Cast of Characters Jack - Psychologist Mysterious Guy (MG) Mary - Jack's wife - rich modern artist Bill - 19-year-old son - works at home in own flat Matt - 17-year-old son Catherine - 15-year-old daughter - unhappy with life, sometimes distance with Jack, difficult times, risk-taker Jack's Mom and Mary's Dad - secretly in love, publicly they fight. Shelley - Bill's fiancée - cheating with Nick Dean - Jack's best friend - retired and rich Nick the Dick - robber, bartender, and Shelley's secret lover Police Officer Doctor Nurse Robbers Neighbour Scene 1 Lights up on half the stage - Jack reading a newspaper. Family in darkness in dining room. Mary - Honey, dinner's ready. Jack - What? Mary (louder) - Dinner's ready! Jack - What? Mary - Dinner's ready!!! Jack comes to the dining room. Lights up on whole stage: I'm sorry, didn't hear you. What did you say? Mary with a bit of a fake smile: I said, "Dinner's ready." Jack - Great! Let's eat. Everybody starts taking food. Grandpa - Mattie, could you pass the salt, please? Matt – Sure, grandpa. Grandma - People your age shouldn't eat salty food! Matt, don't give it to him, give it to me. GP - I know very well what I should and what I shouldn't do! (to Matt) Give it to me, son. (Matt is confused, still holding the salt) GM - If you give that salt to him, Matt, you won't inherit a penny when I die. Mary (takes salt from Matt) - Neither of you two will get the salt. Dad, you really can't eat salty food, Margaret, you're just as old as dad, and Matt - don't worry I 'll give you some of Grandma's money when she dies - she won't care then. Jack - So, about the trip - (Cathy enters) Wowowowowow young lady!!! What is that you're wearing?! Cathy - A top. Jack - A top? It looks like a piece of some cloth bound around your body...a very small piece of some cloth by the way. Mary look at her, tell her something. Mary - It looks a bit weird Cathy, but I like your bravery. Cathy - Thanks mum. Mary - I mean the bravery of wearing that cloth in front of your parents. Go upstairs and change! Cathy - No! I like it. Just because you don't understand - Jack - Catherine, go and change. (Cathy leaves angrily) GM - It's horrible what these young people wear these days. And how cheeky they are! GP - Oh, be quiet; you just don't understand it! It's very important to be different. GM - Dressing up like a prostitute isn't my idea of being different. Jack (loudly towards GP so that he can't respond to GM) - Harry, have you decided whether you want to see the butterfly house? GP - What? Jack - The trip - Do you want to see butterflies? GP - Oh...I don't know, I thought that children might like it. I had a very big collection of butterflies when I was Matt's age. Girls just loved it...And I'm sure that if Bill had one he would've had a nice girlfriend by now... Bill - But grandpa, I do have a girlfriend. I'm engaged to her. Shelley, don't you remember? GP - Who? Oh, yes, yes, lovely girl. (Cathy comes back) Bill – By the way, can I invite Shelley to go with us? Mary – Sure! She is almost a member of the family now. Matt – Dad? Jack – Yes? Matt – Do I have to go to the trip? I have a lot of stuff to do for school, you know… Jack – Of course you have to! You can take that stuff with you. Matt (whispers to Jack) – Come on, I don’t want to listen to grandpa and grandma arguing… Mary (heard what he whispered) – Stop that talk! You ARE going. Cathy - But I don’t want to go, either. You didn’t care whether we had other plans and I DID. I want to go on a school trip, They are going to the Lakes. I never get there with you. It’s now or never! Jack – Oh come on, you’re fifteen, you’ll get there sooner or later. And it’s a family trip, which means that the whole family is going. Matt – But we’ll be really annoying all the time. Cathy – And can you imagine grandpa hiking all day??? GP - So you don’t want to go because you fear it’ll be hard for me? You lovely girl…Don’t worry, I‘ll finally have some time to read. GM (sarcastic) – Because you usually don’t… Cathy – Daddyyyyy…the Lakes!!! I want to go! Mary – Stop it Catherine. Cathy - Daddy pleeeeaaase! Jack – Well…Mary, you know, if they really don’t want to go…Maybe it would be better to go without them. Mary – You’re kidding. We’re going all or none. Jack – But if they’re not going, we can go in one car. Mary (looks annoyed) - You’ve already decided, haven't you? Jack – Come on, they wouldn’t enjoy it anyway. Mary (looks at Matt and Cathy) – That’s true. Cathy – Hooray! (Matt is smiling) Jack – But you’ll phone every day. Cathy – We’re not allowed to take mobiles. Jack – OK, but you will, and NO parties in the house, I don’t want any police officer to tell me you were found drowned in beer… Scene 2 About 7 o’clock in the morning - a kitchen table with chairs on one side of the stage and the sofa (maybe with TV) on the other side of the stage. Grandpa sits in the kitchen, reading newspaper, Grandma enters: GM: Good morning GP: Good morning…(whispers) Dear, nobody is here yet. (Cmuk, cmuk, he makes kisses at GM) When are we going to take our walk? GM: Hopefully by noon. Nobody is going to be here so we can sneak out. In case of a problem, I will say I’m going to the grocery store and you can leave a little bit later and we will meet on our bench. GP: Yeah, I can’t wait baby. (he’s a little bit disgusting, gets up and squeezes her butt) GM: Yay! (she screams a little - Mary enters already dressed, little bit serious) You jerk! Don’t even come near me. You old fool! Mary: Dad, please. Do you always have to fight with Margaret?! Just leave her alone and don’t talk to her. GP: But… Mary: Please, just do. I don’t have enough energy to talk to you about this again. Grandma winks at Grandpa, he sits down, GP continues to read and GM and Mary are making some breakfast. Mary: please, let me do it Margaret. GM: You should wake up the kids. They shouldn’t sleep so long. And I will do the breakfast. And where is Jack? He has his first appointment at 8! GP: Are you trying to be his assistant again?! You think that checking your son’s diary will help you to feel useful? Mary: Please! Dad! (GM making faces in the background) (to GM) You’re right, I’m going to check Jack and see how kids are doing. (Mary meets Jack on the way, he’s tying his tie and can’t do it) Jack: Good morning… Mary: Hey Jack: Can anyone help me with this? GM: Oh Son, haven't I shown you how to do it a hundred times?! Come here! (GP is tying his tie) Matt enters the living room in his pajamas and sits on the couch, turns on the TV. Matt (yells): Mom, is there anything to eat? Mary: There’s cereal, chocolate milk, bread, eggs, waffles. Just go and grab something and don’t yell at me. Matt: Blah, blah, blah showing with his hand. After a little while he gets up, goes to kitchen and takes something to eat. Comes back and eats on the couch. Cathy, all in black, enters the