Table 1.1 Feature* of the Four Sample Mixed Methods Studirs fttlure irn..-», 12001? Kogerj, 0»y, Rjnd*", and JJenuff Vf.iOJJ AMrldgr, frwr. and Wuang (1999J Myerf and Ot/Ff < 2tXH) IlP|j.l Adolescent mnunce id drug nhVinp Management o( antrpiycrvorif medvCJtion Clauvoom learning environment The auirnilatipn of new employe*) Into organ i rational wiring* Primary uudy purpow To examine perception! of dtug rruuance diHicukiM by drug, typ» and level ol druy w Toeipkyr paiirnt experience* during the e»pefiment*l Ill'.i" Tii-I'K To identify and explain i iiiv-'i-i/n difference) To create and validate an trmnjnieni tor measuring organ national ion Quantität»* ilala coUetTion • Structured qumtionniiie • Outcome ijirrinmvctrtujn puttinlervention. 1-yw follow up) • Mcaturr mcludrnf multiple )utncalet • Que»ttonnaif» including multiple vutacaln [jüjlltJlllC diu collection • SemttWurtuml • For.ut group interview» • Oneon-one IfmnlriMluri-d kiIbvkwj • Clatvoom observation) ■ Student interview) • Teacher interview) • One-on-one vemirtri* cured interview! • Field note) (Jci.inllljrrvV • Cljmlfy by group • Outcome wore* • Croup nmparitorti • Scale reliability • Confirmatory 1.h■ rnr jralysn • Croup compamoni • Scale reliabifrty • Contirmarory (actor analyvt • Correlational tests djU irxjlyVt • Content a/uiytä • rVtcenlage* kit each category « Thematic artalvsi* ■ Narrative ttory development ■ Thematic inalyiu • Coding • Thematic development • Comparison of (heme* to theory RcdW>n to* collecting both type* ol data Need both quantitative and qualitative dau to understand ihe problem N«d quJlrtJtivp information as part erf in e»penmenul (rial Need qualitative dau to explain quantitative finding) Need quantitative data to meawjre qualitative finding) ►■low the two type* of rUrj ww mixed The two Typ« o* dala were mer{|ed The qualitative data were embedded ttiirun an raperrmpnf The qualrtatrve data were connected to the quantitative rmult* The quantitative data were connected to the qualitative letult) iNotarnKi QtMN + QUAl QlJA.N|oujl] QUAN -»Qual quail -* QUAN Vivu,»l du«rjni figure 3.3 figure 3 a Figure 3.5 Figure ].6