Language Skills Practice Exam for the midterm Exam Section 1. Vocabulary matching Match the following words with the correct definition/example. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |facetious |CHEERS! | |----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------| |a toast |To stop serious bleeding | |----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------| |feedback |traditional post | |----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------| |coast |to get rid of | |----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------| |snail mail |confuse | |----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------| |dump |sekt | |----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------| |mix up |sarcastic, perhaps | |----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------| |clamp |nonsense word | |----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------| |bubbly |criticism (good or bad) | |----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------| |supercalifragilisticexpialidocious |to relax at the end and to finish | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Put the following words into the correct sentences. incumbent parameters abundant vehement tit-for-tat spiraling faux-pas wisecrack tirade revered antagonisitic 1. I hope the current Czech presidential is defeated in the next election. 2. When you are doing a search on Google, it is important to set some . 3. From the amount of "blondes" that one can see in Slovakia, it is obvious that Hydrogen peroxide is there. 4. Sheila strongly believes in . You punch her face, she burns your hand with her cigarette. 5. Never make about Sonja to her face. She is very sensitive. 6. The US has a trade deficit with China. 7. When the former president Bush vomited into the lap of the Japanese prime minister at a banquet, this was an astronomically huge . (and a true story!!) 8. Hitler was loathed by most, however, he was by his inner circle of supporters. 9. Spitting in your mother in laws face could be seen as a tad bit . Complete the following sentences with an adjective that corresponds with the word that precedes it. 1. Most Irish people are fair and fair . 2. Business men should be well and well . 3. A woman in Serbia gave birth to a record baby who weighed 13kg. 4. Grey hairs, especially mine, are definitely stress . Fill in the following gaps with a "word" phrase. 1. I heard about the film by . 2. My wife is always . She never remembers exactly what I have said. 3. Ill have to it. Ill trust that this car is in good shape. Breaking news Questions!!! 1. Who could have said that the only thing worse than giving your mother in law a foot massage was being forced to eating in a traditional English pub? a) Jacques Chirac b) Slobodan Milosevic c) Tony Blair 2. Who has the worst food in Europe according to the one quote in the above mentioned article? a) Scotland b) Silesia c) Znojmo d) Finland 3. What was Mr. Milosevic accused of? a) rape and murder b) crimes against humanity c) prostitution d) election fraud 4. Where was Mr. Milosevic's trial being held? a) Brussels b) Strasburg c) the Hague d) Belgrade 5. Who are the two main Muslim groups fighting against each other in Iraq? 6.One article said that we may be hanging up out boot straps at which age? 7. What was one reason given for the rise in the potential retirement age? 8.True or false: 70% of Spaniards support gay marriage. 9. Can Spanish gay couples adopt children? 10. True or False: Milosevic was shot and killed while trying to escape. Listening: Listen to the attached file and then answer these comprehension questions. What has Michael Jackson invested in in Bahrain ? What kind of stores does MJ shop in? What does AAJ holdings want to establish in the region? What does Ahmed Abu Bakr Janami want to make Bahrain? Brief writing.... really brief... like one paragraph. Choose one of the following topics: 1- write a brief letter of complaint to Jiri Paroubek about the handling of Czech-tek 2- write a brief article describing your feeling about the Czech gay domestic partnership law 3- write an invitation to a zabijacka at your home