kitchen with her backpack on her shoulder. Puts it on the ground. Cathy: Morning! Jack with already tied tie comes to her and kisses her on the forehead. Jack: Good morning honey. Gets paper. Hey look, Arsenal beat Chelsea 2-1. Mary: Are you all set to go? Cathy: Yep . . . I can’t wait! Lucy told me that the place is awesome! Friends, music, bungalows, firepits, a lake and mountains…what else could be better than spending 6 days there!? Jack: Listen Cath, no boys, no sex, no drinking. OK? And please don’t do anything stupid! Cathy: Yep dad, don’t worry. Cathy takes cereal and milk from the fridge, goes to living room and sits by Matt. She shows her excitement. Cathy: Hola, bro! What's up? Matt (bored): Nothing. Jack comes to living room, trying to make connection with his daughter. Trying to make sure that his decision to let her go was right. Jack (to Cathy): So what’s your schedule on the trip? Cathy: I don’t even know…We’re supposed to go on a hike and visit some museum. Jack: What kind of a museum? Cathy: Historical or something . . . civil war museum . . .(doesn’t really care about what she’s saying Jack is disappointed that she doesn’t know, but seems at peace. ) Cathy: People, Lucy is here so I have to run! (she grabs her backpack and is running to door) Mary: Hey, stop young lady! You won’t even say bye? Cathy: Bye, mother (kisses her on one cheek), family (she looks around and waves a little to everyone) Jack (yells on the way to door): Take care Cath. Everyone is a little bit surprised that she left so early. They all, except Matt are looking at her, she’s running away. Matt is eating breakfast and doesn’t care… Scene 3 At family home. Lights off. Doorbell rings/knock on door. Half of stage lit. Dialog off-stage. Mary: Who could that be at this hour? Get the door, honey. Jack: You do it; I'm going back to sleep. Mary: Maaaaattt. Get the door. Matt: Mom, it's the final minutes of the game. I can't get up now. Mary: I have to do everything. Mary comes on stage. More lights on. Goes to door, muttering to self about how no one ever helps her. Opens door. Lights reveal Police Office and MG. Mary: What's wrong. (yells) Did you do something Matt? Matt (shouts from off-stage): What??? Police Officer: I'm sorry, Ms. Wright, I'm afraid I have bad news for you. May I please come in? Mary: Of course, please come in. (PO enters - MG back in darkness) Jack! Get down here now! PO: You might want to sit down. (Mary sits down. Jack enters) Jack: What is it? PO: Your daughter was involved in an accident. Mary: What do you mean? Jack: What kind of accident? PO: I'm afraid she didn't survive. Jack (loudly): What do you mean she didn't survive? Jack moves toward officer. Mary grabs his hand, pulls him down, stays silent. PO: She left camp in the middle of the night. Her boyfriend says they were drinking. They thought it'd be a good idea to go down to the beach. Then they started swimming. He lost track of where she was. By the time he realized what was happening, she had breathed in too much water. I'm afraid she passed away. Mary quietly crying. Jack stands. Jack: I don't believe it. I can't believe it. Fade out. Scene 4 At the bar, Nick the Dick as a bartender, talking to him is Shelley. Closest to the audience sit Jack and Dean. In front of Jack there are already a couple of empty shots. In the background ( upstage, ) is sitting MG. He is turned in such a way that the audience doesn't see his face Dean: Are you sure you don't want me to get you home, Jack? Jack: (drunk) Dean... Dean, Dean, Dean, my dearest...fellow. You know I don't care? I mean, what's the point anyways? Dean: Jack, look, I know you feel really bad, I mean, we've been best friends since high school... I mean I'm totally with you and all, but you know you have a family, so maybe those guys would like to be with you. Jack: But I don't want to be with anybody. What's the point, Dean, what the fuck is the point of anything... Dean: Yeah, I know. Jack: She was young. Whole life ahead of her, you see? And I let her go on that stupid trip. ... Brilliant. Fucking brilliant idea. Dean: Jack, you know you can't blame yourself. You can't blame anybody. Jack: I would give anything, anything to take it back. Anything. Dean... (crying) ... one fucking decision, and here we go.. (to the bartender) Another one, please! Dean: Jack I think you- Jack: Shelley, is that you? I thought you were with Bill, the smart and awesome son of mine... Shelley: Hello, Mr Wright Yeah, Bill said he had something to do. You know him, always working on something. long pause Shelley: Mr Wright I'm so sorry about what happened. Jack: (long pause) Sure. Thank you. Nick the Dick brings Jack another shot. Jack drinks it with one gulp. Dean: I guess now I really have to go. But I'll pick you up in like 40 minutes, OK? You won't drink the brain outta yourself, right? ... Shelley, you will keep an eye on Mr Wright here, will you? Shelley: (smiles) Dean leaves MG slowly walks towards Jack. He brings another shot for him. MG: May I? (shows the booze) Jack: (inspecting the stranger for a while) Sure. (MG has his own glass, but does not touch it, only stares at it silently.) (after a while, Jack still watching MG, becoming nervous) Jack: I haven't seen you around. New here? MG: Yes. Jack (after a while) OK... MG: In fact, I think I have seen you. Jack: Have you? MG: Yes. Jack: Where? MG: I can bring her back. Jack: (staring confusedly) ... wh.. who? MG: Mr Wright, sometimes one simply does things he later ... regrets. Jack: What are you talking about? And how come you know my name? MG: You know what I am talking about. Jack: (drinks the shot) Who the hell are you? MG: That does not matter. Jack: You might as well get away from my table. MG: What matters, Mr Wright, is that your daughter Catherine can ... be here again... Jack: (starts to laugh, fiddles with the glass, shaking his head in a "WTF this guy is crazy" manner... realizes that MG is watching him dead serious) Jack: What did you say? MG: She can live again. You don't believe me. No one ever does. But you will see. Jack: I see you are damned crazy, man. You've been drinking too much, man, I'm telling you. Get me another drink and stop talking crap about my daughter. MG: Sometimes, regretting what one has done is not enough. Sometimes, man's will can do miracles. And with my little help- Jack: (amused) Oh I got it, I got it. You're the devil, right? You got horns on your head and you can make them disappear so that people don't recognize you... and you come to people and you make a deal with them so that they give you their soul and you can add it to your awesome collection under the ground. MG: (no change in expression whatsoever) All that we need is your will to change what happened. And you do have that will. You, Mr Wright, you personally will get the chance to save your daughter. Jack: (lighting a