality, polydipsia, ADH - Dehydratation - Decreased blood pressure and volume of ECF - Polyphagy Ketoacidosis - Metabolic acidosis - Hyperventilation - Acidification of urine - Hyperkalemia Glucagon Characteristics - Peptide hormone (29 AA) - Syntesized as proglucagon - Pancreas - Enteroendocrine cels in GIT - CNS - Alternative splicing creates other peptides, most important GLP-1 - Short half-life (5 – 10 min) - Degradation in liver Functions - Glucose homeostasis – insulin antagonism Secretion - (+) AA - (+) hypoglycemia Receptors - Liver,  cells, kidneys, heart, adipose tissue, blood vessels, CNS, stomach, adrenal glands Mobilisation of Ca2+ Proglucagon – alternative splicing Glicentin – L-cells (small intestine) - Stimulation of insulin secretion - Inhibition of stomach secretion - Trophic effect in intestine Oxyntomodulin – colon (anorexigenic factor) - Postprandial secretion - Increased energy expandituree - (+) glucose tolerance GRPP (inhibition of Glu-stimulated insulin secretion, modulator of energy metabolism) IP-1, IP-2 L-cells (modulation of insulin secretion?) GLP-1 and GLP-2 GLP-1 and GLP-2 show incretin effect preparing insulin secretion in dependence on glucose presence in GIT lumen. CNS - Caudal NTS – viscerosensoric information - Activation of POMC neurons - Inhibition of food intake (anorexigenic factor) - Induction of satiety = quick modification of food intake based on metabolic substrates (glucose), hormones (leptin) and neuropeptides. Charakteristics - Neuroendocrine L cells Functions – GLP-1 (GLP1R) - (+) insulin secretion - (-) glucagon secretion - (+) neogenesis and proliferation of pancreatic isles - (-)  cell apoptosis Functions – GLP-2 (GLP2R) - (-) antrum motility - (-) of gastric juice secretion stimulated by food - Trophic effect (small intestine, colon) - (-) enterocyte apoptosis - (+) blood flow and nutrient absorption Clinical relevance - Agonists of GLP1R – treatment of DM2 - Exenatid, lixisenatid - Liraglutid - Albiglutid, dulaglutid - Inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) - sitagliptin, vildagliptin, saxagliptin, alogliptin, linagliptin - DM2 Glucagon – secretion and its regulation Glucagon secretion requires depolarizing cascade which ends with Ca2+ influx and glucagon secretion. Physiological effects of glucagon Target organ for glucagon effect is liver, where it stimulates gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, thus increasing glycemia. Target enzyme Metabolic response (+) Glu-6-phosphatase expression Glu entering circulation (-) glucokinases Lower rate of Glu entering glycolytic cascade (+) phosphorylation (activation) of glycogen phosphorylase Stimulation of glycogenolysis Inhibition of glycogen synthase Inhibition of glycogen synthesis Inactivation of phosphofructokinase 2, activation of fructose-6- phosphatase Inhibition of glycolysis, stimulation of gluconeogenesis Inhibition of pyruvate kinase Inhibition of glycolysis Other effects - Stimulation of phosphorylation (activation) of hormone-sensitive lipase and lipolysis – substrates for gluconeogenesis and antibody production - FFA as a source of energy mainly for skeletal muscles Somatostatin Characteristics - Peptide hormone (14 AA) - Secretion stimulated by: - food rich in lipids (FFA) - food rich in saccharides (Glu) - food rich in proteins (AA – Leu, Arg) Functions - Paracrine effect – (-) insulin, glucagon, PP - Inhibition of practically all exocrine and endocrine GIT functions - Inhibition of motility Clinical relevance - Somatostatin analogues and insulin/glucagonproducing tumors Role of paracrine cholinergic signaling in somatostatin secretion – paracrine effect of acetylcholine stimulates insulin secretion, but also secretion of somatostatin. Pancreatic polypeptide - PP Characteristics - Peptide hormone (36 AA) - Secretion stimulated by: - Food (proteins), distention of stomach - Exercise - Direct vagal stimulation - Insulin-induced hypoglycemia - Secretion inhibited by: - Hyperglycemia - Bombesin, somatostatin - Receptors: - Stomach, small intestine, colon, pankreas, prostate, enteric NS, CNS Functions - Inhibition of pancreatic exocrine secretion - Inhibition of gallbladder contraction - Modulation of stomach secretion - Modulation of stomach motility - Regulation of food intake? Pancreatic polypeptide stimulates energy consumption through sympathetic stimulation of brown adipose tissue. It also modulates secretion of CCK and inhibits ghrelin secretion. Amylin Characteristics - Peptide hormone (37 AA) −  cells, stomach, proximal small intestine - Posttranslational modification (amidation) - Secretion together with insulin and C-peptide - Increase after application of: - p.o. and p.e. glucose Function - Slowing of emptying of stomach on vagal basis - Inhibition of glucagon secretion (postprandial) - Muscles - Inhibition of glycogen synthesis - Stimulation of glycogenolysis, glycolysis and lactate production Clinical relevance - Increased plasmatic concentration during obesity, gastric diabetes and DM2 - Analogue of amylin DM1 and DM2 therapy (pramlintid) – amylin-deficient states