Examples of test tasks: The real test will consist of 10 tasks. 70% must be correct to pass. It means 7 tasks should be answered with no mistake. Which speaking activity is being described? Which word is missing? (All gaps have the same activity out of the following: information gaps, surveys, discussion, role-play.) There are many .….. possibilities, the first thing to remember is that people need time to assemble their thoughts before any …… The important thing is that students need to be engaged with the topic. They then might do some study and move quickly to activate stages / which include, the …… itself. The …… can be changed into a proper debate and a vote at tend. Almost certainly there will be feedback after the …… is over. Think of the reasons why listening should be taught. Which out of the following ones are correct? 1 It presents to students different varieties and accents of English. 2 It provides opportunities to study language: vocabulary, grammar, the way we construct sentences and paragraphs. 3 It helps students to acquire language subconsciously even if teachers do not draw attention to its special features. 4 It allows students to rehearse real-life events. Give the abreviation for Boomerang sequence in the ELT Solution: Which speaking activity is being described? Which word is missing? (All gaps have the same activity out of the following: information gaps, surveys, discussion, role-play.) There are many .….. possibilities, the first thing to remember is that people need time to assemble their thoughts before any …… The important thing is that students need to be engaged with the topic. They then might do some study and move quickly to activate stages / which include, the …… itself. The …… can be changed into a proper debate and a vote at tend. Almost certainly there will be feedback after the …… is over. Discussion Think of the reasons why listening should be taught. Which out of the following ones are correct? 1 It presents to students different varieties and accents of English. 2 It provides opportunities to study language: vocabulary, grammar, the way we construct sentences and paragraphs. 3 It helps students to acquire language subconsciously even if teachers do not draw attention to its special features. 4 It allows students to rehearse real-life events. 1 3 Give the abreviation for Boomerang sequence in the ELT EAS(A)