cigarette, maybe. Getting angry) She's dead, you prick. Now piss off. MG: (Stands up, makes a few steps...) Tomorrow. Tomorrow you will get your chance, Mr Wright. Jack: (to Nick) Another whiskey! Fade Out Scene 5 Lights up on half the stage - Jack reading a newspaper. Family in darkness in dining room. Mary - Honey, dinner's ready. Jack (pause - then confusedly) - What? Mary (louder) - Dinner's ready! Jack (pause - then even more confusedly) - What? Mary - Dinner's ready!!! Jack (comes to the dining room - lights on full stage mumbling to himself): What's happening? Where am I? Mary (a bit of a fake smile) - I said, "Dinner's ready." Jack suddenly sees Cathy - runs toward her, hugs her and kisses her over and over again. Jack: Oh my god!!! You are alive. Oh thank god. all family members are surprised about the way he is acting Matt: What's up with you today? Cathy: Dad!! What is wrong with you?!! Yes I AM ALIVE what do you mean?!!! Jack nervous: I, I, I, I had a dream that you died aaand I just miss you so much. I'm so happy you are here, thats all. GM: My son's going crazy again. Must have started drinking early. GP: Well, he is your son - the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Mary: Here we go again. Cathy: Well, thank you dad. I'm flattered; I'm glad you love me so much. I was too nervous to ask you, but since you love me so much today, you'll surely let me go on a school trip instead of the family trip. It's now or never. Matt: Yeah, I don't want to go with this stupid boring family either. Jack: NO,absolutely not,you are not going anywhere, not today, not on that school trip. Cathy shouting angrily: WHAT!!!! I thought you loved me! Let me do what I want. Jack: I do love you, and that's why I'm not letting you go. Mary: Jack, honey, what's the matter with you? Jack: Nothing. A father can't care about his own daughter??!!! Cathy: Dad, this is not fair! Its only for 6 days. I'll be back before you know it. We barely see each other anyway. Jack: Well then, there you go. I want to make it up to you and from now on we will all spend more time together as a family. Matt: Oh, come on! Cathy: But dad . . . Jack: This is final. I DONT want to hear another word on this subject. Cathy running away – angry, crying,shouting: Ii hate you. Matt: This family can be unbearable. Everyone but Mary and Jack finishes and leaves. Mary starts to clear plates, Jack pulls her back. Mary: I think we need to talk about this. This isn't how our family deals with disagreements. Jack: I know, I know, I'm sorry, but there's a reason and I want to explain it. I saw something bad happen and I can't bear to see it again. Mary: What are you talking about? Your dream? Jack: Listen to me, I'm serious! It wasn't a dream - our daughter was really dead! She drowned on that school trip! Mary: What? Are you kidding me? That's not funny at all. There hasn't been any school trip. Jack: I know, not now, but it was. Mary: You're not making any sense. Maybe Margret was right and you have been drinking and you're imagining things. Jack: You have to believe me. Oh! I can prove it - I know what the score of the Arsenal - Chelsea match tonight will be. Mary: You're such a pain in the ass sometimes. You always know exactly what it's going to be. Ironically That's why you've won so much money. Jack: OK, stop talking and just listen for a second, will you? Mary: I always listen to you, and I'm bored of it by now. You always think you're right and I'm wrong. Jack: I am right this time! Arsenal will win 2-1. Mary: Stop it, for God's sake. Leaves Fade Out Scene 6 Lights up on Jack making breakfast in the kitchen - smiling happily. Grandma and Grandpa in background - reading and whispering. Matt enters the living room in his pajamas and sits on the couch, turns on the TV. Matt (yells): Mom, is there anything to eat? Jack: I'm not your mother, but there will be soon. Matt surprised comes into kitchen: Dad?? Are you OK? Jack: Never better. What's up, champ? Matt: Are you really making breakfast, or am I still asleep? Jack laughs: Well, you look like you're asleep, but I am making breakfast. Mary enters. Jack: Morning, darling. kisses her on cheek - she looks surprised What do you want to eat? Mary: Wait a minute, I'm still in shock. What are you doing cooking? Jack: Why are you two so surprised? I just want to make you happy. Is that so odd? Mary and Matt together: YES! GM: Son, I'm so proud of you. I can't believe you're finally making an effort to pull this family together. Cathy enters Jack: Hey, sweetheart. Have some breakfast - made it myself. puts food in front of her at table Cathy: I can't go on the family trip. I don't have a sleeping bag. Jack: Honey, don't worry, I'll just run out and buy one. Cathy: No, don't worry. You can all go. I'll just stay at home. Matt from other room: I'm staying, too. GP: I already planned the butterfly house. You're not backing out on me. GM: I want to go to the fashion museum. They have things that are older than me. Matt: No way! GM ignores him: Maybe we could teach Cathy how a real lady dresses. Cathy: Everyone dresses this way now, grandma. You need to get out on the street and look around. Mary: Show some respect. I'm not so big on your dressing, either. Jack: Everyone calm down. Have some of this food and I'll just go buy what we need and we can all have a happy trip together. Everyone ignores him. Some eat, some go back to what they were doing. phone rings Matt answers Matt: What?!? pause Mom, it's for you - Aunt Susan. Mary: Can't you be polite for one minute? takes phone Matt: That was me being polite. Goes back to TV. Jack leaves. Fade Out. Scene 7 Jack and Dean walk in from opposite sides. Jack is carrying a sleeping bag. Dean: Hey, Jack. Where are you off to? Jack: Dean, you son-of-a-monkey, how are you? Dean: Dude, just ran out of cash and on my way to pick up some more. Jack: Did you spend it all on porn . . . again? Dean: Nah, I got a real woman coming over tonight - need to get some things. What should I get for her? Jack: The F Word - it always works. Dean: What? Jack: Flowers, you idiot. What else could I have meant? Dean: I'm sure going to get her a lot of F Words. Jack slaps him on the back: That's the spirit. Dean: Where are you heading, anyway? Jack: I got a second chance, so I'm taking the family on a trip. Dean: Second chance? I knew you had problems, but a family trip? Isn't that a bit much? With the parents, too? How will you all get on for so long? Jack: No, man, you don't understand. There was this weird guy in the bar after you left. Dean: What? What are you talking about? What bar? Jack: Oh, I forgot, you wouldn't remember that. Dean: Are you back on drugs? Jack: No, dude, I travelled in time. Dean: So you are back on drugs. Jack: Seriously, no drugs. It really happened. Cathy went on a school trip and died. Then I met this guy who - Dean: Wait a