WORKSHEET 3 1. Are the following sentences right or wrong? Correct the wrong ones: 1. She is looking forward to being grandmother. 2. My sister loves horses. 3. You've made a very good progress. 4. She speaks very good English. 5. Do you prefer the town or the country? 6. The most birds can fly. 7. The life would be quieter without the telephone. 8. You can't get there without car. 9. He stood in the doorway, his coat over an arm. 10. She died a few minutes after the accident. 11. What a beautiful shoes! 12. Police will interview all the witnesses. 13. The cats are not common pets in some countries. 14. She hit the man on a head with her umbrella. 15. She's absent because she has a bad cold. 16. Government will deal with this problem next week. 17. The young people are expected to be more ambitious than their parents. 18. Did you let the cat out? -- No, I didn't. It must have been the children. 2. Fill in the article where necessary: 1. He usually travels to work by ________ train. He left the book on ________ train. 2. ______ children usually start walking around 1 year old. ______ children arrived from school around 4 o'clock. 3. Do you like ______ dogs? Have you fed _____ dogs? 4. I've been to ______ doctor. ____ doctor must like people. 5. Are you going to watch the football match on _____ TV tonight? Don't put the clock on _____ TV. 6. Why has _____ light gone out? Nothing can travel faster than _____ light. 7. I'm studying _____ life of Beethoven. _____ life is complicated. 8. Do you know that Jane is in ______ hospital? She's had a car accident. I left my coat in _____ hospital when I was visiting Jane. 9. We have five English lessons on______ Tuesday. She died on _____ Tuesday after the accident. 10. Rome is lovely in _______ spring. I worked very hard in _____ summer that year. 11. ______ Queen Elizabeth had dinner with ______ President Kennedy. ______ Queen had dinner with _____ President. 12. He was elected ______ President in 1985. I want to see _____ President. 13. We had ______ lunch in a very nice restaurant. We had _______ very nice lunch there. 14. I often listen to ______ music. The film wasn't very good but I liked _____ music. 15. _____ sugar isn't very good for you. Can you pass me ____ sugar, please? 16. I don't like driving at _____ night. She kept us awake all through _____ night. 17. _______ flowers really brighten up a room. _______ flowers you brought are lovely. 18. We're going in ______ morning. I've had _____ terrible morning. 19. She usually stays in ____ bed till late at the weekend. The socks you're looking for are over there on ____ bed. 20. I'll always be grateful for ______ advice he gave me. I asked my father for _____ advice about the problem. 3. Fill in a/ an or some where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty (-): 1. I've seen _____ good films recently. 2. What's wrong with you? Have you got ____ headache? 3. I know a lot of people. Most of them are ____ students. 4. When I was ___ child, I used to be very shy. 5. Do you collect _____ stamps? 6. What ____ beautiful garden! 7. ______ birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly. 8. I've been walking for three hours. I've got ____ sore feet. 9. I don't feel very well this morning. I've got ____ sore throat. 10. I don't believe him. He's ____ liar. He is always telling ____ lies. 4. Put in a/ an or the: 1. a) This house is very nice. Has it got ____ garden? b) It's a beautiful day. Let's sit in _____ garden. c) I like living in this house but it's a pity that ____ garden is so small. 2. a) Can you recommend _____ good restaurant? b) We had dinner in ____ very nice restaurant. c) We had dinner in ____ most expensive restaurant in town. 3. a) She has ____ French name but in fact she's English, not French. b) What's ____ name of that man we met yesterday? c) We stayed in a very nice hotel - I can't remember ____ name now. 4. a) There isn't _____ airport near where I live. _____ nearest airport is 70 miles away. b) Our plane was delayed. We had to wait at _____ airport for three hours. c) Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to _____ airport? 5. Put in the or a / an where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty (-): 1. Where did you have ____ lunch? -- We went to ____ restaurant. 2. Did you have ____ nice holiday? -- Yes, it was ____ best holiday I've ever had. 3. Do you often listen to ____ radio? -- No, in fact I haven't got ____ radio. 4. Do you go to ____ cinema very often? -- No, I watch a lot of films on ____ television. 5. What did you have for _____ breakfast this morning? -- Nothing. I never eat _____ breakfast. 6. Complete the sentences with the word given. Use the where necessary: 1. school a) Every term parents are invited to _________ to meet the teachers. b) Why aren't your children at ________ today? Are they ill? c) When he was younger, Ted hated ________. d) What time does ________ start in the mornings in your country? e) How do your children get home from _________? By bus? -- No, they walk. _________ isn't very far. f) What sort of job does Jenny want to do when she leaves ________? g) There were some people waiting outside _________ to meet their children. 2. university a) In your country, do many people go to ________________? b) If you want to get a degree, you normally have to study at __________. c) This is only a small town but ______________ is the biggest in the country. 3. hospital a) Nora works as a cleaner at __________ hospital. b) When Ann was ill, we all went to _____________. c) My brother has always been very healthy. He's never been in ____________. d) Peter was injured in an accident and was kept in __________ for a few days. 4. church a) John's mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to ________ every Sunday. b) John himself doesn't go _____________. c) John went to _________ to take some photographs of the building. 5. prison a) In many places people are in ___________ because of their political opinions. b) The other day the fire brigade were called to ____________ to put out a fire. c) The judge decided to fine the man -L- 500 instead of sending him to _______. 6. home, work, bed a) I like to read in _________ before I go to sleep. b) It's nice to travel around but there's no place like __________! c) Shall we meet after ___________ tomorrow evening? d) If I'm feeling tired, I go to ____________ early. e) What time do you usually start ___________ in the morning? f) The economic situation is very bad. Many people are out of ____________. 7. sea a) There's a nice view from the window. You can see ____________. b) It was a long voyage. We were at ___________ for four weeks. c) I love swimming in _________.