TEXTUAL QUESTIONS ˙ Is the piece of text the whole of the text? ˙ Does the text exist in only one version, or many different versions? ˙ If in many versions, are there likely to be signicant differences between them? ˙ Has the text been cut, edited or expurgated? ˙ Has the text been annotated? CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS ˙ Is the author male of female? Professional or amateur? Native English speaker? ˙ How old was he/she when the text was produced? ˙ Who was the text originally aimed at? Are you part of that anticipated audience? ˙ Where, when and in what circumstances was the text produced? REFERENTIAL QUESTIONS ˙ Does the text contain quotations? ˙ Does it refer to particular social attitudes, facts or suppositions about the world, or to particular interests or geographical knowledge? ˙ Does the text contain specific references to other literary, media, historical, mythological or religious texts, events or figures? Do you know what these references refer to? LANGUAGE QUESTIONS ˙ Is the text in its original, or a translation? ˙ Is it likely that all the words mean what you think they mean? ˙ What sort of vocabulary do the words of the text generally come from? ˙ Were all the words and structures current at the time the text was written, or are some archaisms? ˙ Are the sentences generally of the same length and complexity? ˙ Is a very "literary" language used? SYMBOLIC QUESTIONS ˙ Do names in the text refer to unique, particular individuals, or are they representative, standing for general characters or character types? ˙ Are there any symbolic meanings of the places, weather, or events? ˙ Does the text relate a specific set of events, or does it function allegorically? ˙ Is the text` s title a key to its meaning? QUESTIONS OF CONVENTION ˙ Should the way you look at the text be guided by conventions about the sort of the text it is (e.g. satire, pantomime, sitcom)? ˙ How realisitc do you expect the text to be? Is it appropriate to ask such a question of the text? QUESTIONS OF REPRESENTATION ˙ Is the text typical of the theme it represents, or significantly different from other texts on similar topics? ˙ Does the text create images of race, women, industry, money or other socially centred themes? If so, are these images problematic? Why?