Home preparation2 1.Which of the following school activities are done by teacher / students / both? teach learn read aloud count discuss make a mistake correct a mistake catch sb. cheating take attendance be in detention collect homework be late for school answer/reply examine orally ask a question put up one’s hand give/set homework copy from one’s neighbour cut/skip classes / play truant (GB)/ play hooky (US) answer a question give feedback on memorise concentrate on sth. Teacher Both Students 2. Match the following words on the left with their Czech equivalents on the right: assessment předmět mark /grade (US) téma class/ form (GB) /grade vysvědčení timetable/ schedule hodnocení subject známka (ve škole) instruction ročník school report výuka topic rozvrh hodin subject povinný compulsory vědomosti/znalosti optional schopnost/dovednost break nadání lesson předmět aptitude přestávka knowledge vyučovací hodina ability volitelný/nepovinný 3. Read this article and get ready to discuss the following questions in class. Questions for discussion: 1. Do you think it is a good system of accepting students to universities? 2. Get ready to explain the system of „Maturita“ exam and the process of entry to universities in the Czech Republic? 3. Should universities be tuition-free or should students pay a tuition fee? 4. What’s your opinion on private schools/universities? Do their educational standards tend to be higher?