British Educational System Rousková, Barančicová, Prchlík Video Summary l l l Facts to remember lpublic schools = private independent schools (usually boarding schools), primarily for children between 13 –18 l lstate schools (or state-funded) = public schools (no fees), for children from 3 -18 l lCompulsory education: 5 – 16 l lNational Curriculum (1988) followed by state schools, for primary and secondary education l l Quick Summary lStages: lEarly years (3-5) – nursery lPrimary (5 – 11) lSecondary (11 – 16) lFurther education (vocational qualifications for academically less minded students) lHigher education (universities, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees) Common Entrance Examination lAt the age of 11 or 13 lTo enter some secondary schools (mainly public schools) lSet by Independent Schools Examination Board lCompulsory subjects: Math, English, Science GCSE (General Cefiticate of Secondary Education) l lAt the age of 16 to finish the secondary education lEnglish, match, science and usually also other subjects e.g. English literature, modern language or a design and technology subject lTo be followed by either work or further education or higher education lSome universities take results of GCSE’s into account as well General Certificate of General Education Advanced Level (A-levels) l lAt the age of 18 lAfter two more years of study (3-4 subjects) lStandard for assessing the suitability of applicants for admission to universities (universities usually require students to achieve certain marks, e.g. A-A-B, some of them specify required grades achieved in certain subjects; some universities use the system of converting grades into numerical scores) l