minute, who died? Jack: Cathy. She's OK now, but she was dead. Dean: OK, whatever drugs you're on, I'd like some. Jack: Forget the drugs. Neighbour enters: Hey, Dean, fancy meeting you here. Dean: Hey. I'm still mad you didn't invite me to that bar-b-que I could see in your backyard. Neighbour: Sorry, buddy, it was a family thing. You know how it is. So, you're renovating your house? I was thinking of doing it myself, so maybe you could give me the number of your guys. Dean: Wait, what are you talking about? What guys? Neighbour: I saw some people going in your house with some tools. I just assumed. Dean: When? Neighbour: Just now, when I was leaving. Dean: Are you fucking kidding me? Neighbour: No, seriously. You might want to go have a look. Dean: Jack, man, I got to run. You can finish your drug story later. runs away Jack yells after him: It wasn't drugs! Fade Out Scene 8 in Shelley and Bill's flat. Shelley is sitting. Bill Enters Bill excitedly: Shelley, Shelley, guess what? Shelley: Big smile and a hug: What? Bill: We are going for a holiday for a week! Shelley stops smiling: Are we? Bill: Yes, my family invited you to go with us. Isn't it great, sweetheart? Shelley: with relief Oh I see . . . it's really great, you will go with your family. You definitely need to spend some time with your family. Bill: What are you saying, Shelley? You are a part of our family. They invited you as well! Shelley: They're so nice. That is really kind of them and I really appreciate that, but I really need to get ready for the wedding and I don't have time. touches clothes Look at these rags. I can't wear this as a married woman. I need to go shopping. Bill: Honey, you look great no matter what you wear. I love you even naked. Shelley: I know, sweetie, but I really have to look better. Bill: And what are you planing to do? A hen party or something? Shelley: Oh, no, just, a hairdresser, nails, make-up, dress, flowers, you know, girl things. It'll be a surprise. I'll look great and you'll love it. Bill: We have plenty of time. Shelley: I feel it is too late already. Bill: It's too bad you are not going with us. Shelley: Not being ready for my own wedding would be disastrous. Bill: Well . . . what can I do? You're so lovely, I just can't argue with what comes out of your beautiful lips. Shelley: You'll be fine. Bill: I love you. Shelley: So do I. Bill leaves Shelley takes out her phone and dials. Shelley: Nick, it's me. Pause Yes, he went for a holiday with his family. Pause For a week. Pause That would be great… Pause What time? Pause Six is fine. Pause See you then. Shelley hangs up. Fade Out. Scene 9 Hospital Quiet night, it is raining , the nurse is checking the patients. Suddenly a siren is turned on, lots of sounds of running. Lights on to Jack and Matt (listening to iPod) and Cathy and GP and Bill in the waiting room - separate, not interacting - signs point to operating, etc. Doctor Enters - Jack runs up to him Jack: Doctor it is my wife and mother, where are they, what has happened? Doctor: You are not allowed to go in Jack: Please I must see my wife and my mum. Crying Doctor: Wait here. leaves Jack is sitting shocked and confused. Silence. GP: Anyone want some food? Silence. After some time the doctor comes back. Doctor: Mr. Wright, we have done all we possibly could, but your wife has suffered severe brain damage. Although we have operated on her, she is paralysed. There is nothing else we can do, and it is not going to be better I am afraid… GP: Oh dear. Jack sobbing: No. . . You must be mistaken; it can't be true. Looks down at self: It's my fault. Doctor: Mr. Wright, would you like to see them - your wife and mother? Jack: My mother . . . how is she? Is she alright? Doctor: I am afraid she is unconscious. She is on life support…her heart is very weak… it is just a matter of time…. Jack: What do you mean, a matter of time? You're a doctor! You have to do something! Pause Jack to self: This wasn't supposed to happen. Police officer appears. P.O: Mr. Wright, I am afraid you need to make a statement, about the accident. Jack: No, I can't leave my wife. . . . It was raining heavily…Mom and Mary were ahead of us. I couldn't see exactly what happened - all of a sudden they were on the side of the road. Matt: I didn't see anything. I was just listening to my iPod and then suddenly we were flipped over and there was blood everywhere. Jack to self: That guy.. this was not supposed to happen, it was his fault. I just wanted to save my little girl. Others look at him as if he was crazy. Dean runs in Dean: Hey, sorry I wasn't here earlier - my place was robbed while I was talking to you Jack, but it's not important right now. So what happened? Is everyone alright? Silence Bill: Mom's paralyzed . . . Dean: What? Bill: . . . and Grandma's on life support - they're not sure she'll make it. Dean: I am so sorry. Is there anything I can do for you? Jack: Where is he? Did you see him? I need to tell him, I didn't want this to happen. He knows that. How could he? Dean: What are you talking about? No one wanted this to happen… Mystery Guy appears in background Doctor: Mr. Wright, it's OK if you want to see your wife now. Your mother's still in too critical a condition to have visitors. Jack crying: Yes. That would be good. Kids, stay with your grandfather - you can come in later. Doctor: This way. They leave together. Fade Out Scene 10 The setting and the characters are all the same as they were in Scene 4, except for the M.G. who is not yet on stage. Dean: Are you sure you don't want me to get you home, Jack? Jack: No, Dean, thanks. I'll be fine. Dean: Jack, look, I know you feel really bad, I mean, we've been best friends since high school... I mean I'm totally with you and all, but you know you have a family, so maybe those guys would like to be with you. Jack nervously looking around the bar for M.G.: Yeah, I know. I know, Dean… (turns head to where MG was sitting in scene 4) … I just… let's just stay here for a while. Dean: You're expecting someone? Jack: (stares at Dean for a while, not knowing what to answer) … Maybe… Dean: OK, let me buy you another drink. (stands up and makes a few steps towards the bar) Jack: Um . . . no, not for me, thanks. Dean: (stops, turns with a surprised kind of smile) You are weird, bro. No offense. It's a whiskey for you, I presume. (proceeds to bar) (Meanwhile, M.G. enters from backstage and sits down at the table he sat at last time) (Jack lights a cigarette and randomly looks behind himself, then turns back, then realizes he just saw M.G. He gets a very nervous/serious expression in face, takes Deans half-empty glass and finishes it for him. Takes a deep breath and stands up to go meet M.G. On his way he notices Shelley and Nick the Dick at the bar, Nick preparing the drink for Jack, engaged in a conversation with Shelley) Jack: Shelley, is that you? I thought