Feedback on complete denture and classification of defects 1. Which transfer of masticatory forces is in complete denture? 2. What is the principle of retention of the complete denture? 3. What is area of primary loading? 4. What is the area of secondary loading? 5. What is marginal seal – which sections do we recognize in - Upper jaw - Lower jaw 6. What is palatal seal, where is it localised? 7. What is functional tray? How do we make it of the custom tray? 8. Which materials do we use for fabrication of te bite template? Which parts does it consist of? 9. Which materiál do we use for the functional impression and why? 10. Which phases do we recognize by the establishment of intermaxillary relationship? 11. Describe the reconstruction of intermaxillary relationship: 12. What is flasking? 13. Which material is used for fabrication of the base of removable dentures? 14. How is it prepared (mixed?) 15. Describe the polymerization schema (temperatures, time) 16. Class I. acc to Voldřich – which possibilities of this type of defect do you know? 17. ClassII. Acc. To Voldřich – which possibilities of this type of defect do you know? 18. How the polymerization shrinkage of the methylmethacrylate is compensated?