A2BK_UVDI, kolokvium Credit requirements 1 Full active participation in lessons is expected. 2 The Successful continuous testing based on HARMER, J.: How to Teach English, Longman Three points can be obtained with each testing. Thus 12 points is the total at the end. (Four points missing at the end are acceptable.) Plan of continuous testing: Úvod The teacher 8^th March gr.A 12^th March gr.C 19^th March gr.D Teachers Learners Describing learning and teaching Describing language The learner 22^nd March gr.A 26thg March gr.C 2^nd April gr.D Managing the classroom Planning lessons What if? Using coursebooks Classroom management Supplementary materials 12^th April gr.A 9^th April gr.C 16^th April,gr.D Teaching listening Teaching reading Teaching the language system Receptive skills 26^th April gr.A 23^rd April gr.C 30^th April gr.D Teaching speaking Teaching writing Productive skills 10^th May gr.A 7^th May gr.C 21^st May gr.D Oral examining – see the topics in the IS Resits of the testing 3 Short oral examining based on all the topics belonging to this term. See the IS.