The Next class will meet on Wednesday April 26th at the regular meeting times. As it was last time, please arrive a few minutes early and be prepared to stay a few minutes later.


Assignment  8:   a) Look at the grammar on page 39    b) Explain the different uses of the present perfect in KEY1     c)  Explain the diference in meaning for the three pairs of sentences in KEY2.    d) Read page 42 and be prepared to speak about it in class

Assignment 9:  page 45-46  1,2,3        read page 47 and be ready to discuss in class

Assignment 10:  page 48-50  Read the texts and answer number 2 at the top of the page. Page 52 Key1 fill in the gaps for these classroom instructions based on the reading that you have just done

ASSIGNMENTS 8,9,10 are due  no later than 26.4

YOUR TERM PAPER!!!! Now that I have your attention... this is probably something that you all have forgotten about, but it was discussed earlier in the year and was also in the course syllabus. So here goes:

You are required to write a 3 page (!!!) paper that will be due no later than the 17th of May. So this means that you have one month. Not too bad so far.

TOPIC: I want you to write about your learning experiences here at the faculty. What things you liked/disliked, how you think your education here has prepared you to be a teacher in the real world, things that you would change about your educational experience here if you could, things that you have learned from watching other teachers that you will use in the classroom, any suggestions that you could make that could improve the educational experiences of future students here in the english department, anything else that you can think of. I am basically looking for your use of English and your form... as well as content. I will not be sharing anything specifically with colleagues, so feel free to say what you want. If you have any criticism of me, for example, you wont be penalized  :) I promise... in fact I do deserve quite a lot of criticism for my performance as your teacher last term. But hopefully I wont receive any papers entitled "Why Mr. Westbrook Ruined My Desire to Teach". I DO REQUIRE THAT ALL PAPERS BE TYPED... sorry  :) Oh, three pages single sided, not double sided, I am not that cruel.

Assignment 11) Page 54-56 Reading  then 3,4 on page 56

Assignment 12) Page 58  1,2,3

ASSIGNMENTS 11 and 12 are due by MONDAY MAY FIRST at 24:00

And the last little piece of information. Some students have asked that I not post all of the results on IS. So, I am trying to think of a way to post your results independently. I cannot, and dont wish to send everyone an itemized email regarding what marks who got on what assignments, so If you really cant wait to see it printed out next wednesday (assignments 1-7 that is) send me an email and Ill send you your own personalized results email with no hard feelings.   Good luck and get to work!!!