you were with Bill, the smart and awesome... pause - realizes the sentence is familiar to him son of mine... Shelley: Hello, Mr Wright. Yeah, Bill said he had something to do. You know him, always working on something. Jack: Right. (smiles nervously and proceeds on his journey to M.G.) Shelley: Mr Wright, I'm so sorry about what happened. Jack: (stops) They will be okay. (proceeds to MG--he knows the talk with Shelley is irrelevant at this moment) Shelley (looks confused): ... yeah... Jack comes to M.G: May I? M.G. does not look at him, only nods a little. Dean gets the whiskey and goes back to their table. Finds out Jack is not there...sits down... wants to drink his own drink.. finds out it is empty... looks around, spots Jack sitting at a different table with his back turned to him... shrugs a little, thinks Jack just needs to be alone for a while... drinks from Jack's glass instead Jack nervously: Ehm... you know why I am here, right? MG: To have a few drinks, I suppose? Jack : Why'd you do it to them? MG: I didn't do anything. It was your decision to change things. Every action has its consequences. Jack Why didn't you tell me it would turn out this way? MG: I don't walk in the room with people, I just open the door. Jack: You gave me back my daughter and took away my mother and wife. MG: Mr Wright, sometimes one simply does things he later ... regrets. Jack: Let's get things straight. MG : Go ahead, please. Jack: I don't know who the heck you are, but I know that you can do... things. You... you can make things happen. MG: Not exactly the right wording, but I guess we understand each other now. Jack: Listen. I don't care who you are. I am not interested in your wannabe mystical preaching; I just know that last time, you did something to me and I went back in time. I know it was you. Damn it, I can't believe I am saying this stuff, but it happened ! MG: (interested look on his face): Is there anything else you wanted to tell me, Mr Wright? Jack: (looking for confidence, licking his lip or something) ... Do it again. MG (no change in expression whatsoever, calmly stands up to leave, turns his head to Jack who desperately watches him, waiting for an answer...): Tomorrow. (leaves) Jack (digests the answer for a while, realizing that he just got another chance ... looks around, spots Dean staring absently at the table... comes back to him): Dean, we're going home. Fade Out Scene 11 In the kitchen - Grandma and Grandpa in the background reading (like in scene 6) Mary and Matt sitting by the table, Jack standing like he's making breakfast. Cathy enters. Jack: Good morning, honey. Cathy: I can't go on the family trip. I don't have a sleeping bag. Jack: Oh, We're not going anywhere! The trip is cancelled! Mary: What? Cathy: YES!! Matt excited: really? I can't believe you listened to me and took my advice seriously! (looking at everyone) I told you all it's just a waste of time. Finally I have a word in this family! (happy and proud of himself) Mary aside: Whereas I still have none. GP seriously: Jack! What are you talking about? I have already planned the beautiful visit of the Butterfly house. Margaret wanted to see it too.(looking at grandma). Right? GM: I don't care about your butterfly house, I wanted to see a fashion museum! Jack, what's wrong with you? Jack: Listen everyone, It was my plan to go on the trip but now I don't feel like it was the best idea. Matt: Dad, you're awesome! Jack: Shut up, Matt. I need to explain to you why I decided not to go. Mary: I'm waiting! Jack: Many terrifying things have happened during the last couple of days and without me meeting this strange person in the bar, we wouldn't be sitting here like this. Grandma: Oh my God, why do I have to see my son going crazy!? Jack: No! Mom, I'm telling the truth! Mary: Jack, dear,are you OK? touching his forehead to see if he has a fever Jack: People, why can't you believe me?! I'm not on drugs and I'm not drunk either. So why are you staring at me like I'm an outcast???!!!! Cathy: Dad, listen to what you're saying! Jack: What I'm saying is that I know what will happen if we go on the trip and it will be bad. GP: I've read many science fiction books, but hearing my son-in-law saying things that can happen only in those books makes me feel sorry for you Jack. Did you hit your head during the night? Jack: I can prove that I'm right! At exactly 7:24 Aunt Susan will call. Mary: But my sister always calls! She just likes to know what we're doing! Jack looking at his watch: She will call riiiiiiight NOW! Phone rings everyone looks at each other Mary answers the phone: Hello? pause I will call you later Sus. We're having an important family discussion now. pause Bye (she hangs up and turns to Jack) This doesn't prove anything! I think you should go to sleep... (to kids) You two, go upstairs! We're not going anywhere. Cathy and Matt: YES! Jack: But listen . . . Everyone ignores him. Mary, Cathy and Matt leave the stage in the same direction. Grandma and Grandpa open the newspaper and continue reading. After a little while Jack leaves to the other side of the stage. Fade Out Scene 12 In a room (any room) sit GM and GP alone. GP: Good morning, my sweet swan. GM: Shshhhh,are you crazy? Keep your voice down. GP: I am crazy in love with you, my little white-headed lady. GM: And I with you, my old bald, cranky, crazy man. GP: I was waiting for you last night. I waited and waited, but you never showed up. GM: Oh, I'm sorry, bunny,but my dentures fell out and I couldn't fix them. GP: So what?! Who needs teeth in the bedroom?! GM laughs: Oh you naughty boy, I thought I'd forgotten how to laugh until I met you ,my funny bunny GP: Come here my - Interrupted by Jack entering the room GM: Ohhh, Jack dear,what's the matter with you? You look like you've seen a ghost. Jack looks at them for a while thinking it's strange that they are in a cosy position but then ignores them Jack: Sorry mother, can't talk now,. I have something VERY important to do. Please excuse me. GM and GP try to act normal and step away from each other slowly. Jack picks up the phone and calls Dean and mumbles to himself: Jack: Come on, Dean. Please pick up the phone, man. Commme ooonnn. Keeps ringing but no answer. Jack: That's it I have to go there myself starts to leave GM tries to catch him, then shouts at his back: Jack come back here, tell me at once what's wrong, Jaaack. Jack keeps going on in a hurry saying nothing to his mother. GP: Oh, thank god he left. We are alone again, birdy. Let's finish what we started. GM looks at GP lovingly and walks towards him smiling. Lights down. Scene 13 Messy room, but empty. Jack runs in shouting. Jack: Dean! Dean! Where the hell are you? no answer, Jack gets out his mobile and calls the police Jack - Police? I'm at my friend's house, it's been broken into. I- what??? pause I'm Jack Wright. Something terrible