Stylistics Spring 2004, 3-year ZŠ extension, 3rd year Mgr. Radek Vogel Friday 11.00-12.20 Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno Description of the course: The seminar course in stylistics focuses on the identification of the distinctive features of English functional styles on the basis of text analysis of specimens of the administrative style (forms, legal English), publicism (public speaking, advertising, newspaper writing), scientific prose style, the language of conversation and stylised dialogue. In order to analyse the stylistic distinctive features, the course reviews stylistic means available in English at the phonetic, phonological, graphetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical and semantic levels and introduces the students to the study of the stylistics of a text. Syllabus - SEMINARS: Week 1: Functional styles in English. Linguistic description of a text. Cohesion and coherence. Week 2: The language of conversation. Week 3: Stylised dialogue. Speech and thought presentation in fiction. Week 4: The language of administrative texts. Forms. Week 5: Legal English. Week 6: Formal letters. The language of diplomacy. Week 7: Scientific prose style. Humanities vs. exact sciences. Reviews. Week 8: Academic vs. popular science texts. Written instructions. Week 9: The style of publicism. Newspaper headlines. Week 10: Newsreports and editorials. Broadsheets and tabloids. Week 11: Columns and reviews. Week 12: Advertisements and announcements. Week 13: Public speaking. Week 14: Final test. Stylistics - Spring 2004 - topics: Stylistics as a linguistic discipline. Style - definition. Explicitness and redundancy in language. Norm and deviation. Stylistic markers of a style. Linguistic stylistics and literary stylistics. Criteria for stylistic analysis. Linguistic description of a text. Cohesion and coherence. Dimensions of situational constraint. Language variation -- register, dialect. Stylistic means at the phonetic/phonological and graphetic/graphological level. Stylistic means at the morphological level. Stylistic means at the syntactic level. Stylistic means at the lexical level. Stylistic means at the semantic level. Style of a text. Discourse analysis. Functional styles/varieties in English. The language of conversation. Stylised dialogue. Speech and thought presentation in fiction. The language of administrative texts. Forms. Legal English. Formal letters. The language of business and diplomacy. Scientific prose style. Humanities vs. exact sciences. Academic vs. popular science texts. Written instructions. The style of publicism. Newspaper headlines. Journalese. Newsreports and editorials. Broadsheets and tabloids. Columns and reviews. Advertisements and announcements. Public speaking. Stylistics - Spring 2004 Bibliography: ˙ Crystal, David & Davy, Derek. Investigating English Style. London/New York: Longman 1969. English language series. 264 pp. ˙ Knittlová, Dagmar. K teorii i praxi překladu. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, filozofická fakulta 1995, 2000. 215 pp. ˙ Knittlová, Dagmar. Funkční styly v angličtině a češtině. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, filozofická fakulta 1990. 99 pp. ˙ Widdowson, H.G.. Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature. London: Longman 1975. Applied Linguistics and Language Study. 128 pp. ˙ Carter, Ronald. Investigating English Discourse: language, literacy and literature. London: Routledge 1997. 248 pp. ˙ Leech, Geoffrey N. & Short, M.H. Style in Fiction. London: Longman 1991. 402 pp.