TEXT (explanation) Name: UČO: Subjects of study: Key words (approx. 10). key word (http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/key%20word) Function: noun : a word that is a key: as a: a word exemplifying the meaning or value of a letter or symbol b: usually key·word Listen to the pronunciation of keyword \-ˌwərd\ : a significant word from a title or document used especially as an index to content Write a short summary of the text (10 – 15 lines). Don’t rewrite the exact sentences, try to use your own language. A summary is a shortened version of someone else's writing or thoughts. Summaries vary in length and amount of details depending on a teacher's requirements, the length of the original source (article, book, passage) and the purpose of the summary; however, all summaries must: · be shorter than the original source (article, book, passage) approximately one third the length of the original source; · include the main idea of the original source in your own words; · include major details (also known as supporting ideas) in your own words; · should not include your knowledge, ideas or opinion unless your teacher requests it. · identify the author, title of article, title of publication, where published, publisher, year of publication, and page information, at the top of the page of your summary (or in-text.) Taken from: http://depts.gallaudet.edu/englishworks/writing/main/summary.htm Look through the interesting website below and you can find and try more. http://www.wisc-online.com/objects/index_tj.asp?objid=TRG2603 Express your opinion (10 lines):