happened here. Errr, it's 28 Elm Road, Marshall. You must come immediately. They might still be here pause I'm NOT leaving this place. My friend is somewhere in here! end of call - battery is empty Jack desperately: Dean! Where are you?! (He hits the backstage curtain - Dean is lying on the floor behind it) Jack: Noooo! Come on mate... Dean moves, Jack gets out his phone to call an ambulance, but it still doesn't work. Throws it across the room. Jack: Hey Dean, don't worry, it's gonna be alright. The ambulance will be here any second. You'll be OK. Dean weakly pats Jack's shoulder: Liar. Dean dies, police sirens Jack - No! Dean, come on, please, a few more minutes! Wake the hell up! (police officers enter, MG with them) Police Officer- Search the house! Jack - Call an ambulance Police Officer into radio: It's captain Douglass, we need an ambulance on 28 Elm Road, Marshall. One man wounded. (to Jack) Stay where you are. (he goes to search the house, too) Jack: No. Please Dean. No, I won't allow it. Lights fade out. Scene 14 Lights on. Drunk Jack is sitting in the bar at the same table he was sitting at with Dean. He is nervously tapping his foot obviously waiting for someone. He stands up and goes to the bar for another glass of whiskey. Jack - Another one! Nick - You're drinking a lot (silly laugh) Jack - My friend died. Nick (demented look) - I'm sorry. This one's on me then. (hand Jack a glass) Jack (sits at the bar, starts talking) - The problem with this world is that you never know when you're gonna leave it. (wipes away a tear) He was sooooo young, you know. Like one day everything's aaaaall right and the next thing you know you're lying under the ground with fucking flowers above you. (Nick nodding) He was killed, you know. Nick drops a glass and looks at him nervously Jack - My oooold friend (wipes away another tear). Silly robbery and those idiots killed him. I should've warned him. (starts crying) The door opens, Jack turns to see who it is. It's Shelley. Shelley a bit surprised, looks at Nick and then looks back at Jack. Shelley – Hello, Mr. Wright. Jack – Hi, Shelley. Shelley - Er, I've heard about your friend; is it true? (curiously, not troubled) Jack (not very happy to talk to her) - Yes, it is. (drinks his whiskey) Shelley - Oh, I'm sooo sorry. MG enters, goes to a table. Jack stands up immediately and goes to MG saying nothing to Shelley. Shelley confused, sits at the bar Jack - You must let me go back again. MG (looks at him for quite long before he answers) - It's no good to go back every time something bad happens. Jack - He was my best friend! It's my fault that he's dead now! MG - Well, it is. Jack looks at him a furiously I'm just warning you that you shouldn't do it every time. It would be better if people were responsible enough to handle the consequences of their actions. You should be careful not to lose more than you can bet. Jack - But you will do it again, won't you? Please... I have to save him. MG - All right then, but I've warned you. Scene 15 Back at breakfast - same beginning.Jack enters in a hurry Mary: What's up? What's the matter? Jack: We can't go on the family trip. Others: What? What are you talking about? Jack: Never mind. I can't talk about it now. Dean needs me. leaves Mary shouts: You never tell me anything, Jack. Jack leaves and meets Dean in the street. Dean: Hey, Jack. Where are you off to? Jack: We have to call the police right now. Dean: What! Why? what happened? Jack: I'll explain later, I just gotta do it immediately. Jack calls the police: Hello, I am Jack Wright and I want to report a robbery at 28 Elm Road, Marshall. Dean in total shock, shouts: What?! That's my place !! Jack hangs up: Yes man, I'm sorry, but it's gonna be alright. You don't have to worry now. I fixed it. Dean: Wait a minute. How did you know about this? Are you on drugs or something? Jack: Let's go to your house and you'll see for yourself. They both go and when they arrive they find police officers everywhere. Some thieves are caught. Some run away. Dean in shock. Dean: Oh man, you are awesome. How did you know about this? Jack: See, I know this person . . . Dean: So you deal with psychics now? Jack: No, it isn't a psychic just AMMMAZING. Sent me back in time. I've done it three times already. Dean: Oh no. Hahaha. Okay, come on now, tell me what it is. Jack: I did. Dean: Are you serious man??!! Jack: Never been more serious in my whole life. Dean: Well... Jack: No man,you have to believe me. You do believe me, don't you? Dean: Actually I think I might. I mean, how could you possibly have known about this?! Jack hugs Dean strongly: Exactly, I knew you'd believe me. You died. Those robbers shot you. Dean: What!!? Jack: Yes, but I went back in time and fixed things, and now you are alive again and I'm so happy. Dean: Well, I am happy too. Jack: You believe me, man, don't you? Dean:Ahh, maybe -I don't know. I think I have to meet this guy. Jack: That is not important right now. Maybe some other time. Fade Out Scene 16 Nick and Shelley at Bill and Shelley's apartment. They're lying in bed. Nick is kissing Shelley. After a while he stops kissing her but he's still touching her. Nick: I want you just for myself. You have to be just mine! Shelley: Oh, Nick (smiling a little)... You're so strong. Nick: Honey, are you listening? I can't handle the fact that you sleep with him! Shelley: Nick, your face looks so funny when you're angry. Nick: Honey, I want all of this (touching her body from head to hips) just for myself. Shelley: This is so nice. Do it again! Nick: Shelley. Oh my God, can't you just once seriously listen to my words! (he takes her head and turns it towards him, so she's looking at him) Shelley: What's wrong with you? Just kiss me! Nick: I've never seen that guy...Bill...but I feel his smell on your body. Shelley: I love you. Nick: Sweety, I love you too, but...