Credit requirements - AJ1RC_DI1B 1 Your active participation in lessons is expected. 2 Test based on HALLIWELL, S.: Teaching English in the Primary Classroom, Longman 2005, 3 Portfolio completed and brought on the day of the test. 4. Oral examining based on all the topics belonging to the term. 5. Lesson plan. 6. 10-15 minute presentation of one untraditional teaching aid (crosswords are not allowed). The teaching material presented will be incorporated into a sample lesson plan (see above). Your teaching aids will illustrate the following topics. Choose one, please. Topics: 1. Family and Friends 2. Our Classroom 3. Animals 4. Pets 5. Toys and Games 6. The Body 7. Clothes 8. Food 9. Numbers 10. What time is it? 11. My Room 12. Fairy Tales 13. Days of the Week 14. Months of the Year 15. My School 16. My Hobbies 17. My Day 18. Colours 19. Alphabet 20. Weather 21. Shapes (triangle, square …) 22. Holidays (summer, winter) 23. Christmas 24. Halloween 25. St.Valentine 26. Easter 27. Mother’s Day 28. Thanksgiving 29. Another topic Topics for orals at the end: 1. Teaching pronunciation 2. Teaching grammar 3. Teaching vocabulary 4. Planning your work 5. Class management and atmosphere 6. Different methods for different pupils 7. Supplementary materials 8. Topic-based lessons 9. Activity-based lessons 10. Story-based lessons 11. CLIL