(they start kissing again) Shelley (after a while): Please, just let's not talk about Bill. I'm so happy when I'm with you! Nick: Then why did you get pointlessly engaged?! Shelley (naively): I don't know. Nick: How can't you not know? Shelley: I love you. Nick (desperate. sighing.): I love you too. Fade Out Scene 17 Stage rather dark. Jack enters from left, walking slowly. Can see shadows in back right of stage. When Jack gets to stage right, people jump out from out from behind the curtain. Fight starts. Robber: This'll teach you to mess with our plans. Robber 2: You'd better think twice before interfering again. Kicking him on ground. He lies still. Robbers stare down at him. Robber 3: Hey, grab his wallet. See what's in there. Robber: Quite a haul. Lots of cash plus, like, 4 cards. We'll have plenty to go around. Robber 2: I guess it's not a total loss. Come on, let's blow this popsicle stand. They exit. Jack lies still. Briefly moves (so audience can see he's not dead). Fade out. Scene 18 Lights on in bar - Nick enters, in hurry takes off his mask and puts on some other T-shirt. He starts polishing a glass. MG walks in, sits quietly on a chair, Jack enters Jack - This is too much! I have to go back! MG (in a very, very calm voice) - Calm down. Jack - I won't calm down!!! MG - Then have something to drink and stop shouting. Jack - Shut up and help me back! I won't let anybody insult me like this! They deserve to get it back! MG - Mr. Wright, just let it be. It's for no one's good to go back this time. Jack - It's for MY good. And the good of all those people who they want to beat up - I mean rob - in the future. And don't forget they killed Dean! MG - No, they didn't. Jack - But they would've killed him if I hadn't gone back. MG - And what if I told you that if you go back this time it will be the last time you do so. Jack - I don't care!!! MG - Mr. Wright, this is the last chance to change something, do you really want to waste it for your pride? Jack - It's not a waste - it's important. I must get revenge! MG - Alright then, but I've warned you. Fade Out Scene 19 Lights fade in. Jack is hidden behind a bush watching as the robbers are arguing. Robber: How could they arrive so early? Robber: You are so clumsy the owner must have heard you while you were climbing through the window and called the police. Robber: Yeah? Or maybe someone was talking too much, eh? What about you? Don’t you have a new girlfriend? Maybe you wanted to invite her to our little game and – Masked Nick: Shut it you two! Let’s not argue here and now! Robber: Don’t tell me to shut up! The robbers continue to argue while Jack calls Bill. Jack (talking quietly): Bill, are you there? Listen, I need you to help me. –pause- No, Bill, just listen! Grab a baseball bat and get here to the alley. –pause- What? –pause- Yes, a bat! There is no time just get here pronto! Jack hangs up. Nick: OK, OK, we will meet tomorrow at the usual spot. Just don't let anybody see you. understood? Robber2: You better not screw us buddy! Robbers leave the stage. Nick is about to leave. Jack looks around for a weapon, grabs a stone, and jumps at Nick knocking him unconscious. Jack: Not so tough now, are you, you punk?! Bill with the whole family enters. Bill: Dad what has happened? Jack: I told you to come. Why'd you have to bring the whole family? Marry: Honey? Jack: He tried to rob Dean! I knocked him cold, the bastard! GM: OMG GP: I will call the police. Bill: He is wearing a mask. Let’s look at who he is. Bill grabs his mask and pulls it down. Shelley: Nick! OMG Nick! She jumps to Nick and hugs him. What did you do to him?!! Bill, Jack, Mary: (surprised) You know him? Shelley shocked: You are bleeding. What did they do to you, honey! Bill: Honey!!!!!!?? shouts angrily Honey!!!!!?!!! Grabs the stone and tries to hit unconscious Nick - Shelley is in the way, covers her face in fear. Jack successfully catches Bill and disarms him. We can hear police sirens. Fade Out Scene 20 Lights on, Bill sitting on the floor, head down, crying. After a while Mary comes in. Mary: Hey Bill, how do you feel? (Notices that he’s crying. Comes to him and sits next to him) Do you want to talk? Bill nods Mary: Cry it out; it helps. Bill: I just don’t understand it. It’s like a part of me betrayed the other part. I’m kind of torn apart. Mary: It happens, sweetie. Bill: Well, I know it happens, but to other people. She loved me so much. I don’t believe that she has really done that! The worst thing about it is that I think I could forgive her. I want her back… I'm silly, she doesn't care… She is so bright and amazing. What am I compared to her? Mary (a bit sarcastically): Yeah, she’s definitely very bright and amazing (realizes that her tone is not appropriate) - are you sure you really want her back? Bill: Of course I do. She's my fiancée. We're supposed to have our whole lives together. Mary: Sure, sure. I understand. Maybe she does care, but she’s too afraid to come to you. You shouldn’t have tried to hit her yesterday. Bill: I was- Mary: I know - you were upset. But if you really want her back, you should make the first step. Bill: But it’s degrading to come to her after she cheated on me! What will my friends say if I come to her sniveling? Mary: What do you care about more? Her or what your silly friends will say? Bill: You’re right ,mum. (Mary wipes his tears away and smiles) But what should I do? She won’t want to see me after what I did yesterday. Mary: Well, maybe it would be best to meet in some public place, so that she’s not afraid. What about the bar Jack – I mean dad – goes to? There is always someone there and I think Shelley likes that place. Bill: You’re brilliant mum! I think I should bring her some flowers. A very big bouquet! Mary: Well, yes, and put on the white shirt. Girls like it when men wear shirts. Bill: Do you think I should wear a tie too? Mary: Oh come on! No! It’s not a business meeting, for god’s sake. Bill: OK, OK. (laughs) Mary: That’s my boy. (Mary gets up) I’ll leave you now so that you can call her. Bill: No, you don't have to go. Mary sits back down: OK then. Call her. (Bill stands up, dials the number and walks around the room. Mary is watching him) Bill: Hey, Shelley, please don’t hang up. I was an idiot yesterday. Could we meet in the bar you like and talk a bit, please? Pause Come on it'll be fine. pause I know and I apologize. You know I would never hurt you. pause Great. How about tomorrow at six? pause OK, I’m looking forward to it. Bye bye. Hangs up. Happily: She agreed. Mary: That’s perfect Bill: Yeah. Thanks mum. Er...can you leave now? I’m gonna practice some things for tomorrow. Mary: All right. See you at dinner. Mary leaves, Bill hops around a bit Fade Out Scene 21 Jack calls the whole family and Dean for a meeting...Everyone is there. Jack: Hello everyone and thank you for being here. Matt: Oh my god, I feel like I'm in a school class. Uhh what a nightmare. some laugh. Jack: Matt, shut up. Can you please just respect this and listen to what I have to say just this once? Dean: Come on guys; be quiet. Apparently it is something very important. Jack: Thanks Dean; yes, it is important. Mary: So honey, will you tell us already? Jack: Yes I will, but first I wanna ask you not to interrupt me please, just let me finish what I have to say. Everyone: OK . . . Yeah . . . Sure Jack: And before you ask, NO, I'm not on any type of drugs and I'm not drunk - I'm perfectly sober. GM: Come on, son, just go ahead and tell us. Jack: OK, I'm just gonna say it. I went back in time. Cathy, you died on that school trip.. Kathy: You didn't let me go. Jack: I said DO NOT interrupt me, please. I agreed and let you go but you died so I went back in time and that's why I refused to let you go, and then mom, Mary honey, you two had an accident when we went on our family trip and you almost died, that's why I cancelled our trip,then Dean got shot by robbers and he . . . he died in my arms,but I went back in time and saved him. Everyone is so quite and just shocked. Dean: Well, I know how this sounds - I'm not saying that I believe it, I'm just saying that it's possible. I just don't know what to think really, but Jack knew about the robbers - he told me and then called the police and it was true - I saw them. I am just so confused. Jack: So everyone,what do you think? Mary: I don't know what to say except that you've been acting very weird lately and foreseeing things. I am also confused,I mean I would like to believe you, but it is just impossible. Jack: I used to think so, but not anymore. I mean I did it - nothing is impossible. GP: Mary, I always warned you away from this marriage. GM: Oh,just stop talking, please. Matt: Can I go now, please? Jack: Can you please pretend to be interested? Matt: No. Bill: Dad, I'm sorry but I can't really understand this. Jack: Bill, I always thought you were the smart one in this family. This is real, it can happen. I mean, why not? Think about it. Mary: I believe you; I just don't think you would lie. I mean, why would you, right? Jack: Yes, exactly, I would never lie about such a thing. Others leave, Jack, Dean, and Mary stay and discuss it. Mary: So tell me more. How did this happen? I don't know what to ask really. Jack: I know honey. No need to know details. I'll explain later. What is important right now is that we are all together again and nothing will ever take any of you away from me, ever again. Fade Out Scene 22 Shelley agreed to meet Bill in the bar to discuss things. Both are setting in the bar amongst people. Shelley: Well, what do you have to say? Bill: I want us to be together. I want things back to what they were. Forgive me, my love, I just love you so much. I can't live without you. I mean you are my fiancée and we're supposed to be with each other for the rest of our lives - have children, make a big happy family. Shelley: Oh my god, children! How many children are you thinking about? Bill: That is not important now -whatever you want, I just wanna be with you. Shelley: Doesn't the idea of EVER AFTER scare you? Bill: NO! Ever after with you is my dream. How could it scare me? Shelley: Oh I see, really? I mean, I'm not so sure. Bill: What are you saying? Shelley (giggling, kind of in a silly way): I don't know, I'm just not so sure I'm ready to get married right now. Bill: Now you tell me!!!?? What is wrong with you? Shelley: Relax, Bill, don't worry - this doesn't mean that I'm mad at you. I do forgive you but - Bill: Forgive ME??!! What did I do? You're the one who cheated, you're the one who should be asking for forgiveness, not me. Shelley: I'm confused - you asked me to forgive you. Bill: Well, I want you back. I'm trying to fix things. Shelley: I just can't be with you all the time for the rest of my life - I'm just so bored. Bill: You cheated on me because you were bored!!?? Shelley: Well, you know, girls just wanna have fun. (Laughs a silly laugh) Bill in a very angry and VERY loud voice: Oh my god, you are just . . . I hate you, you stupid bitch. How could you do this to us? How could you do this to me??!! The bartender notices and calls the police Shelley: I'm so sorry, please calm down. Bill: Tell me what you found in him that's not in me? Shelley smiles: Uhhh, his hair is just so . . . Bill gets unbelievably angry and it shows on his face: I hate you! You are as stupid and naive as my mother told me. You are sooo, I just . . . (he picks up the ashtray from the table and hits her on her head) Blood everywhere, people are so scared, screams, and the sound of police cars. Bill crying, holding Shelley in his hands: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry. I love you. Come back to me please. The family knows about it somehow,they enter the bar,all shocked Mary stars to cry. Mary slaps Jack: This is all your fault. You did this to us. You ruined our lives, you ruined this family. Police take Bill away. Jack crying,sites on the ground,cries very hard,and shouts: WHY!!! Why does this keep happening? Don't worry honey, don't worry Bill, I'm gonna fix this. I always do; don't worry. Fade Out Scene 23 Two sides of the stage. On one side Bill, writing; on the other Jack, opening and reading a letter. MG behind Jack - hard to see at first, easier to see as scene continues. Lights on low. Jack: Dear Dad. Bill: I'm so sorry about everything that happened. I wish I could take it all back. I know how disappointed you must be. I'm also disappointed. Jack: Things were not supposed to turn out this way. I miss Shelley so much. I failed you as a son and I've failed as a human being. Bill: Things are really bad here in prison. But maybe I deserve this after all I've done. Shelley did not deserve this, although sometimes . . . Jack: In the bar, she just got me crazy with the stuff she said. She started talking about what attracted her to Nick and I just couldn't take it. pause Bill: I don't even remember what happened. There was this ashtray . . . Now every morning I wake up with a vision of her in my arms. Jack: Dying. pause I miss you all at home so much. I wish I was there, with you, and grandpa and grandma and Mom and Kathy and even Matt. Jack has a little smile at this Bill: I imagine you all must be upset with me, and I'm also disgusted with myself. I can't bear this awful feeling anymore. Please tell everyone how sorry I am. Jack: I wish you could understand Bill: why I feel I have to do this. Jack: I want to end your misery Bill: and mine. I am at Jack: the end. Say goodbye Bill: to everyone. Both: I love you. Bill stands. Maybe picks up something that wasn't seen before. Lights down on his side. Jack starts to cry? lights down. Scene 24 Empty stage. Just Jack with a spotlight on him. Jack miserable - pacing. Jack: I need to change it. I need to fucking take it back. Not again. Not this time. This can't be happening. Why the hell did you take him? You have to send me back? You hear me? You hear me, you prick? drops to his knees. Let me go back just this once and then you can have me, you miserable bastard. MG (walks up behind him): This is not how it works, Mr. Wright. I didn't take him and I will not have you. I just opened the doors. Jack: Well, fucking open them again. MG: I can't. Not anymore. Jack Jumps up and grabs MG's shirt and starts shaking him: What the fuck do you mean, you can't? Give me me back my son, you heartless piece of shit. MG brushes Jack off of him: I warned you, Mr. Wright. I'm sorry, there's nothing more to be done. Jack drops down to his knees, grabs MG's knees: Please, please. You're my only hope. MG: Sometimes one does things he later regrets. pause - Jack lets go - confused It's over, Mr. Wright. MG backs out of spotlight. Leaves Jack alone and crying in spotlight. Lights fade out. The end.